A Story That Needs To Be Told.
My name is Paul, I’m the writer and director of this film (which remains untitled).
My team and I are here to tell a story that will share a perspective on gun laws that’s impossible not to understand. Please watch the video to hear about the concept!
What We Need & What You Get.
A good story can be lost in bad filmmaking. We need $5,000 to give this film what it needs to succeed. That includes payment for our cast and crew; travel expenses; camera, lens, and gear rental; props; professional color correction; distribution. The amount of funds raised will determine the quality in which this film is shot and produced. Since we can’t do it without you, we’re going to give back for your contributions! If we don't raise all $5,000, we're still going to make this film. It's that important to us. But it may lack in production value.
The Impact.
Nothing drives a point home like experience. Our government is deceiving its citizens to think they are safer with stricter gun laws. This is absolutely false. By allowing something as simple as a little sign that says "no guns allowed", we are giving up our freedom, and in a growing number of cases - our lives. The idiocy of the idea that a killer will see that sign, and turn around and leave is just absurd. These signs only tell a killer that nobody inside is armed or dangerous, and every citizen just becomes easy prey. This film shows exactly that - no verbal message necessary. It will spark conversation, debate - it will be controversial. But no one who watches it will be able to deny the truth that the only thing that saves a life in these situations - is a law-abiding citizen able to defend them-self and others with a firearm, concealed or not.
Risks & Challenges.
A lot of people will be angry about this film. It would come as no surprise if someone tries to shut us down, or kill this project before it gets out there. But if we're successful in creating it, I'm almost certain it will go viral, and I personally will stop at nothing to complete it.
Other Ways You Can Help.
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean you can't help! Share this campaign, follow Reel Clef Studios across all social media platforms, and share everything you can about our work!