- View your real-time utility bill
- Automatically save money
- See how much you saved
- Learn about usage
- Set goals
- Detect leaks
- Receive and implement tailored saving tips
- See your automatic savings
- Monitor your CO2 footprint
- Get tips to lower your CO2 footprint
- Get warned about risks or before disaster strikes
- View your community data
- View comparison data
- View energy data
PowerX Heat can find and optimize the hot water for all of these appliances and elements:
PowerX Heat is a DIY, quick, plug-and-play solution to help you get informed and make positive changes when it comes to your gas or electric water heater. Unlike the other sensors, you don’t have to control anything — install PowerX Heat and it saves you money automatically.
PowerX Heat will:
- Check your water heater for maintenance needs
- Collect info on how much heated water each appliance in your home uses
- Learn the preferred water temperature of your home and run the heater more efficiently
- Use artificial intelligence to optimize the water heater
- Provide improved cycle times
- Provide improved cutoff temperatures
- Activate vacation shutoff
- Provide a comparison to your neighbor’s water heater usage
PowerX Water can find and optimize the water usage for all of these appliances and elements:
PowerX Water is also a DIY, quick, full plug-and-play installation that attaches to your main water pipe. It does not require plumbing experience, maintenance or a lubricant to couple ultrasound sensors with the pipe — attach to the pipe and you’re done.
No technical parts need to be in or near the water so that it won't break or malfunction. PowerX Water works with all common residential pipe sizes (0.75-1.5 inches) and pipe materials (PVC, copper, steel). This is revolutionary for ultrasound water meters.
PowerX Water will:
- Monitor water flow
- Detect water leaks
- Provide tailored water saving tips
- Identify and monitor most water outlets to show how much different outlets use
- Provide automatic water leak detection in the entire home
- Check the piping quality
PowerX Electricity will find all of these devices and monitor usage once installed into your Electric panel:
PowerX Electricity easily attaches to your electrical panel. It can be installed DIY in less than 30 minutes but should be installed by an electrician. Because PowerX uses LoRa technology to send data, there is no need to drill a hole in the circuit breaker box for an antenna and no need to buy a wireless repeater.
PowerX Electricity will:
- Identify and monitor electric appliances
- Detect appliances and break-out usage by appliance
- Pinpoint inefficient appliances
- Provide tailored saving tips
- Help avoid disaster
- Alert you when you’re paying for your neighbor’s utility bill
PowerX Hub connects all of your PowerX devices into one Energy Suite. Featuring WiFi, LAN and LoRa connectivity, the PowerX Hub can send and receive data up to one mile (if there are no walls). So, there’s no problem if your sensors are in the basement and there is no internet. The PowerX Hub connects the PowerX Sensors to the internet for you.
The PowerX Hub is also plug-and-play, USB-powered and compatible with Google Home and Alexa.
Please note that PowerX may not be compatible with some homes in Europe. Please message us with further questions.
As one of the first crowdfunding marketing agencies, Enventys Partners has brought more than 750 crowdfunding projects to life through lead generation, campaign page creation, public relations, email marketing, Facebook Advertising, campaign management and more.
The PowerX mission is to combat climate change through software and hardware. Founder and CEO, Manuel Schönfeld found a way to help save CO2 and help make a dent with climate change without asking people to change their behavior or suffer from a decrease in comfort.
Now, the PowerX team is turning to Kickstarter and Indiegogo to launch their flagship line of PowerX sensors, PowerX Heat, PowerX Water and PowerX Electricity, to help people make a difference, right at home.
We can’t thank you enough for checking out our project and helping us make PowerX Energy Suite a reality.
We know not everyone will be able to support us with a pledge, so even if you can’t give a dollar or pre-order a PowerX Energy Suite, if you’re a supporter of PowerX Energy Suite, you can help us spread the word on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram and anywhere else you can think of!
Risks and Challenges
There are always certain risks that can arise at any moment during a project like this. That being said, we’re confident in our ability to produce, and have taken all the necessary measures. We have a highly qualified team and have partnered with leading manufacturing and fulfillment companies around the world. We just need your help to bring everything to fruition. Don’t worry, we’re completely prepared to bring PowerX Energy Suite to your home, and we have the manpower to make it happen, but if anything comes up along the way, you’ll be the first to know.