This documentary has the power to help families searching for a cure and to end the Elephant Man disease irrevocably.
We are producing Patient Number Five to save the lives of those diagnosed with Proteus Syndrome.
With a new drug that is starting to show signs of efficacy (especially in children), there is reason to hope that doctors are on the verge of a real cure.
- We have worked side by side with the Proteus Syndrome Foundation to help raise money to support families in need, allowing them to take part in clinical trials, and bringing awareness to this rare disease
- Supporting this documentary will bring the recognition Proteus Syndrome deserves to the forefront, and aid in getting a drug approved for these patients
- Awareness of the disease could save lives and speed the process of diagnoses
The Impact
- Why is this documentary absolutely paramount in furthering the cure for Proteus? There are patients and doctors around the world that do not know what this syndrome is. Patients are being misdiagnosed and mistreated. By funding this documentary and developing it to reach a worldwide audience, we could save the lives of hundreds, just by bridging this educational gap in the science community.
- Saving children's lives. We want this documentary to reach a worldwide audience to bridge the educational gap and by doing so, also ensuring that kids diagnosed with Proteus Syndrome, get the chance to live a normal life. In hopes that this new drug can control Proteus during early developing years as a child, these kids won’t be in a wheelchair at the age of 6, or have a leg or foot amputated at the age of 5. Instead, they have a chance to run, swim, play sports and finally be in the driver's seat of their own life.
Rewards for Your Generosity
How your contribution will be used and what we can give you for helping us:
Your donation helps us:
- Follow our patients for extended drug trials
- Explore the creation of the drug by the pharmaceutical company
- Support the film and music artists
- Pay for submissions to festivals
- Get online distribution
What you get in return:
- Stickers
- Posters
- Coffee Cups
- Copies of the movie
- T-Shirts
- Hoodies
- Hats
- Combos
- Credits
Other Ways You Can Help
- Spread the word about our cause, our movie and our campaign!
- Use the share button to post to facebook or twitter