Pirate Fishing
It's said over 90% of the large fish are gone from our oceans with a forecast of an entire fisheries collapse by 2048....the time to act is NOW - before it is too late.
Pirate fishing is Illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing. Think of it like "Poaching". Pirates and Profiteers are breaking the law because there is no one out there to stop them. They exploit our oceans resources and are attacking areas they should not even be fishing in while using techniques that are destructive and not allowed, that include Zombie Fishing fleets. We intend to stop this practice. Our crew will document what is really happening while collecting current science, and building cases against those that are working outside the rules and regulations.
We need your help to protect the treasure.... Our treasure.
Captain Chris Wade is a marine explorer, shark expert, and ocean advocate. A modern day EcoPirate, His Shark Research Vessel- the Sea Watch is known to many as the SharkBoat.
The SharkBoat has been up and running for nearly 5 years and has already completed many missions while changing the perception of sharks for millions through our videos. The EcoPirate crew is comprised of an international team - from top industry professionals to everyday volunteers just wanting to help. We are all working hard and protecting our world on both land and sea.
Its a huge mission with huge overhead. Boats and these types of preventative operations have high costs which is why many countries cannot enforce regulations; which is why we are now looking to YOU for help!
We have selected a World Heritage site - Cocos Island (a biologically rich and fragile ecosystem) as a defendable space to take our stand.
Through partnerships and agreements we have a unique ability to protect the island and enforce policies while effecting our research. We have full support and will be working with the top researchers and ocean advocates in the world. An extremely strong international team that moves and inspires while doing their work. These are the people that are making a difference everyday.
We have the ability and approval to work throughout the Eastern Tropical Pacific and need your help to start this long term project. With a minimum term of 1 year, we expect it to go much longer while we document, discover and explore.
We will be filming and documenting our journey to create a documentary and series based entertainment - with some of the biggest names in Science to gain more data while protecting the area from Pirates, Profiteers, and Zombie Fishing fleets.
What We Need & What You Get
Its no small task at hand- and we need everyones help!
We humans need to find a balance and learn to respect our planet while becoming part of the ecosystem, instead of moving forward without regard for the consequences we are imposing to futures generations and our planet as a whole.
We have put a huge amount of resources and assets already invested in our mission and need your help to get us the rest of the way!
Funding will go directly into operations: Fuel, maintenance, repairs, port fees, permits, food, supplies, post production and equipment. Everyone aboard the boat volunteers their time and will NOT be receiving pay or compensation from this campaign.
Still not convinced? We will be updating our progress constantly at
www.sharkboat.org sign up for our newsletter today!
We need at least $80,000 USD to get our boat to Central America and effect our first missions in Costa Rica.
PERKS! Here comes the booty!
We have an amazing list of perks & rewards that will make it easier for you to get involved and put forth the help we need. A from a few bucks to a few thousand... we have something for everyone from shark lovers, to ocean enthusiasts to pirates!
Any funding received will go directly to this mission. This mission will be completed "Come Hell or high water" - Captain Chris Wade.
The Impact
In our travels we have seen many things - the good, the bad, the ugly. It got us thinking... How long can this really last? It is certainly not stopping or even appear to be slowing.
- With fisheries forecasted to collapse in 2048 - the rush is on for the profiteers to get it while they can.
- Protection of our resources is critical for our future generations. If the ocean truly does collapse, where will the 30% of the world who rely on it for protein get their sustenance from? What if it collapses sooner?
- Think of how technology has grown in the last 10 years. Cell phones were uncommon - now most the world walks with a powerful computer in their pocket. The rate of growth of technology is taking from the oceans faster than ever. Are we sure it will make it until 2048?
- Example: USA Tuna fisheries supplied the world with canned Tuna. The operations were based in Los Angeles and San Diego. 10 years ago, it was found that it was no longer commercially viable to catch or land Tuna in either port. It had been "fished out" 15,000 + workers lost their jobs with the plant closures. Now - these plants are in other countries. We have already fished out our waters and are now fishing out others. Everyone knows the story of Monterey from Steinbeck, but quietly the story of the Tuna canneries and fisheries collapses here in the United States has gone unmentioned and unnoted. These companies have since been sold and are no longer american owned - yet we still see the exact same cans that we grew up with on the shelf of the grocery store. Based in countries that have been known to have little regard for ocean or inhabitants. They are not dolphin safe and are using destructive fishing methods to strip the ocean as fast as they can for as cost to them as possible.
- According to our sources rights to fish Economic Impact Zones have been sold to the highest bidder- yet no one is stopping industrial fishing fleets from the madness of overfishing, destructive fishing methods, and this does not benefit the people of the countries we work with.
Risks & Challenges - Being a Pirate is TOUGH!
- Everyday is a challenge aboard the SharkBoat there's no easy tasks, there are many risks, dangers and challenges in this effort. This journey will not be the first time we face this reality. In the 5 years we have self-founded and operated the Sea Watch - we have successfully over came countless obstacles and continue to move forward in the face of adversity. Full steam ahead for the EcoPirates of the Sea Watch - Shark Boat but in order to start a worldwide revolution we need your help!
- You are not only helping us to go to Costa Rica, YOU ARE helping us to get the tools we need to stop and protect our treasure, our ocean. Every dollar you give is a step closer to our success.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help:
- Like share and comment- Tell your friends!
- Volunteer! Get involved with our direct action campaign
- Learn the issues for yourself. Don't always take what others say at face value.
- Stop buying Tuna and Shrimp. It fuels this machine. No fish fillets for micky D's either!
- Know the source of your seafood. Just because it has a stamp that certifies it as sustainable does not mean it really is. These fisheries use destructive fishing methods and are root causes in the issue. Find out more about industrial fishing practices.
- Follow our adventure! This is a long term project - there will be other events, sweepstakes, contests, and games of skill or chance that may get you directly aboard the Sea Watch with the Pirates of the Pacific for an adventure - doing things others would only dream of.
R/V Sea Watch offshore California. Looking for Sharks..... we found 1 that day.