(Picture of Derrick and I at the Osun Sacred Grove through which a large portion of the Osun River flows through). We will post video soon!
Hi my name is Omi and I have been traveling, with my husband Derrick, helping preserve the world's sacred waterways for six years now. One of the most amazing river experiences I ever had was at the Osun River. When Derrick s and I stood in her lush Sacred Grove, experienced the powers of her healing waters, and the deep rich culture she had inspired we knew we wanted to give something back to this river and her people. This dream became more intensified when we discovered that the Osun river is becoming more polluted and is the main source of drinking water for thousands of locals. Then I had an actual dream of a sacred river being the body of a woman that had died but was still trying to nurture people with her waters. Well that was it, I felt I just had to do something for the Osun River.
Help Make a Difference
We take our rivers and clean water for granted but consider this:
- Approximately 1 billion people are affected by contaminated water annually
- 3.75 million people die from contaminated water annually
- This is more than aids, malaria, and measles combined
- Ten of the top sacred rivers are now endangered
- Endangered rivers threatened the livelihood of many
These statistics make it clear that water is life and we need to do all we can to protect its health.
The Osun River Green Pilgrimage route is an exciting project which uses an innovative approach to helping save the Osun River and protect the integrity of her water. We want to establish a green pilgrimage route which will follow the route of the Osun River. The route is naturally lined with key River Temples whose inhabitants are seen as the natural , care takers of the Osun River and her sacred river history. We want to help upgrade these River Temples one by one with latrines and clean running water, and to record the sacred history of the river's route. Doing so will help locals and tourist have even more access to the beauty of the Osun River, her cultural and ecological history. While being inspired to preserve her waters and that of other sacred rivers
Giving Nurtures Our Waters, the Source of Life
We need an initial $4300 to equip the first Osun Water Temple we have selected, the Osun Osogobo water temple, which is located in Osogbo, which marks the part of the river's course where it is said the River as Goddess gave the people permission to settle near her and promised them prosperity as long as they continue to honor her. The inhabitants of the Osun Osogbo Temple are the custodians of the river and her Sacred Osun Grove (a UNESCO World Heritage Site), they also hold the ancient Osun River Festival attended by up to 5000 visitors from all over the world who want to experience the healing power of the Osun River waters.
Conservation Interest
The Osun River has a deep spiritual and social culture attached to it that needs to be preserved along with its clean waters. The first water temple, along the green pilgrimage route we wish to establish, we will upgrade with latrines and running water will be the Osun Ogobo Temple. This temple are the natural custodians of the Osun Sacred Grove, the Osun River and her ancient festival. A large part of the Osun River runs through the Osun Sacred Grove (a World Heritage Site) situated in Osogbo where 2 million people rely on the Osun River. The Osun Sacred Grove has hundreds of sacred art pieces, ancient buildings and two age old palaces that exist on its lands. The World Heritage fund says the grove has a mature, reasonably undisturbed, forest canopy, which
supports a rich and diverse flora and fauna - including the endangered
white-throated monkey.
(Picture Derrick and I took of Osun River at the Osun Sacred Grove in 2007)
How You Can Help
We need your help to raise $4300 to help to help upgrade the first Osun Water Temple along the Green Pilgramage route we wish to help establish. This will get the Osun Water Temple: an improved well, water system
and two toilets. It will also help us to begin helping to document the route and its rich eco, cultural and spiritual river history. How do we get there? 4 people providing $1000 and 3 people $100 would do it or 43 people providing $100 would do it also!!! We also give thanks for Church of the Earth partnering with us to help make contributions to this campaign possible.Thank You so much.
If you would like to find out more about us you can go
to www.yeyeosun.com
Because we honor and value your support we want to give you gifts that
are from our heart and not from the store, so they will be hand crafted and
special. Thank you so much for working so hard with us the Sacred Osun River, her culture, sacred history, and abundant supply of water for all. May our children and children's children
have clean water forever.