Just like the classmate who first made you a member back in Middle School, we LOVE drawing dicks, cocks, and veiny man muscles. So we created...
What's that? A big book of dicks in all shapes and sizes, ready to be colored to your hearts' and loins' desire. This beautiful 32-page book features:
- Perforated Pages
- Lay-flat binding
- Heavy paper to prevent color bleed
- Dicks, dicks, and more dicks!
Now that we're InDemand, your contribution serves as an order of the book, to be shipped in 3-5 business days of your contribution! Hooray dicks!
We have also opened an Etsy store
HERE, where we're selling not only the book, but the AMAZING greeting cards featured during our campaign, and the leftover beer condoms.
We would like to thank DicksByMail.com and Keith P. Rein ("The P is for Penis") for collaborating with us during our initial IndieGogo Campaign, and giving our first contributors a chance to get double the dicks, double the fun!
We're both lady architects who attended college together in New Orleans. We learned 2 things in school:
- That approximately 90% of buildings- and a lot of everyday objects- look like dicks, and that this is hilarious.
- How to draw.
We're big fans of the adult coloring phenomenon, but have been very disappointed in the quality of ADULT adult coloring books we've found. We wanted a great penis coloring book that's creative, intricate, and fun to color. What the world really needs is a beautifully-crafted piece of literary art that is also full of dicks. So we decided to erect it ourselves, and create...
Never before has the world seen a beautiful coloring book devoted specifically to penises. The world has also never seen true and everlasting peace. Coincidence?
We devote a portion of our profit to promoting COMPREHENSIVE SEX EDUCATION in schools through Siecus.org! Their mission statement:
"SIECUS affirms that sexuality is a fundamental part of being human, one that is worthy of dignity and respect. We advocate for the right of all people to accurate information, comprehensive education about sexuality, and sexual health services. SIECUS works to create a world that ensures social justice and sexual rights."
Whether or not you choose to order the Pen 15: Members Only Coloring Book, you can still help get the word out. Share this page with your friends and (openminded) relatives! The world is full of dick-lovers, dick-havers, and people who neither have nor love dicks, but still appreciate art. Share our campaign page
on all your social medias and follow us on:
Instagram, Pen_15_The_Book, to see what we're working on, and what inspires us every day.
- Twitter, @Pen15Coloring
- Facebook, search Pen15 Club, the Coloring Book
As seen on...
Please, support us today! Let our dicks fill you with joy so you can fill our dicks with color!