![What is BuddyTrivia What is Buddy Trivia]()
Trivia With Your Friends...or virtual "enemies" for that matter!
Do you love games? Trivia? Knowledge? Status? Winning? Fun? Power...wow, I'm getting carried away now. Anyway, BuddyTrivia is an awesomely fun trivia game you can play against friends, yourself or total strangers - and I need your help to raise $3,200 to finish version 1.
The first version of BuddyTrivia(TM) will support both Android mobile devices and playing on Facebook. We don't want to give away our secrets, but we have three play modes planned that will each be unique, fun and one of them will be fast and furious! We would like to launch the game with at least two of these modes if we can get the financial support needed!
![Why support us? support]()
We've all played games since we were babies. I love everything about games. I love the competition. I love the comradery of playing with others. I love the social aspects of game. I love "learning" in games whether it be strategy, concepts, teamwork, or - actually learning something I didn't already know! I am your host...you can call me Missy.
I began having BuddyTrivia(TM) built a few months ago. Development went well and we even have a tested version with the trivia engine working on Android (but with no graphics or point system yet). We need money to finish the game for the Android mobile version and the Facebook version. Anything we raise beyond that we currently plan to put towards building an iOS (iPhone and iPad) version of the same app so you can play your friends regardless of whether they have an Android or iPhone.
We need $3,200. (See screenshots of BuddyTrivia below!)
This will be a huge accomplishment for me personally and the beginning of our new gaming company. The faster and more successful this project is, the faster we hope to bring other fun/learning games to market.
Where is the money going?
Currently our plan is that 90% of this money goes to finishing the technical development of the game on Android and Facebook. The other 10% (which is very little) is to help launch the game and acquire users. As mentioned previously, if we can blow out our goal then we would like to add iPhone support as quickly as we can get it developed. If we do not reach our goal, we hope that we will at least have enough to finish either the Android OR Facebook version - and we would love your feedback as to which one you think would do best and which one you would prefer.
![How do you play? Playing]()
Like I said, I can't give away the game mode secrets, but you can play a lightning round where you must answer questions in a certain amount of time for Respect Points and BuddyBucks. You can also play in a mode that will allow you to play against friends across minutes, hours or even days. Move up the leaderboard, use BuddyBucks to get help (think of different types of "lifelines") and get badges for accomplishments. Be honest, you know you secretly love leaderboards when your name is above your friends!
Oh, that's right, you can learn a lot too. We hope to have a game mode for younger children and teens eventually too. There will be many categories including history, sports, movies, music, geography, science, etc.
![Giving back to Indie's Giving back]()
Giving Back to the IndieGoGo Community
Our commitment to the IndieGoGo community is that we will give a minimum of 2% of the profit of the game for the first year back to crowd funding projects!! That may not seem like a lot, but if it takes off it could help fund quite a few independent projects.