Beer has been the foundation for society for over 4000 years. Recipe's were found in ancient Egyptian glyphs and texts in tombs. In essence it's beer that actually makes the world go 'round. I want to make my contribution to the world of beer for beer enthusiasts with Pirate-King Brew.
I have been brewing my own craft beer for 15 years. Started with a simple Mr Beer kit learning the basic skills and experimenting with different flavors and styles. After a year I out grew that simple kit for a 5 gallon dual fermentor kit and started working with grains and hops learning the ins and outs of flavor profiling, working on recipes that my family and friends are all raving about.
Your Contribution:
The $25,000 goal that has been set will be the necessary start-up for location, licenses and equipment for brewing fantastic craft beer. This will also go to a tap-room for those to try those brews. Located in Westminster, Colorado in one of the best Micro-Brewery states in the US. It will be a slow process but a worthwhile one. All who contribute will be listed on the soon to be created website as a contributor and be part of a mailing list keeping you informed on the progress (unless contributed anom.)
What I have:
Recipes - Tried and true
Skills - To brew some of the best brew you have tried
Enthusiasm - for the beer I brew
Excellent perks - for those that help get this ship afloat Nano-Brewery rig Business plan (listed to the right of this page)
Business Plan
What I need:
You - The beer enthusiast Your contribution to this goal
Your - appetite for great craft beer
Location secured - A place to brew and a place for you to gather and drink said brew.
Upgraded equipment - Brewing for the masses means equipment needed to brew the quantities needed. Buying used brewery equipment is the start but once the success gets bigger so will the operation.
Any other ways to help? Here are a few:
1. PLEASE share this on Facebook and Twitter. We want you to Like us. We already like you! (and your friends, and their friends!)
2. Add to our perks. Do you have something (product or service) to donate that would encourage more people to contribute? Contact us, we'd love to hear from you. The more you help us, we will in turn, help you!!!
3. Have any trade skills that could help our buildout? Let us know