Pleasant Green is a series of short historical documentaries about the pioneer history of Magna, Utah.
The pioneer history of Pleasant Green, Utah, is largely fragmented and locked away in dusty family histories, journals, forgotten photographs, and dying memories. Robert Goble has taken up the work that the older generation had started in putting together the clearest picture yet of the early years of Pleasant Green. With gratitude he seeks to honor the work of former historians and their love for the memory of their ancestors and to bring it all together in the most accessable and public form; a series of short historical documentaries.
As Pleasant Green (Magna), Utah grows, the necessity for an acurate historical conciousness and identity grows for native and newcomer alike. This history is a part of who we are and will quickly be forgotten if we don't act now, in this generation. With the combination of Robert Goble's research and writing and Sila Agavale's filmmaking talents, this project will be the most comprehensive and creative yet.
Producing these videos takes more financial resources than one person can shoulder. This is why we're launching this campaign to raise $5000.00 (or more, hopefully) to bring these stories to life for our community and posterity. The greater the funds, the greater the project.
If we don't reach the first goal of $5000.00, the series will be incomplete, and the story of Pleasant Green will remain incomplete. If we exceed this goal, We'll be able to expand the story to the pioneer history of Hunter and Granger.
Help us raise $5,000.00
$100.00 With a generous donation of $100.00 or more, your name will be added to the credits of the film, along with those who had helped with photographs and histories.
All donations are welcome, and all doners, unless desiring otherwise, will receive public recognition over social media.
Please shout this project from the rooftops and share it with family and friends. Spread the word far and wide. In the mean time, please enjoy the first episode, which was done entirely out of pocket, and imagine what $5,000.00 will accomplish for our community and posterity.