What's This For?
The team at Unworthy Productions need YOUR HELP to continue making the hit web-series PR: Unworthy! The epic conclusion of Episode 2 was just the beginning of a potential SIX PART Season 1, but we need additional funds to make each episode BIGGER and BETTER than the ones before. Read below to find out how you can help:
What We Need & What You Get:
Episodes 3 & 4 of PR: Unworthy will feature new heroes, new (but familiar) villains, and require some grandiose locations! As an estimate, we believe $8k would be enough to cover our costs for the additional costumes & sets - but if we manage to raise beyond that, the team will be able to do some cool things like travel to cons out-of-state or even feature fan-favorite villains like Lord Zedd! And if you donate, we've got some cool rewards for you:
- Your Name in the Credits!
- Exclusive Shirts
- Buttons
- Hats
- Mini-Prints
- Posters
- Digital Downloads
- Blu Ray Special Editions
- Helmet Replicas
- Full Unworthy-style Suits & More!
Why It's Important:
With your help we can continue to grow and expand on the Unworthy mythology. We can have more heroes, more villains, IMPROVED costumes, better special FX, better audio and ADR quality and much, much more! Episodes 1 & 2 have been a hit and we want to continue delivering the best fan series possible by improving every episode - but we can't do that without your support!
Your Donation will help us fund:
- A Rita Repulsa Costume
- A Divatox Costume
- An Unworthy Original Time Force Ranger Costume
- A Canon Time Force Ranger Costume
- A Young Arbiter Costume
- Upgrades to our Unworthy Suits
- DARK RANGER Costumes...
- Sets & Locations
- A Lord Zedd Costume (10k Stretch Goal!)
Other Ways You Can Help:
If you can't donate, that's fine too! Just share this page with other Ranger Nation fans that can! Every little bit helps lessen the burden on our series creator Jourdan Barnett. He's been funding the costumes and set costs so far and could use all the support we can give him! Let's help make this the best fan series possible! Donate & Share!