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“PEACOCK” - 40 international actors, 4 days, one master shot, an experimental & surreal short movie

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“PEACOCK” - 40 international actors, 4 days, one master shot, an experimental & surreal short movie

“PEACOCK” - 40 international actors, 4 days, one master shot, an experimental & surreal short movie

“PEACOCK” - 40 international actors, 4 days, one master shot, an experimental & surreal short movie

“PEACOCK” - 40 international actors, 4 days, one master shot, an experimental & surreal short movie

2 Campaigns |
Istanbul, Turkey
$551 USD 13 backers
1% of $30,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects
PEACOCK will be a 15 minutes short movie - 60 people - 40 international actors - 1 master-shot - just 4 days! In this movie I invite people to get close to themselves and the nature. The movie focuses on the human being’s who is allienated to himself, hunt to find the real meaning of things. Wherever on the earth you go, it is very possible to see people who are far away of not only their personality but the nature too. PEACOCK-60 kişi- 40'ı uluslararası aktör ve tek plan çekim- 4 gün- 15 dk!

" While it's not dark before death and birth, why would it be dark on earth?" G.A.

"Ölümden sonrası ve doğumdan öncesi bile karanlık değilken,

neden dünya karanlık olsun?" G.A.

Dear supporter, movie lovers, friends and family!

I need your support for my newest short movie project


Değerli destekçilerimiz, filmseverler, dostlar ve aileler!
Yeni film projem "PEACOCK" için desteğinize ihityacım var. 
 1. Stretched Goal: 5.000 USD
2. Stretched Goal: 15.000 USD
3. Stretched Goal: 30.000 USD
The new teaser is ready!



The first teaser is ready:

Who I am!

I am Gökçe. I am an independent filmmaker. I came to Europe a few months ago from Turkey. As it is harder to perform some artworks in Turkey than previous years, I am here. I'm on my way doing good things and meeting beautiful people. I have been producer and director of a few short movies and implemented some street art performances so far. I have been doing my experimental artworks and researches on the intersection points of performing arts in my art laboratory that I founded in 2013.

Ben Kimim? 

Ben Gökçe. Bağımsız film yönetmeniyim. Avrupa’ya birkaç ay önce Türkiye’den geldim. Türkiye’de sanat icra edebilmek önceki yıllardan daha zor olduğu için buradayım. İyi işler yaparak ve güzel insanlarla tanışarak yoluma devam etmekteyim. Şuana kadar birkaç kısa film ve sokak performansları hayata geçirdim. 2013 yılında kurduğum Sanat Laboratuvarında, sinema ve tiyatro sanatının kesiştiği noktalarda deneysel çalışmalar ve araştırmalar yapmaktayım.


What is „Peacock“ about?

In this movie I invite people to get close to themselves and the nature. The movie focuses on the human being’s who is allienated to himself, hunt to find the real meaning of things. Wherever on the earth you go, it is very possible to see people who are far away of not only their personality but the nature too.

As it is an experimental and a surrealistic movie it may not be enough to describe it literally but neverthlessly I try.

"TAVUSKUŞU " filmi nedir? 

Bu filmle, insanları doğaya yönelmeye ve kendi benliğine yaklaşmaya davet ediyorum.Film, günümüz dünyasında, kendine yabancılaşan insanın, anlam arayışına odaklanıyor. Dünyanın neresine giderseniz gidin, hem benliklerinden hem de doğadan uzaklaşmış insanlar görmek artık çok mümkün.

Deneysel ve sürreal bir film olduğu için yazı dili anlatımda çok yeterli olmayabilir. Ama yine de deniyorum.

  Dünyanınn dört bir yanından 40 aktör ile+ 4 gün + Tek plan çekim  = TAVUSKUŞU

40 actors from all over the world + 4 days of shooting + 1 Master Shot = PEACOCK

Here are some amazing actors for my main characters:       


Zięba Maj Marta (Poland)    Pawel Dudus (Poland)          Laura Eva Meuris (Belgium)


Dimitras Varkas (Greece)     Anna M. Czekaj (Poland)     Borja Soto (Spain)


Natalia Drozd (Poland)         Agata Makowska (Poland)    Adam Szyczy (Poland)

In the movie nearly forty characters performs their role carrying trails of different cultures and history. This variety enable the audience to emphaty with the story and the characters.

The story consist of six scenes. All these scenes have their own events one by one. I decided to shoot the movie with a actual cam in one master shot because I don’t want to get far away of the moment. I think that all the theoretical and fictional details I have been working on for years will come together in this 15 minutes short movie. So that the atmosphere that we will create will make the crew and the performers to work in full concentration.

Filmde kırka yakın karakter, farklı kültürlerden ve tarihten izler taşıyarak, oyununu sergiliyor. Bu çeşitlilik izleyicinin karakterle ve hikayeyle empati kurmasını kolaylaştırıyor

Hikaye toplamda 6 sahneden oluşuyor. Bu 6 sahnenin her biri farklı olaylara sahip. Filmi hareketli kamera ile tek planda çekmeye karar verdim çünkü gerçek andan uzaklaşmak istemiyorum. Yıllardır üzerinde çalıştığım teorik ve kurgusal detayların, 15 dakikalık bu filmde birleşeceğini düşünüyorum. Bu şekilde yaratacağımız atmosfer, oyuncuların ve ekibin tam konsantrasyon çalışmasını sağlayacak.

Second teaser is ready:

Why I need your support?!

For this short movie the whole crew will be over 60 people, which will work with all their passion and power to create "PEACOCK". And this passionate work has to be payed and will need a good atmosphere. With this movie that dance, music, rituels and performance will be seen altogether, benefiting the visual power of cinema art I aim to bring to light a real and touchy movie. Therefore your helps are all important not only emotionaly but economical also.

So I´ll need the money for camera, sound, light, editing, costume, make-up, catering, transportation, accommodation, studio works and a lot more.... 

Actually what I believe is:

Against all the evil that makes people die with tricks that disfigure the world, it is the art which will realize the awakening for the sake of human being.

In the future I wish and desire my art to get mature in the frame of this fundamental.

Third teaser is ready!

Neden desteğinize ihtiyacım var?!

Filmi tek planda çekmeyi planladığım için, önemli bir hazırlık sürecimiz olacak. Bu süreç için, 40’a yakın oyuncunun yer alacağı,toplamda 60 kişilik, dünyanın dört bir yanından gelecek ekip arkadaşlarımızla birlikte yaklaşık 1 haftalık kamp-hazırlık sürecine gireceğiz.Bir tür farkındalık uyandıracağını düşündüğüm bu kısa filmde, sanatın farklı dallarını bir arada göreceğiz. Müzik, dans, performans sanatı ve ritüelin ağırlıklı olacağı filmde, kullanacağım ekipmanlar, kostüm ve aksesuarlar çok önemli.

Bu süreçte, kamera, ekipman, ses, ışık, kurgu, kostüm, makyaj, ulaşım, ve yol masrafların karşılanması için paraya çok ihtiyacımız olacak.

Ve inandığım şey şudur;

Dünyayı çirkinleştiren, türlü oyunlarla insanların ölmesine sebep olan birçok kötülüğe karşı, insanlık adına en büyük uyanışı gerçekleştirecek olan şey yine “SANAT” olacaktır.

Gelecekte de sanatımı bu düşünce çerçevesinde olgunlaştırmayı düşünüyor ve arzuluyorum.


Bana ve "PEACOCK" projesine inanıp,

benimle olduğunuz için çok teşekkür ederim. 

Sevgiyle, Gökçe!

Thank you so so much for believing in me, my work and „PEACOCK“

With lots of love, your Gökçe!



IF you in love with this poject like me and wanna join the crew or join as a producer, please don´t hesitate to contact me! 

Bu projede benimle olmak isteyen, sanat sever yapımcılar ve yaratıcı ekip arkadaşları iletişim kurmaktan çekinmeyin.. ;) 

*Projeye katkıda bulunmak isteyen değerli destekçilerimiz, sayfanın sağ köşesinde PERKS bölümünden istediğiniz ve ilgi duyduğunuz hediyeli bölümü seçip, kredi kartıyla ya da Paypal hesabınızla desteklerinizi sunabilirsiniz..


*We reserve the right to check the supporters and, if necessary, to withdraw from the contract.



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$1 USD
Thank you from the bottom of my heart that you have helped my short movie. Support me with the amount of your choice.
Included Items
  • Thank you
Estimated Shipping
June 2017
0 out of 1000 of claimed

Email for you...

$5 USD
I´ll send you a personal "Thank You" Email..from the bottom of my heart
Included Items
  • Mail with love
Estimated Shipping
February 2016
1 out of 500 of claimed

Peacock Button

$5 USD
You´ll receive one of the buttons with the wonderful PEACOCK logo
Included Items
  • Button
Estimated Shipping
August 2017
0 out of 500 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


$5 USD
I´ll send you one of the original PEACOCK sticker
Included Items
  • Sticker
0 out of 500 of claimed

Look in your postbox

$10 USD
You´ll receive a handwritten postcard from the director
Included Items
  • Mail with love
  • Postcard
Estimated Shipping
May 2017
3 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Download Script

$10 USD
Digital copy of the script
Included Items
  • Download Script
Estimated Shipping
May 2017
2 out of 100 of claimed

1,2,3... Team

$15 USD
Photo of the whole crew from the set with a personal signature of the director
Included Items
  • Mail with love
  • Team Photo
Estimated Shipping
May 2017
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Download „PEACOCK“

$20 USD
You can download the whole movie with just one click
Included Items
  • Mail with love
  • Download „Peacock“
Estimated Shipping
August 2017
0 out of 250 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Hold the script in your hands

$30 USD
You´ll get one paper copy of the movie script with dedication of the director
Included Items
  • Mail with love
  • Paper copy of script
Estimated Shipping
August 2017
0 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Movie Poster

$50 USD
Decorate your home with the official PEACOCK poster.  With signatures of all 7 characters + the director.
Included Items
  • Mail with love
  • Movie poster
Estimated Shipping
May 2017
3 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Sneak Peak

$100 USD
Sneak peak (online) at the final result. Get an exclusive sneak peak at the film before everyone else!
Included Items
  • Mail with love
  • Movie poster
  • Sneak Peak
Estimated Shipping
August 2017
0 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Your name in the credits

$250 USD
Have your name appear in the official credits roll as a „supporter“
Included Items
  • Mail with love
  • Download „Peacock“
  • Name in the credits
Estimated Shipping
May 2017
1 out of 25 of claimed

Original scene drawing

$300 USD
You´ll receive one of the six original scene drawings signed by the director
Included Items
  • Mail with love
  • Team Photo
  • Scene drawing
Estimated Shipping
May 2017
0 out of 6 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Original Requisite

$400 USD
You´ll receive one of the requisite we´ll use for shooting the movie
Included Items
  • Mail with love
  • Team Photo
  • Download „Peacock“
  • Requisite
Estimated Shipping
August 2017
0 out of 10 of claimed

THE original script

$500 USD
I´ll send you the script with notes I´ll use for the shooting so you´ll be able to read my mind
Included Items
  • Mail with love
  • Team Photo
  • Original script
Estimated Shipping
August 2017
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Me(et) & Greet

$700 USD
Get the chance to hang out with the director . You live in Berlin, Vienna, Istanbul, Wroclaw or Amsterdam? Then let Gökçe show you her favorite places.
Included Items
  • Mail with love
  • Team Photo
  • Movie poster
  • Meet & Greet
Estimated Shipping
August 2017
0 out of 10 of claimed

Associate Producer

$1,000 USD
You will officially be credited as an associate producer of „PEACOCK“ with a notification on IMDB
Included Items
  • Mail with love
  • Team Photo
  • Movie poster
  • Download „Peacock“
  • Associate Producer
Estimated Shipping
August 2017
0 out of 10 of claimed
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