“Perspectives” isn’t just my thesis film; it’s a film about an extremely important social issue that I have been very passionate about for many years.
When I read the powerful letter addressed to Brock Turner, written by the young woman he attacked, I felt so many different emotions at once. Anger, frustration, fear and yet a kind of strength; I was angry that this had happened to her in the first place, frustrated at the way she was treated afterword, fearful at how often sexual assaults occurs, but I also felt the strength that it must have taken to not only write this letter, but to read it to him in court.
Although, sexual assault is a social issue I’ve written about before, after reading this letter, I was compelled to revisit the topic and focus on a different aspect of sexual assault.
Writer/Director, Liv Nelson:
My love of film began at a young age. I would watch a film and suddenly become that character, throwing together a costume with whatever I could get my hands on. That led to me making short films with my close friends and studying film in high school. My film La PANIC represented my school at the Santa Cruz Film Festival and earned me the top talent scholarship at Santa Fe University of Art and Design where I received a Bachelor of Arts in Film within three years.
My time in Santa Fe was largely spent at Garson Studios. During those years, I worked on the television show Longmire, in various capacities. I worked part time in the art department and full time in the property department, as well as performing stunts for the show. The sound stages proved useful for my film projects as well. Two short films I co-wrote, co-produced, co-edited and stared in, Shots and Parallel, won various awards at several different festivals.
I began my graduate studies at the University of Southern California in the Film and Television program in January of 2014. I hope to make films that leave a lasting impression on an audience. Whether it is a psychological thriller that makes people question the person who lives next door, or a drama that highlights an important social issue. I’m currently working on my thesis film “Perspectives,” a story that focuses on sexual assault and the aftermath that comes with it.
“Perspectives” is the accumulation of all of my past experience and schooling. It is the last film I will make as a student, and it will be the first milestone I officially make in the industry. Your contributions will help make this a reality.
Producer, Heliya Alam:
At the age five, all I knew was that I wanted to be in Hollywood. I had no knowledge of what Hollywood consisted of and what filmmaking was like; but what I did know, was that I had to be a prat of this magical world that takes me into a different planet every time I sit in front of a Television screen. Now, as a twenty one year old USC film major, the childish version of my dream has turned into a possible reality and an educated passion that grows larger everyday. I want to influence others with my films in a positive manner, tell stories that can change one’s perspectives, and help people escape their mundanity.
As the lead producer on this project, I invite you to contribute to this short film that strides to bring awareness toward a very crucial social issue that not only occurs in our country, but also worldwide. Sexual assault is an incident that happens more often than It is talked about. As a team of filmmakers, with the use of our creative brains, Live, Mo, and I, want to do everything in our power to bring this screenplay into life. Your support will empower this change.
What We Need & What You Get
Our team is looking to raise $20,000 dollars to fund this film! This money would go toward all of the production expenses as seen in the chart below:
As most of the film takes place at a college party, we are going to need a lot of lights, props, a good low light camera, and a lot of extras! We need to sell it and make this party look legit, and then of course, we need to feed everyone!
A huge part of this film is the response to the alleged rape. An essential part of the film takes place at a hospital after the party. Securing a police car, an ambulance and a realistic looking location for the hospital is crucial for our team to really sell this story.
Your contributions would go towards helping us with these production expenses!
We are offering a range of awesome perks when you donate, from exclusive access to the final cut of the film before it premiers, a private Skype meeting with the crew, a signed copy of the shooting script from the cast and crew, to seeing your name in lights on the big screen, and more!
Check out all of the awesome perks we are offering!
The Impact
My hope is that this film creates a discussion around the topic of sexual assault, and poses the question; why does society and the justice system tend to believe the perpetrator? This film is a commentary on the “he said, she said” nature of sexual assault.
Too often we hear a victim was drunk, or was wearing something "slutty", or that her actions were that of someone who wanted to have sex. My hope is that this film can challenge that stigma by creating a discussion around the topic of sexual assault, and show that despite how it happened, the aftermath is the same.
I often weave social issues into the narratives of my films. I have found this to be a successful way to reach people. Film is an interesting and very powerful medium. Whether they are funny or sad, narrative or documentary, films have the ability to move people in ways they otherwise wouldn’t be. One film can influence an individual and it can teach an entire nation. The power of film is undeniable.
Your contribution would go toward helping our team bring this particular story and social issue into the forefront.
Risks & Challenges
Anytime you set out to make a film there will be challenges along the way, unforeseen or otherwise. Each day is different and you never know when the location you’ve had locked for over a month is going to cancel on you two days before the shoot, or when the grip truck carrying all of your equipment may be gridlocked due to a march, setting you back several hours.
True examples by the way, but that’s one of reasons I love this industry. Every day is different and exciting; you never know what curveballs are going to be thrown your way. I’m confident that our team is ready to roll with the punches having had real world experience and being a part of USC’s film program.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you’re passionate about this story and this social issue, but can’t donate at the moment, there are other ways you can help us out!
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Thank you so much for supporting our film. We couldn’t do it without you!