I am Camila Restrepo
from Medellín, Colombia. I am an artist in development. I dance, I sing, I perform and I create through Illustration.
Always been an Arts lover, but for the first time in 3 years I decided to take my drawings into a new place: Instagram. Not only for posting and sharing what I do, but to be an artistic influence to other people.
In my work I use anything as inspiration; Could be the sun, or the nature, people or fantasies, spiritualism and science.
Come and be part of this creative process I am just starting and expand with me!
The fundings for my campaign will be destinated to create a full brand which includes: printables,clothing,materials,Digital exposition,creative projects and all of this with one specific purpouse: TAKING MY ART TO EUROPE!
which takes us to the second phase: Once I take my art to Europe, what would I do? Keep expanding with the simultaneous process of looking for galleries and sponsors. for that moment I must have minimum 3 Big expositions, including all the process of printing, stamping, framing and shipping, plus the fees and production.
There is so many people looking for investors to fund their campaigns, and mine cannot be an extraodinary one in this page. but it's my personal project. Is my north and my daily motivation.It's my seed to this world and my internal motor. I won't ever stop drawing, and dreaming about this beautiful process that is becoming an artist in development.
I can't promise you any extraordinary in exchange for your support. but be sure, I will never forget the impact you had in my carreer as an artist, and don't get too surprised if in the next few years a big canvas with my art is sent to you as a pure gest of grattitude.