
Operation Bodacious Bestseller

Operation Bodacious Bestseller

Operation Bodacious Bestseller

Operation Bodacious Bestseller

Operation Bodacious Bestseller

Join us to promote and publish a 9-episode epic novel about American teens in the 1980s.

Join us to promote and publish a 9-episode epic novel about American teens in the 1980s.

Join us to promote and publish a 9-episode epic novel about American teens in the 1980s.

Join us to promote and publish a 9-episode epic novel about American teens in the 1980s.

Chris Orcutt
Chris Orcutt
Chris Orcutt
Chris Orcutt
1 Campaign |
Pleasant Valley, United States
$12,810 USD 14 backers
25% of $50,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
50 days left

The Briefing

  • Are you longing to escape the chaos, divisiveness, and digital overload of our modern world and go back to a simpler time? How about returning to the MTV-powered decade that defined cool? To a time when Pac Man fever swept the nation; leg warmers, Members Only jackets, and Wayfarers were the height of fashion; and the big hair just kept getting bigger?
  • This is your chance to book a first-class seat on a literary time machine back to the 1980s. Bodaciously True & Totally Awesome, an epic novel in 9 parts about a group of suburban teens, is a sweeping and so choice coming-of-age story that captures the essence of teenage life. (It's a novel about teens, written for adults; it's not YA literature.)
  • Through these 9 books (or episodes), you can leave behind the modern world of AI, algorithms and the internet, and step into a quaint yet fresh world of mixtapes, handwritten notes, rotary dial payphones, VCRs, videogame arcades, floppy disks, and Trapper Keepers. You’ll experience the heart-swelling joys and struggles of teens during a decade formative for a generation. This 9-episode novel is not just a nostalgic trip down memory lane; it's a bangin’, bad to the bone immersive experience that will transport you to a bygone time.
  • Chris Orcutt, a critically acclaimed novelist with over 30 years’ experience and a dozen books to his credit, has spent a decade lovingly handcrafting this 9-episode epic novel. It’s 100% human-made, meticulously researched, and painstakingly written—with early drafts composed on typewriters. (For details on the 10-year history of this project, and insights about his process, visit Orcutt’s blog.)
  • By backing this righteous project, you’ll become an integral part of sharing these books with the world and introducing a new generation to the magic of the ’80s. To accomplish this, we’re looking to raise $50,000. Your generous contribution will enable us to bring this 9-episode novel to the world through robust marketing, advertising, publicity, and promotion, employing a variety of modern channels and platforms including podcasts, social media influencers, radio stations (there’s a mondo ’80s music tie-in), book clubs, TV, and targeted advertisements on GoodReads, Amazon, YouTube, and book trade publications.
  • Regardless of whether we raise the full amount of our goal, all contributions will finance the promotion work mentioned above and offset the costs of publication of this mega novel. Your generous backing will ensure that the books receive the visibility and attention they deserve, and will help turn Bodaciously True & Totally Awesome into a runaway bestselling sensation.
  • While we are grateful for any amount of support, by backing the project at the highest levels, you’ll not only ensure that this one-of-a-kind immersive literary experience prospers big time, but you’ll also secure your place as a true patron of the arts. See the Perks packages for details.
  • Finally, all 9 books will be published between January 2026 and November 2027—about one book every twelve weeks. This means that, unlike with series including Bridgerton, Harry Potter, or Game of Thrones, you and other readers won't have to wait years for the next installment!
  • So, get amped, get stoked! This is your chance to be a driving force behind the creation of a wholly new genre in literature: the teen epic. Join us and let’s make history together.

The Story

THERE WAS A TIME…before smart phones and the internet, before social media, “smart” TVs, apps, GPS tracking, cyber-bullying, AI, or e-anything. It was a time when music was played on cassette tapes or vinyl records; CDs (compact discs) were a brand-new innovation; and phone calls were made on push-button or rotary-dial telephones. It was a time in America when most households didn’t have a computer, when gasoline was under a dollar per gallon, and MTV was king. The time I’m speaking of is the mid-1980s—indisputably the greatest period for young people in U.S. history.

I’m novelist Chris Orcutt, and I grew up during this period. I’ve been writing fiction for over 30 years and have had some modest successes with my earlier critically acclaimed works including the Dakota Stevens Mystery Series (A Real Piece of Work reached #1 on Amazon), One Hundred Miles from Manhattan, and Perpetuating Trouble. There are many rave reviews of my work online, so I won’t bore you with them here.

Over the past decade, I have crafted a 9-episode novel about a group that has rarely been given serious consideration in literature—teenagers. While there have been many novels about teens and “teen angst,” some of them considered classics, of the two dozen or so that I’ve read, none of them have had an especially broad scope, and none of them have conveyed the teen experience in as much detail as I do.

Like other groundbreaking novels, my “teen epic” transcends existing labels. Set against the vibrant backdrop of the Reagan era, it’s a coming-of-age story, a love story, historical fiction and an odyssey, offering readers a truly immersive experience: immersion in the music, culture, fashion, lingo, customs, and everyday details of teenage life in the ’80s.

Truly, what I’m offering readers is a time machine back to this magical era—possibly the greatest time ever to be a teenager in America. If you were a teenager (or young) in the ’80s, these books will take you back to your youth. If you were a parent in the ’80s, these books will give you insight into what your kids might have been doing back then. And if you weren’t alive in the ’80s (you’re a young person now), these books will help you understand why your parents can be so overbearing. (Hint: they’re probably overcompensating for the lack of parenting they received.)

Bodaciously True & Totally Awesome: The Legendary Adventures of Avery “Ace” Craig tells the story of Avery and his high school friends against the backdrop of seminal events including the return of Halley’s Comet, the Challenger disaster, the Chernobyl meltdown, the Reykjavik conference, the “Garbage Barge” fiasco, and President Reagan’s Berlin Wall speech.

Over the course of two years, Avery goes on adventures across the United States and to Europe; crosses paths with ’80s celebrities and political leaders; navigates the perilous, tempestuous seas of sex and romance; learns the nature of true love; endures death, loss, and hardship; and transforms from a teenage boy into a young man.


The Team

Chris Orcutt, novelist. Author of a dozen books, including the critically acclaimed Dakota Stevens Mystery Series. An auteur in the tradition of filmmakers Quentin Tarantino and Woody Allen, Orcutt performs or oversees every part of the novel-writing process, including writing, editing, proofreading, cover design, book design and layout, promotion, and advertising. For more about Chris, see his website.

Alexas Orcutt, business manager. An expert in project management, fundraising, organization, and Microsoft Excel. She is also the author’s indescribably brilliant, beautiful and encouraging Muse.

Dashiell “Dash” Hammett, Maltese-mix pup, handsome sweet boy, watchdog, and guard against the “black dog” of depression that, prior to his arrival, would often devour Chris. Dash has provided the author with many hours of joy and stress relief, enabling him to finish this epic-length work. 


The Goods: What We Need & What You Get

After 30 years of writing and publishing, I’ve learned that it’s critical to promote a new book before publishing it. And this is where we need your help.

With your generous backing, we will be able to promote, advertise, and publish on the same epic scale as the 9-episode novel itself. We will be able to promote the books through podcasts, social media influencers, radio stations (there’s a huge ’80s music tie-in), book clubs, and TV, and we’ll be able to advertise on GoodReads, Amazon, book sites, YouTube, and other platforms.

Here's the deal. All 9 books are already written, all 9 book covers are already designed, and over the next year, the books will be polished, proofed, and typeset. The point is, I’m not asking you to back a pipe dream here. With or without your backing, I will be publishing this 9-episode novel; the question is whether or not we can make it a bestselling sensation.

I’ve worked on this mondo novel for ten years, investing (conservatively) 30,000 hours in it. Episode I: Bad Boy (see book cover image) will be published in January 2026, with each subsequent episode (or book) following about every 12 weeks.

Knight Rider-level backers will receive, as a gift, a Kindle copy of Episode I: Bad Boy when it’s published in January 2026.

Magnum, P.I.-level backers will receive, as gifts, Kindle copies of Episodes I-III (Bad BoyTrue Blue, and Danger Zone) when each one is published, as well as acknowledgement online.

MacGyver-level backers will receive, upon publication, their choice of a hardcover or Kindle copy of each new episode of BTTA; mention in the Episode I Acknowledgements; and periodic video updates from the author. *AND*...If you provide backing at the MacGyver level before April 4, 2025, and if you choose hardcover books, the books will be signed by the author before being shipped to you!* (So choice.)

A-Team-level backers will receive, upon publication, a hardcover copy (signed by the author) and a Kindle ebook of each episode when it is published; periodic video updates from the author; a special mention in the Episode I  and Episode IX Acknowledgements, and on the copyright page of all episodes; 3 appearances by the author via Zoom with your book club; and a special gift.

No matter what, we are grateful for your backing at any dollar amount; every contribution is valued and will be a part of making Bodaciously True & Totally Awesome a bestselling sensation.

Finally, I’ll be giving you and the Indiegogo community occasional updates. 


The Impact

I’m confident that I have written the next great American novel, a 9-episode epic novel that tells the story of my generation’s experience (“Gen X”)—a generation whose childhood and teen experience has been scandalously absent from American literature. For these reasons, I want this series to reach as many people as possible.

I’ve put ten years of my life (and a third of my working life) into this novel, sacrificing steady income, vacations, comfort, health, sleep, friendships, relationships, free time, and much more—all willingly, so I could create a work of literature that, for decades to come, will entertain, enlighten and delight readers, not to mention capture for posterity the zeitgeist of American teen life in the ’80s.

I’m asking you to back an “unputdownable,” meticulously researched, lovingly crafted (over 10 years), cinematically written (it’s like watching a movie), and unique work that will give you and other readers months and months of reading (and rereading) enjoyment.

Following are the titles of the 9 episodes of BTTA. If you grew up in the '80s (or you're a young '80s aficionado now), you'll notice that each one is named after a song that was popular between 1986 and 1987:

  • Episode I: Bad Boy
  • Episode II: True Blue
  • Episode III: Danger Zone
  • Episode IV: Secret Lovers
  • Episode V: Yankee Rose
  • Episode VI: Invisible Touch
  • Episode VII: Modern Woman
  • Episode VIII: True Colors
  • Episode IX: Big Time

So, will you join me on this adventure? Will you help make a writer’s magnum opus a national, and possibly international, sensation?

Imagine this: when BTTA debuts on Netflix, Amazon, HBO, or Hulu and the title comes on the screen, you’ll have bragging rights to say, “I had a part in that. I backed that baby. I helped bodacious, totally awesome, and so choice novelist Chris Orcutt make that happen.”


The Timeline (Detail)

November 2024 – May 2025: Proofreading and final polish of all 9 books. Assembling backer names for Acknowledgements page. Production of all 9 book covers for series.

May 2025 – August 2025: Interior design, layout, typesetting, proofing, and creation of print-ready PDFs for Episodes I-IV. Hiring of a publicity firm. Creation of press releases and content for advance publicity. ARCs (Advance Reading Copies) of Episode I: Bad Boy sent to reviewers.

September 2025 – November 2025: Advance publicity on podcasts, blogs, and in print. Advertising in Books in Print and other publications aimed towards libraries and booksellers. Pre-sales for Episode I begin.

December 2025: Ramped-up promotion on podcasts, classic radio stations, and print media. ARCs of Episodes II and III sent to reviewers.

January 2026: Episode I: Bad Boy is published. All backers receive copies of the first episode and other Episode I items included in their Perks packages. Big promotion pushes on podcasts, radio, and print media; advertising online, YouTube and trade publications. Social media influencers paid to pitch the book to their millions of followers.

April 2026 – November 2027: Interior design, layout, typesetting, proofing, and creation of print-ready PDFs for Episodes V-IX. Episodes II through IX are released, about one every 12 weeks. "Magnum, P.I."-level backers receive Kindle copies of Episodes II and III. "MacGyver"- and "A-Team"-level backers receive copies of Episodes II-IX and other perks. Continued promotion and advertising. Podcast, radio and social media influencer promotion and advertising. Orcutt speaks to book clubs, radio shows, TV talk shows, and other venues.


The Budget (Estimated) for OBB

Publicity firm for ten months. $15,000. This will be during the initial book launch, starting in November 2025 through the 2026 summer reading season. We hired a publicity firm in 2016 for the release of A Truth Stranger Than Fiction, and got some press and a lot of radio airtime for the novel. Given BTTA’s tight connection to the music of the ’80s, this time around we plan on targeting a lot of drive-time rock and pop radio stations, as well as podcasts about the ’80s.

Advertising (Print & Online). $20,000. Publisher’s Weekly, Kirkus Reviews, Books in Print, Goodreads, Amazon, Facebook, social media influencers.

Design and Branding of Marketing Materials (including 9 book covers): $5,000.

Advance Reading Copies (ARCs) and Paid Professional Reviews. $5,000.

Travel and Book Tour costs. $5,000. While I’ll be doing the mainstay of book promotion virtually (using Zoom and social media tools), I would like to strategically attend select book conventions and conferences around the U.S., and do readings from the series at select schools, colleges and bookstores. Also, because the series takes place in the 1980s, I want to do a certain amount of this work “old-school,” with in-person events like book signings.


The Risks & Challenges

I have written an exceptional and unique novel series that I believe readers are going to love. The critical inch here is getting the book in front of readers, and to do that, I need to break through the white noise and get readers’ attention. The main risk here is the possibility that I might not gain access to the promotional venues necessary to put my book in front of readers.

To mitigate this risk, I plan on using a publicist with experience in promoting bestsellers, and, more importantly, a publicist with a lot of media contacts. I also plan on hiring social media influencers from Generation X to promote my book to their millions of followers.

By appearing on book podcasts and classic rock radio stations, and by employing targeted ads on YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, GoodReads, and other platforms frequented by members of Gen X, I believe I will not only reach the core demographic of middle-aged women readers but will also reach an untapped market: middle-aged men who don’t read very much. With the exception of select thrillers or mystery and detective fiction, most novels don’t resonate with them. However, because BTTA’s protagonist, Avery “Ace” Craig is a 16-year-old young man, and because this is the story of his coming-of-age, which includes love, adventure, high school life, sports, music, movies, and sex, I believe this series is well positioned to appeal to this untapped audience.

The other challenges for this project—an allegedly declining readership base, competition for would-be readers’ attention by glitzier entertainment offerings, and a constantly shifting media and social media landscape—are ones I’ve had to navigate and surmount my entire life as a writer: as a novelist, journalist, scriptwriter, speechwriter and technical writer. The point is, none of this is news to me.

With BTTA, however, I believe I’m specially equipped to overcome these challenges. First of all, the series is utterly unique in the annals of American literature; it’s the first “teen epic,” and as the naissance of a new genre, it will get readers’ attention. Second, during the ten years that I’ve been writing this series, I’ve seen a marked increase in ’80s nostalgia (a trend that I foresaw, by the way; I’m well ahead of the mondo wave that’s coming, and I’m totally going to shred that sucker), so I believe there is a longing among Americans—particularly members of “The Totally Awesome Generation,” “The Free Range Generation,” or “The Trickle-Down Generation” (my alternatives to the lame “Gen X”)—to return to those simpler times.

Finally, there’s my persistence and stamina, which is nonpareil. Besides being a bit crazy, anyone who works on a single project for a decade is comfortable with delayed gratification; I don’t expect instant, overnight results; I realize it will probably take the full two years of publication before the series catches on.

But I don’t mind any of this. Because BTTA is my magnum opus, I’m willing to do anything and everything to ensure its success.


The Home Front: Ways You Can Support Operation Bodacious Bestseller

1. Get the word out to others, make some noise about this campaign! If you love books and/or the ’80s, share this campaign with fellow book lovers using the Indiegogo share tools. If this series about the ’80s isn’t for you, please tell somebody who might be interested.

2. Buy the books, read the books, love and review the books. If you don't have the disposable income to be a backer right now, you can still make a valuable contribution to the cause by buying each episode when it's published, giving it a favorable review online, bringing it to the attention of your library, book club and circle of friends, and doing it again and again for each episode. 

3. If you’re a graphic designer, proofreader, social media influencer, printer, publicist, book marketer, podcaster, etc., you could donate your time and expertise to the cause.

4. Volunteer to be a part of the BTTA Street Team—a group of enthusiastic book lovers who spread the word about the series on social media. #BTTA #bodacious #Ace #totallyawesome

5. Organize and host a BTTA promotional event on Zoom or in your community (sometime in 2026, after the series has debuted).

If one of these avenues appeals to you, and you know you can give your time to the project, let us know. Any support you can lend to this cause will make a difference. Thank you so much for your time, attention and interest.

Bodaciously Yours,

Chris Orcutt

P.S.: An Easter Egg: If you back this operation to the tune of $50,000, you will receive all of the perks in the other packages, and I will mention you in the acknowledgements and write into the final episode (Episode IX: Big Time) a character with your name and characteristics of your choosing. ;)

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Choose your Perk

Knight Rider Backer

Knight Rider Backer

$100 USD $200 USD (50% off)
Estimated Shipping
January 2026
7 claimed
Magnum P.I. Backer

Magnum P.I. Backer

$500 USD $1,000 USD (50% off)
Estimated Shipping
January 2026
0 claimed
MacGyver Backer

MacGyver Backer

$1,000 USD $2,000 USD (50% off)
Estimated Shipping
January 2026
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.
A-Team Backer

A-Team Backer

$5,000 USD $10,000 USD (50% off)
Estimated Shipping
January 2026
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.
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