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Owen Barrett...Ultimate Teen Warrior ..

Owen Barrett is an amazing 15 year old with a Heart of a Warrior. Owen's going for Leukemia Therapy Treatments in the US & he needs your help.


Owen Barrett...Ultimate Teen Warrior ..

Owen Barrett...Ultimate Teen Warrior ..

Owen Barrett...Ultimate Teen Warrior ..

Owen Barrett...Ultimate Teen Warrior ..

Owen Barrett...Ultimate Teen Warrior ..

Owen Barrett is an amazing 15 year old with a Heart of a Warrior. Owen's going for Leukemia Therapy Treatments in the US & he needs your help.

Owen Barrett is an amazing 15 year old with a Heart of a Warrior. Owen's going for Leukemia Therapy Treatments in the US & he needs your help.

Owen Barrett is an amazing 15 year old with a Heart of a Warrior. Owen's going for Leukemia Therapy Treatments in the US & he needs your help.

Owen Barrett is an amazing 15 year old with a Heart of a Warrior. Owen's going for Leukemia Therapy Treatments in the US & he needs your help.

Doug Pinton
Doug Pinton
Doug Pinton
Doug Pinton
1 Campaign |
Vancouver, Canada
$1,040 USD $1,040 USD 25 backers
25% of $4,148 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

This is Owen Barrett's Story

My Son Owen Barrett is headed into the HA22 trial to fight his 8th relapse with leukemia in 10 years. He has been fighting like the Warrior he is since he was 5 years old. Last year we did a bone marrow transplant that failed and he has gone through the full gauntlet of available chemo therapy treatments. The outcome is poor for patients who have high-risk ALL or relapse. This HA22 trial is an phase 1 experiment that is only taking place at the NIH in Maryland, USA. It is our last hope to get this disease under control.We are from Vancouver BC Canada. The hospital has agreed to pay for Owen and my plane tickets but cannot fund his brother to fly with us. We are not sure about accommodation yet or exactly how long we will be staying. The treatment runs 5 weeks but how well Owen tolerates the drugs is yet to be seen. I am a single father of modest means. Our rent and bills up here still have to be kept as well as food, transportation and any other occurred costs while we are away. Plus any additional time if there are complications with treatment. Owens attitude going into this experimental treatment is "even if I die maybe some other kid will get to live." A brave attitude for a 15 year old kid. Hes right. No matter what the outcome this is a worthy battle for all leukemia patients. Any help you could send our way to help Owen in this fight would be greatly appreciated. For him and everyone like him. Thank you very much.

The Impact

  • Your donation will go directly  to support the travel expenses over the next 5 weeks to three months.
  • Help save Owen's life !!! Your a life Saver

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Help Owen Out!!

Currency Conversion $7 USD
$10 CAD
Whether it's a dollar or more than a dollar. Help Owen conquer his Cancer!!! What ever your intentions are !!!! Your good vibes are greatly appreciated!
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
2 claimed

25 positive vibes

Currency Conversion $17 USD
$25 CAD
huge thanks for your donation!
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
6 claimed

50 positive vibes!

Currency Conversion $35 USD
$50 CAD
Your help to get Owen through his treatment goes farther than you can imagine!
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
1 claimed

100 healing vibes!

Currency Conversion $69 USD
$100 CAD
You have a warrior heart and Owen is on his healing path!
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
1 claimed

250 healing vibes!

Currency Conversion $173 USD
$250 CAD
Courage and compassion - thank you for stepping onto the path with Owen.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
1 claimed

500 Healing Vibes!

Currency Conversion $346 USD
$500 CAD
Thank you for your support to Owen's recovery!
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
0 claimed

1000 healing vibes!

Currency Conversion $691 USD
$1,000 CAD
You just got Owen 1/6th of the way through his treatment - you also have a warrior heart. Thank you for your support and courage.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
0 claimed
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