About Phofía LLC
Phofía LLC was founded by two women, Cindy (me) and Angelica, who love photography, our own as well as others. We both realized there are many more people just like us, who love taking beautiful pictures of nature and other things that inspire or are just plain amazing! We also realized the venues to showcase their work are extremely limited (mostly on social networks!)
Phofía LLC's mission is to identify amateur photographers and help them take their photography to the next level by promoting their best photos as fine art photography. We are currently working with three amateur photographers and looking to add more soon.
We now have an amazing opportunity to open a small gallery in Pleasant Hill, IA (a suberb of Des Moines) and WE NEED YOUR HELP. The owner of the building is offering us a space at a rate we cannot pass up! We are over the top that we will have a gallery to showcase these talented Amateur-to Artist photographers!
What We Need & What You Get
In order to open our doors, we need:
- Easels & lighting
- Computers and software
- Furnishings
- Printer and scanner
- Marketing/Advertising
- Legal fees for start-up
- Accounting set-up fees
- Funding for an Open House Exhibit
- Other items that will come up along the way.
For helping us by making donations to help us open our doors we will thank you with prints by our Amateur-to-Artist photographers! You will be amoung the first to own fine art photography from Phofía LLC!
Whether we reach our goal here or not, we will be using your donation to cover the start up costs as listed above, prioritizing our needs according to the amount raised. We thank you in advance for your support!
The Impact
In the short run, you will be helping us open our doors, furnish our gallery and equip us with the tools needed to be successful. In the long run, you will be:
- Helping amateur photographers grow in their craft, from hobby to artist
- Allowing amateur photographers to do something substantial with their passion for photography
- Laying the foundation for future growth of these photographers by starting a scholarship fund for classes and equipment (down the road...none of the donations will go directly to this goal, but being able to open our doors will allow us to eventually be able to do this!)
So far, all three of our photographers are from the same Iowa town and graduating class! Pat Haskin Mahan, Clarette Ziesman, and Cindy Christensen Welsher (me.) We have gone our seperate ways and reconnected because of our love of nature photography. Our doors are open to photographers from any place in the country and we hope that we can increase those that we feature now that we will have a "home" to showcase their work, in addition to our website: www.phofia.com
Other Ways You Can Help
So maybe you love what we are doing, but making a monetary donation is not in the cards. We still love you and hope you can:
- Spread the word, share this site, as well as our website
- Apply to be one of our Amateur-to-Artist Photographers
- Refer your amateur photographer friends to us
- Like us on Facebook: Phofia LLC
Make sure to use the Indiegogo share tools and help us spread the word!