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Package browserify node module for debian

Build browserified javascript in debian


Package browserify node module for debian

Package browserify node module for debian

Package browserify node module for debian

Package browserify node module for debian

Package browserify node module for debian

Build browserified javascript in debian

Build browserified javascript in debian

Build browserified javascript in debian

Build browserified javascript in debian

Praveen Arimbrathodiyil
Praveen Arimbrathodiyil
Praveen Arimbrathodiyil
Praveen Arimbrathodiyil
7 Campaigns |
Goa, India
$760 USD 13 backers
23% of $3,200 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 7 Projects Mountain Filled 7 Projects
Packaging browserify node module in debian will enable building browserified javascript from node modules of many important javascript libraries like handlebars-assets, fuzzaldrin-plus etc. Currently these libraries cannot be included in debian's main section and will have to be added to unofficial non-free section. This means applications like diaspora, gitlab, prometheus, pagure will have to be added to unofficial contrib section.

Short Summary

Create a browserify package in debian's main section which can be used by other node modules to create browserified javascript files:

  • Praveen is a debian developer and Sruthi is a debian contributor.
  • Praveen maintains gitlab and diaspora packages (he maintains 266 packages in main)
  • Sruthi maintains 16 packages in main
  • We are Freelance consultants and trainers on Free Software
  • With this crowd funding campaign we will be able to distribute packages like gitlab and diaspora in debian's main section.
  • Your contributions will enable us to work full time for a whole month on this task.

What We Need & What You Get

To include Browserify in debian, we need to package about 150 node modules:

  • On an average we need to spend 2 hours per package
  • This would mean 150 x 2 = 300 hours of work
  • With 40 hours a week, this will need about 8 weeks (4 weeks per person)
  • We are looking to raise 3000 USD (plus Indiegogo platform fee ~ 200 USD)

Update: Gitlab Inc has pledged 1000 USD for the campaign and they'll transfer the amount directly to out bank account.

The Impact

Currently packages like gitlab, diaspora, pagure and prometheus will have to be distributed via contrib section of the archive unless the release team grants an exception for next stable release stretch:

Update: A thank you note from fellow debian developer Russ Allbery:

"I just wanted to say thank you to both you and Sruthi Chandran for all the work you're doing in packaging all these Node dependencies (as well as anyone else who is helping with this; I've just been seeing the flood of ITP messages). This looks like a bunch of somewhat irritating and tedious work, and I really appreciate you doing it. Digging us out of the unbuildable Javascript hole will be a *huge* benefit for the distribution going forward and make a bunch of things much easier (such as patching Javascript for security vulnerabilities, which I expect to be an increasing issue as the free software ecosystem uses Javascript more and more heavily)."

Link to debian-devel archive

Risks & Challenges

This is a complex and long term task. We may not be able to complete all the dependencies in time. We will complete as much as we can in a month's time. If we cannot complete this task, we'll continue working on it on our free time, just like how we have been maintaining packages in debian.

  • We are already familiar with packages that has long list of dependencies like gitlab and diaspora
  • We already have experience with packaging node modules, even those having circular dependencies. 

Update: Browserified javascript issue in debian was covered by Linux Weekly News

Other Ways You Can Help

You can learn packaging and help maintain some packages in debian:

  • We would be happy to help you learn packaging.
  • We already take packaging workshops for students and programmers.
  • Spread the word about the campaign.

You can reach us on diaspora:

And that's all there is to it.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Sponsor one package

$20 USD
This would cover the expense for packaging one dependency
1 out of 150 of claimed

Sponsor five packages

$100 USD
Sponsor the cost of packaging five node modules. We'll also mention your name and url in weekly updates.
5 out of 30 of claimed

Sponsor ten packages

$200 USD
Sponsor the cost of packaging ten node modules. We'll mention your name and url in weekly updates.
0 out of 15 of claimed

Sponsor 50 packages

$1,000 USD
Sponsor the cost of packaging fifty node modules. We'll also mention your name and url in weekly updates. We'll also include your logo.
0 out of 3 of claimed
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