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ORIGIBOT2 Telepresence Robot Platform with Gripper

ORIGIBOT2 Advanced 3D Printed Carbon Fiber Telepresence Robot Platform with Arm and Gripper

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ORIGIBOT2 Telepresence Robot Platform with Gripper

ORIGIBOT2 Telepresence Robot Platform with Gripper

ORIGIBOT2 Telepresence Robot Platform with Gripper

ORIGIBOT2 Telepresence Robot Platform with Gripper

ORIGIBOT2 Telepresence Robot Platform with Gripper

ORIGIBOT2 Advanced 3D Printed Carbon Fiber Telepresence Robot Platform with Arm and Gripper

ORIGIBOT2 Advanced 3D Printed Carbon Fiber Telepresence Robot Platform with Arm and Gripper

ORIGIBOT2 Advanced 3D Printed Carbon Fiber Telepresence Robot Platform with Arm and Gripper

ORIGIBOT2 Advanced 3D Printed Carbon Fiber Telepresence Robot Platform with Arm and Gripper

Origin Robotics, Inc.
Origin Robotics, Inc.
Origin Robotics, Inc.
Origin Robotics, Inc.
3 Campaigns |
Miami, United States
$11,986 USD 19 backers
66% of $18,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal
The project team has a working demo, not the final product. Their ability to begin production may be affected by product development or financial challenges.
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Concept Prototype Production Shipping
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects
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Arrow Certified Technology
Arrow has reviewed this campaign's electronic and/or software design and verified that it is feasible for manufacturing. Learn More
ORIGIBOT2 is our advanced robotic platform (with arm & gripper) that pairs with the included Android tablet and our free app to become a full telepresence solution. It has been updated with a new sleek design incorporating a carbon fiber structure making it light and super strong. You connect remotely from anywhere in the world on most any device with an Internet connection (Android, iOS, Windows, Mac). Since it is powered by Arduino, you can hack it to make it do almost anything.

Available for Pre-Order directly from us:




Here's what the media said about our original ORIGIBOT:

"A Telepresence Robot with a Gripping Arm? ORIGIBOT Is a Dream Come True"

"We may not have robots roaming the streets quite yet, but if the Origibot has anything to do with it, that will soon become a reality"

"the Origibot, a telepresence device that is not only functional, it’s affordable too."

What is ORIGIBOT2?

ORIGIBOT2 is our next generation robotic platform and complete telepresence solution.  It has been updated with a sleek and functional carbon fiber frame, an additional wrist tilt action, improved motors and stronger servos.  You connect remotely to ORIGIBOT2 from anywhere in the world on most any device with an Internet connection (Android, iOS, Windows, Mac). 

Not only do you have two-way audio and video, but also full control of the robotic platform, arm, and gripper.  How awesome is that?  A full 7 degrees of freedom (including the robot base) to interact with the remote environment!

Here is a comparison of OrigiBot and the only other Telepresence Robot that comes with a gripper:

By leveraging 3D Printing Technology and using off-the-shelf hardware, including an Arduino controller and Android tablet, we were able to create something awesome and upgrade-able at a great price.  This opens the door to unlimited applications and future enhancements from users and the community.

The included charge dock will keep your Origibot charged and ready to go at all times!

Featured in:


ORIGIBOT2 is made made of super-light and strong carbon fiber + 3D Printed parts and standard components.  Its minimalist design is all about functionality and strength.  The body and arms are just the right length to be unobtrusive while navigating, yet can reach objects from the ground, all the way up to about 135cm (53") - above most counters, door knobs, and tables.

Plastic parts were carefully designed for 3D Printing, easy updates, and modifications.

ORIGIBOT2's gripper opens to 7.6 cm (or 8.9 cm at the recess) to accommodate cans, bottles, and cups.

High torque motors and wheels are mounted at the optimum location to provide great stability even when carrying payloads.


Simple controls via our secure app make controlling ORIGIBOT2 child's play.  Simply login from any device running Firefox or Chrome browser (supporting WebRTC) and access your ORIGIBOT2.  The intuitive joystick control makes maneuvering ORIGIBOT2 as easy as playing an arcade game: control the base forward, backward, turn left, turn right, and stop.  Sliders control movements for the Neck, Arm, Wrist and Gripper.  Tilt the neck forward and backward to get a better view of the environment.  Lift the arm up and down, then tilt and turn the wrist to get just the right position.  Open and close the gripper to grasp or release.

Fully hackable...

ORIGIBOT2 was built from the ground up using off-the-shelf components including standard and high-torque servos, standard carbon fiber tube framing, and an Arduino for control.  All custom components are 3D Printed. Its Arduino sketch will be made available so you can add custom commands and tweak parameters yourself.  The ORIGIBOT forum is a community where fellow enthusiasts can share and collaborate on ideas and enhancements.

What can ORIGIBOT2 do?

  • Unlock a deadbolt
  • Open a door
  • Get water from the fridge
  • Fill your pet's bowl
  • Bring Grandma her meds
  • Water your plants
  • Retrieve the remote
  • Patrol your home/office
  • Join in on events while away
  • Turn on/off lights and appliances
  • ???

*Please note that this is an experimental robot and cannot be relied upon to provide care to any people or pets!


Included NiMh batteries provide about 8 hours of standby time with moderate use.  The included charger will safely recharge the batteries in under 4 hours.  Batteries do not suffer from "memory" and will recharge over 1000 cycles.


We went through countless iterations of robots - constantly tweaking the proportions to maximize stability, range of motion, and ease of maneuverability.  We then hired an industrial designer to add finesse and manufacture-ability to our purely functional design. Here is some of our concept art:

Our final design stands at 90cm (35") H with a base of just 28cm W x 38cm L (11" x 15").  This allows it to easily traverse even the most confined of spaces.  An incredible reach of 135cm (53") lets you easily reach over standard kitchen counters and tables.  It is very stable even at full extension and payload.  This is due to a very low center of gravity and its mass centered near the rear of the robot.

We custom designed our own gripper with just the right balance of cost/size/function.  Our gripper opens wide enough to grab a cup or can of soda and has a unique curved shape to get a good grip on whatever you're carrying.

While we made sure to source only standard components wherever possible, custom parts were designed for 3D printing.  We printed hundreds of parts while constantly testing & tweaking until we got it right.

We ended up with a robust robotic platform made entirely of strong & Light Carbon Fiber tubing and 3D printed parts.

Our Arduino firmware will be available for download so you can modify it as you wish.

Here is a video showing the remote control web app during a live remote session:

Why Indiegogo?

Over the past few years, we have made many prototypes and launch 2 successful campaigns... Now we have a much improved design that has been tweaked and tested.  We need your help to bring ORIGIBOT2 to market by bringing manufacturing costs down.  Larger quantity buys and streamlined assembly processes are only possible at the larger volumes made possible by your support!

Can't/don't want to contribute but still think the ORIGIBOT2 is awesome?  Please help us by spreading the word to all your friends and family!

Who are you people anyway?

We are makers and doers... We are Engineers and Scientists who love technology, but not just for technology sake.  With backgrounds in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Software Development, and Product Design and Manufacturing, we are well positioned to make this project a success!

What We Need & What You Get

Our campaign goal is just high enough to unlock volume savings with quantities just large enough to make mass assembly feasible.  Every contribution counts and we appreciate every one!  We are offering some great perks for robot enthusiasts at EVERY level.

Production Plan

Risks & Challenges

We have minimized risk by building on our experience with ORIGIBOT and sourcing ONLY standard and 3D Printable parts. Further, we have developed several prototypes and have several fully functional, tested robots as you see in the video.  We also have working software and apps.  All we need is to ramp up our order quantities and tweak and refine our UI.

What the Press said about ORIGIBOT...

Origibot Indiegogo campaign offers a remote telepresence robot
"you'll be able to attach remotely to the ORIGIBOT from any place on the planet with an Internet connection thru a safe cloud carrier"

"We may not have robots roaming the streets quite yet, but if the Origibot has anything to do with it, that will soon become a reality"

A Telepresence Robot with a Gripping Arm? ORIGIBOT Is a Dream Come True
"Telepresence robots are awesome, but the experience can be frustrating at times. The reason? They lack arms...Not anymore."

Origibot is a WebRTC-enabled Telepresence Robot that Works with your Android device
"The Origibot is an affordable telepresence robot that pairs with your Android device to perform daily chores"

Origibot: the robot butler that can fetch you food from the fridge
"Robot butlers just shuffled a step closer to reality... Origibot has an arm with a gripper action, so it can pick up and bring you things..."

Is Telepresence The Way Forward? Check Out The Origibot!
"the Origibot, a telepresence device that is not only functional, it’s affordable too."

Origibot Transforms Your Android Tablet Into A Telepresence Robot
"Android tablet owners that are also looking for an affordable telepresence robot might be interested in Origibot, that has been designed be the world’s first affordable telepresence robot with an articulated arm and gripper option."

Origibot Indiegogo campaign offers a remote telepresence robot
"The kicker is you can connect remotely to the ORIGIBOT from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection through a secure cloud service"

ORIGIBOT: Our Very First Real-World Avatar Has Arrived
"moving around was pretty much the only thing you could do, other than talk with other people...Cue in the ORIGIBOT – an affordable telepresence robot which is attached with an arm and gripper!"

Michigan State Experimenting with Telepresence Robots
"The ORIGIBOT was recently launched on Indiegogo, as an Android-based telerobotic platform that also features a robotic arm and gripper, allowing for motion and control through a desktop or mobile device."

The worlds cheapest telepresence robot
"The Origibot is like using Skype, but you are able to move the robot around from the other device and use it’s included arm and gripper to manipulate physical objects... Sounds neat, right? Imagine all the possibilities..."

Awesome! Telepresence robot

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Choose your Perk

Super EarlyBird ORIGIBOT2

Super EarlyBird ORIGIBOT2

$599 USD $999 USD (40% off)
Super EarlyBird - ORIGIBOT2 Advanced Carbon Fiber Robot Platform with Arm and Gripper + Android Tablet for Control and Telepresence Function. Choose your color!
Included Items
  • ORIGIBOT2 Telepresence Robot
Estimated Shipping
March 2019
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Origin Robotics T-Shirt

Origin Robotics T-Shirt

$17 USD $25 USD (32% off)
Origin Robotics soft fitted T Shirt
Included Items
  • Origin Robotics T-Shirt
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
0 claimed
Ships to United States of America
Gripper with rotating wrist

Gripper with rotating wrist

$49 USD $75 USD (34% off)
Origibot2 3D Printed Gripper with 2 Degrees of Freedom: Wrist Rotation, Gripper Open/Close. Includes 2 Standard Servos with all metal bearings. Choose your color!
Included Items
  • Gripper with 2DOF
Estimated Shipping
February 2019
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Functional ORIGIBOT2 Prototype

Functional ORIGIBOT2 Prototype

$399 USD $999 USD (60% off)
Want to save big $$ and get your ORIGIBOT2 Advanced Carbon Fiber Robot early? Choose this perk and we'll send you one of our 4 original prototypes including an Android Tablet for Control and Telepresence Function. Request your preferred color: Blue, Black, White, Red (Color choice will be available on first-come first-serve basis)
Included Items
  • Funtional ORIGIBOT Prototype
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
0 out of 3 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
ORIGIBOT2 Basic (No Arm)

ORIGIBOT2 Basic (No Arm)

$399 USD $599 USD (33% off)
Super EarlyBird - ORIGIBOT2 Advanced Carbon Fiber Robot Platform with Arm and Gripper + Android Tablet for Control and Telepresence Function. Choose your color!
Included Items
Estimated Shipping
February 2019
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
EarlyBird ORIGIBOT2 w Tablet

EarlyBird ORIGIBOT2 w Tablet

$649 USD $999 USD (35% off)
EarlyBird - ORIGIBOT2 Advanced Carbon Fiber Robot Platform with Arm and Gripper + Android Tablet for Control and Telepresence Function. Choose your color!
Included Items
  • ORIGIBOT2 Telepresence Robot
Estimated Shipping
March 2019
0 out of 30 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
ORIGIBOT2 Robot w Tablet

ORIGIBOT2 Robot w Tablet

$749 USD $999 USD (25% off)
ORIGIBOT2 Advanced Carbon Fiber Robot Platform with Arm and Gripper + Android Tablet for Control and Telepresence Function. Choose your color!
Included Items
  • ORIGIBOT2 Telepresence Robot
Estimated Shipping
April 2019
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
ORIGIBOT2 3 Pack combined ship

ORIGIBOT2 3 Pack combined ship

$1,799 USD $2,999 USD (40% off)
Super EarlyBird 3 Pack of ORIGIBOT2 Advanced Carbon Fiber Robot Platform with Arm and Gripper + Android Tablet for Control and Telepresence Function. Assorted colors (Black, White, Red)
Included Items
  • ORIGIBOT2 Telepresence Robot (3)
Estimated Shipping
Original: February 2019
Current: March 2019
0 out of 3 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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