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Pinelandia Art Gallery

Pinelandia Art Gallery: planting a creative culture through art, community and education.

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Pinelandia Art Gallery

Pinelandia Art Gallery

Pinelandia Art Gallery

Pinelandia Art Gallery

Pinelandia Art Gallery

Pinelandia Art Gallery: planting a creative culture through art, community and education.

Pinelandia Art Gallery: planting a creative culture through art, community and education.

Pinelandia Art Gallery: planting a creative culture through art, community and education.

Pinelandia Art Gallery: planting a creative culture through art, community and education.

Robert Cheatham
Robert Cheatham
Robert Cheatham
Robert Cheatham
2 Campaigns |
Philadelphia, United States
$2,142 USD 25 backers
4% of $52,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Hi, we are Robert and Sloane Cheatham, artists and recently relocated to Philadelphia, MS from Atlanta, GA. With extensive experience in the arts, we have decided to open an art space/ gallery/ studios in Phliadelphia, MS. And we need your help.

We found a perfect building, but it's old and in need of a lot of work. The building does have a rich history. It's where Marty Stuart bought his first guitar! We feel passionately that an art gallery, one that functions more like an art community center, will transform this region in to a cultural destination and increase the arts education for the children and adults in the local community and in the state of Mississippi, as well. This is our dream, which somewhat mysteriously, led us to this crossroads, (hats off to Robert Johnson). Part of the dream is opening our arms to you to join the adventure. This would be an historic event!

The building we found is on Main Street on our town square. We figure a minimum estimate of costs to open, make safe and get it running is $52,000.  The two story building needs to be scraped and painted inside and out; there's a large concrete wall that needs to be repurposed; we have to purchase and install gallery lighting and area lighting; we need to have signage; we hope to offer live performances, book readings and other presentations, so we need a small p.a. system; we need insurance; again, this is a large space with multi rooms and two levels, so the utilities will be considerable- we are trying to raise enough for one year of utilities; we want to offer free wi-fi; ideally, the carpet will be removed and the original floors used; we will also need to hire help to handle some aspects of art hanging. Plus, the costs of the unexpected in working in an old building.

Other than being part of an historic moment!We have perks: we have cool t-shirts designed by us; the Pinelandia book, published by Robert's fort!/da? book series; free use of part of the space for one month.

If we fail to reach the full fundraising goal, we will work to do a couple of art shows with what we have.   


Robert, originally from Philadelphia, moved to the suburbs of Atlanta with his parents and siblings in 1962. However, his folks managed to keep their Mississippi home in hopes of one day returning. Robert was the director of the non-profit Eyedrum Art and Music Gallery in Atlanta, GA for over seven years where he worked with an active board to curate, host and manage over 200 events per year. Working at Eyedrum prepared Robert for the rigors and obstacles that goes with rehabbing a space to suite art of various genres. Sloane  served on the board of directors and worked as a curator at Eyedrum, as well. Also, Sloane has worked in the interior design business for twenty years, building relationships with interior designers, their clients, introducing them to galleries and artists. Together, we created and ran Freedonia Garden Works for five years.

After closing the garden design business in Atlanta, we decided to have an adventure and move to Mississippi, renovate the family home and live a slower pace life and quickly fell in love with our new hometown and decided it's the perfect place to set roots and raise our son, Rowan. However, there are aspects of our life in Atlanta that we miss. But definitely not the traffic! We do miss an active arts community of painters, poets, musicians, art patrons and all the creative types that make life adventurous and fulfilling. We are artists but with entrepreneurial spirit. After meeting and making friends with local, creative folks, we discovered there is a real need for a multi-faceted art space that will enhance the lives of both artists and patrons of the arts.
We thank you for any monetary assistance that you can provide, but we understand that not everyone can help monetarily. Please use the indiegogo sharing tools and spread the word to your contacts and check back often to see our progress. We are excited and look forward to seeing you pass through the Pinelandia Gallery door!

Special thanks go to 4m Productions and Melody Mclain Hanks; David Vowell, Brenda Vowell, Walt Willis and Allison Willis.

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Personal email thank you note

$1 USD
Personal email thanking you for your contribution. Please provide your email address.
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
2 claimed

Pinelandia Gallery T-shirt

$75 USD
Black or white T-shirt with Pinelandia Gallery logo
Estimated Shipping
April 2016
6 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$1,000 USD
Green hoodie with Pinelandia Gallery logo. Warm, cozy and stylish!
Estimated Shipping
April 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Pinelandia Book

$5,000 USD
Pinelandia Hardcover, limited edition A collection of writings, photographs and art documenting our journey in discovering Misssissippi, her artists and growing Pinelandina. The use of a portion of the space for one month.
Estimated Shipping
May 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
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