The Plot
One Smell of a Night follows the events of a lovely dinner between three close friends, Janine, Roger, and Eli, and a fourth new companion, a man named Futurenose.
That’s right, Futurenose. His nose may look normal, but it can feel and smell things that haven’t happened yet! Many antics and wacky situations will arise from Futurenose in One Smell of a Night
What We Need & What You Get
The funds we receive will be used for items such as:
Food - Not just to feed our wonderful crew, but also to be used as props for our cast and extras. It is a restaurant, after all!
Transportation - Gas money? In this economy?
Insurance - Like a good neighbor, Indiegogo supporters are there! It's better to be safe than sorry.
Plus, if we can fundraise more than our goal, than we can use those funds to pay for things like:
Actors - They work hard, and we'd love to pay them!
Film Festival Fees - The best way for a film like this to get exposure is to show it in festivals!
More Insurance - The more the merrier.
Besides the warm feeling inside of helping one kid's dream become a reality, you can also get cool perks such as buttons, posters, props, an audiobook of the script, and even your name in the credits!
But if you can't help fund us but want to, that's okay! Share this page with your friends and family! Spread the word! If the people you share it with all donate, you could actually be the cause of more funding than any individual!
The Goal
The goal of the project is simple, to entertain. It's a lighthearted comedy that we want people to enjoy watching. So, if this is a story that you or someone you know would like to see on screen, then consider supporting our passion!
Risks & Challenges
All film sets hit a bump or two, and no amount of money can change that. Regardless of the size of the budget or the size of the bump, the crew is committed to the project and will overcome all challenges.
Now let's make a movie!