"Phrazzle Me!" is a game which resembles Scrabble. It plays out in the form of a puzzle and points are awarded for creating correct questions or sentences, not words like in Scrabble. This has been called the evolution of Scrabble. It is totally fun and educational. The idea of color-coding the words in order to learn the rules of the English language a great new concept!
Marcelo Montecinos was born in Santiago, Chile and moved to Toronto, Canada at the age of 9. He didn't know a word of English and was bullied and tormented until he learned the English language. His teacher introduced the new immigrants to Scrabble. He used to take the dictionary home with him in order to learn new words so that he could win at playing the game. Fast forward 30 years and he became a teacher of English as a second language. Since the English language only has 4 or 5 options to the verb (not like French or Spanish which have 18), he realized that he could put these options on a rectangular, wooden stick. He did, and the original Phrazzle Me was born. He got it protected and began selling it worldwide via www.phrazzleme.com.
The idea of color-coding the words came to him in a dream at about three o'clock in the morning. He was flabbergasted! The game now sells in 38 countries and has been featured in newspapers and TV, as well as winning two innovation awards. The idea of being able to help teachers teach the language in a fun, competitive manner is very exciting. Helping students learn the language while enjoying themselves is also fantastic.
Phrazzle Me has received two awards but has never gotten any financial help from any Government or individuals. This has limited its growth. It has had to have controlled growth in order to finance the games and cannot sell at retail stores yet due to lack of funds.
It's inventor is looking to raise $10,000-100,000 in order to go to China and take control of the production of the games. He plans on using the funds to make an infomercial there. He is sure he can sell 1,000,000 games within a year. Since the games are made there, they can be sold for very cheap and thereby, make it a more-reachable product for the world. At that point, It could also begin selling them via retailers and be marketed as a new board game for all...not just as an English-learning tool/game. Phrazzle Me has the potential to outsell Srabble, within a few years. The funds will also be used for making it an App and on playing the game live online. 20% of all sales will go towards donating games to poor schools worldwide (games have already been donated in Chile, China and El Salvador).
Please help by donating and by spreading the word about this incredible game. Let's combine education with gaming and teach English to the world.
Even animals learn by playing. Why shouldn't we?
Be a part of something BIG!
p.s. All supporters will be given first dibs on future seed financing when the company goes public.