Ahoy, me 'earties!
Greetings from the Slemmerfilms Studio! An 'andful o' jolly old seadogs 'ereby invite ye to join the crowdfundin' campaign o' our epic fan fiction motion picture. Ye shall enjoy yer time with us, ne'er mind bein' a 'ornswagglin' old salt or a landlubber scallywag.
Batten down yer 'atches, as the Pirates o' the Caribbean spring into existence once more o'er the briny deep!
Unless ye be three sheets to the wind, toss some doubloons to us, we shall keep plunderin' fer the rest!
Yo ho ho!
We haven't forgotten our previous supporters, we just kindly ask for your patience, as we are progressing much slower than anticipated, so the perks are expected by the end of 2026!
Unfortunately, in recent months, we have found ourselves in a difficult situation. The warehouse building where we have been constructing sets is no longer available to us, so we are actively searching for a solution to continue our work.
What we are looking for: A warehouse of 500 square metre or more, with a ceiling height of 4.5 meters or more.
We are requesting your support for the rental of a warehouse building and the construction of the following sets:
Indian temple
tavern in Tortuga
The deck of the Black Pearl and a British ship
A large cave An 18th-century street scene
We would like to continue filming as soon as possible and present "The Secret of the Lamp" to you as soon as we just can.
We kindly ask for your help if you have the possibility to assist us!
Our feature film, the Secrets o' the Lamp fits in the franchise seamlessly. Cap'n Jack Sparrow (Adam Slemmer) returns fer another adventure. Angelica (Alexandra Juhasz), Jack an' the British fleet commander Robert Maynard (Vazul Magyar) enter a ruinous race fer the powers o' the Secret Lamp. Eventually, they 'ave to face an adversary ne'er e'er dreamed o'... Be they willin' to sacrifice all fer the treasure?
Our team, the Slemmerfilms Studio, started as a love project. As a group of friends, we share a passion for filming. Through the past couple of years our knowledge was polished and now we work with professional equipments but with the same initial enthusiasm. Our repertoire includes commercials, short films, tutorial videos, behind the scenes recordings and parodies. Our feature film 'Blind spot' was published on Netflix in 2017, and has been streaming ever since.
We started making this fan film because we are huge fans of the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' franchise, and currently we are working with nearly 60 people on it. We make our own costumes, props and build the sets. At the moment we are filming battle scenes inside the 'Black Pearl's deck, but the 'Tortuga' and a British battleship are in preparation too.
Our goal is to raise over Є50,000 in order to complete all phases of production for Secrets of the Lamp.
65% of the campaign’s funding will be invested in the production of the actual film.
15% of funds will be held for the production of physical perks for the backers of this campaign.
10% of funds will be held for shipping and handling costs for both domestic and international packaging.
10% of our funds will go toward our Indiegogo hosting, processing fees, and taxes.
All funds delivered to Slemmerfilms Studio by Indiegogo are designated for the production costs mentioned above. No long-term profit will be made. For information on "excess funds," please see our "Campaign for a Cause" section.
Why have we launched an Indiegogo campaign and why are we asking for your support?
So far, we've spent nearly €50,000 on filming, all at our own expense.
In order to finish our film with the same quality as you saw in the trailer, we need your help!
First and foremost, we need storage space for the footage, as currently half an hour of footage takes up ~500GB of space and we don't have any free space left.
Secondly, we don't have backups of the scenes we've shot so far, which is also an issue of thousands of euros.
Thirdly, with our current technology we will not be able to do the post-production work on the film, even though we have a relatively powerful computer. Editing, lighting, effects, etc. make heavy use of the video card and RAM.
Shooting is currently at 50%. We're going to build Tortuga, the boards of the Ranger and the Black Pearl, a whole village (which we'll burn down), we'd like to shoot in the Tapolca Lake Cave, and we'll need a castle. The rent for these places, the cost of the materials, the props and the costumes all add up to thousands of euros.
We also have to spend money on marketing, because at the moment only a few people in Hungary know about our project, and unfortunately even fewer abroad.
In addition, any help and donations are welcome, from technical things, through materials, to actors, anything.
We ask you to support us, if you can, even with just 10 euro, or share our post to help us reach as many people as possible.
Our campaign features a variety of limited edition Secrets of the Lamp souvenirs such as Digital Downloads, Posters, Pins, Shirts, Screen Used Props and much more.
(Special thanks and shoutout to Vincente DiSanti at Womp Stomp Films for this.)
1. A fan film may not deceive consumers by misrepresenting themselves as an official production of the property the film is portraying.
2. A fan film may not be exclusive to watch, but rather made available to view for free by whatever means necessary. Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook or other free streaming platforms can be used.
3. A fan film cannot profit in any way from its viewership, charge for public screening, or be sold for distribution for any kind.
4. All funding raised by a fan film in crowdfunding must go into the production with filmmakers taking no payment for their services.
5. Some fan film properties require additional rules such as budget caps, run time, and the participation of franchise alumni.
Please share our campaign on your social media platforms as mush as possible. Every time you share our campaign it helps expand our reach for potential supporters!
Reach out to us on any of the various social media platforms listed below.
facebook / instagram / youtube / X
e-mail: info@slemmerfilms.com