"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." (Movie Coach Carter)
My question to you is to help me shine my brightest light so that I can inspire thousands and hopefully MILLIONS of others to do the same to make this world an even more beautiful place!
About me
I'm a certified NLP trainer and coach since 7 years now and have started my personal development journey in 2008. Since then I have been working hard to eventually reach my goal, to teach others the skills I have learned over the years about personal development and happiness.
The last year I have been giving walking tours to tourists in my beautiful city Amsterdam on almost a daily basis and if possible 2 or 3 times per day to practice my public speaking skills, to make mistakes and to grow as quickly as possible to eventually stand in front of 1000 or more people to teach them about happiness.
Now the time has come to take the next step and start teaching!!
Why do I want to teach people about happiness and why get certified??
At the moment most people believe that they will become more happy after they have success in some way. "Success" can be experienced in all kinds of ways like getting a new job, getting a new car, getting a new dress or new shoes, having a baby or even finding the "perfect partner". All these things can give you a feeling of success and happiness for a while but they do not CAUSE true happiness as we will discuss in our workshops.
After all these things people still most of the time have a feeling of emptiness, that something is missing and so they will be looking for the next thing that will "make them happy". This is what many people refer to as The Persuit of Happiness.
Here's why:
Research shows that we have got it backwards: first we are happy and THEN we reach the success we are looking for. Now the reason I think it is best for me to work together with one of biggest happiness guru's in the world is that we will be able to change the business world from the top down. Shawn Achor has already started with fortune 500 companies to change their point of view and the way they work. This will make it a lot easier for me as a trainer to start spreading the light here on the other side of the world. Not to mention that I will be trained and certified by one of the best!
What will happen after I raised my funds?
With the funds raised I will be able to follow the training myself and after that the Train The Trainer certification programme. Then I will have to start practicing the 2 day workshops (for which you might still be able to buy a ticket) in order for me to become certified as one of few official
Orange Frog Workshop: Leading Positive Performance™ trainers!
What We Need & What You Get
Break it down for folks in more detail:
Funds needed: 5000 EURO (this is part of a 37000 euro bigger plan to become certified as happiness trainer at companies for in-company trainer)
These funds will be used to:
- attend a Public Workshop and Train The Trainer (including flight and accommodation)
When I raise more than the initial 5000 euro I will invest in:
- organizing and attending an in-company training;
- fund my Train The Trainer for in-company trainings and certification to give the training and certify other people as well;
- Writing and editing my book on happiness and simple steps for all to become more happy;
- I will need to pay for the venues for the workshops, the lunches that are included(!), all the handouts and probably some more marketing like fixing my website so it finally looks a bit better;
- Possibly, when there is enough I might even pay myself some salary to eat and work out to make sure I will be healthy and fit to give you the best service I can possibly give you!
What do I offer you in return??
1 USD - You will be loved forever by ME!! :)
7 USD - You will receive my Happiness e-book
27 USD - You will receive my e-book AND the softcover version at home as well
97 USD - You will receive an 8 week webinar happiness training series to follow in small groups of 12
267 USD - You will be able to attend one of the few workshops that I will be offering at a reduced price for me to practice and to give you something back for your show of support (normal price 1495 USD, discount: 1225,- USD)
5000 USD - You will receive my One Year Coaching Plan, this year I will coach only 10 people because I will focus on giving the trainings besides that, you can be one of these ten exclusive clients! (normal price for this would be minimum 5000 Euro but probably more towards 20000, my prices depend also on the client and his/her needs normally but this year things are different :) discount: at least 10000,- Euro)
What if I don't make it to the full funding?
All the money I receive will still be invested in my certification and in publishing my book because no matter what I will be giving happiness workshops this year or the next so your money will not go to waste!
The Impact
Why Contribute to more Happiness?
Because you can
Many people ask me why I am so eager to teach thousands of people about happiness. It is first of all, because I can, because it is in my power and because I believe that when you can do something to make the world a better place and you have the energy for it then it's part of your journey to do so! Some people do it small in their household, I choose to do it in a bigger way. You can now take this opportunity to learn more simple steps to become more happy yourself and so to change your life and that of the people around you.
Because happiness will cause more happiness!!
Just like angry people can affect people around them, so can happy people affect the people around them and so can happy habits affect and ripple on to other people. So the more we all learn and teach others about happiness or if only we take on ONE new habit and tell ONE other person about it we have already changed the world for the better! What will happen when we teach THOUSANDS?! :)
Not to mention... The environment!
What to me is also a VERY important side effect to creating more happiness is that I truly hope that by creating more happiness around the world, that we as human beings will also become more and more aware about the things that happen to the world around us when we live on greed and consuming to create a short term feeling of happiness or what I just call pleasure (and not happiness!).
Why invest in me?
Indiegogo suggests here to tell you about my track record to build trust. All I can say is that I have been working hard for years now because deep down ever since I was around 6 years old I was set on this earth to do great things and to help other people, to make the world a better place. You can now help me reach my goal and in return learn how to be and create more happiness around you as well. I truly hope you see this as a win-win-win :)
Risks & Challenges
People value your transparency. Be open and stand out by providing insight into the risks and obstacles you may face on the way to achieving your goal.
There are some risks to investing in this project and I think it is important that you are aware of these risks before you invest in a book or a workshop:
- Delay in writing the book: It could be that I might be delayed in writing the book so that I will only be able to send it to you in 2016. I WILL however 100% certain write the book no matter what!
- Delay in delivering the workshop due to not enough participants: This could mean that I can only offer you a participation in the webinar series for now OR of course you can always come to Amsterdam where we will have enough people for sure!
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute with money, but that doesn't mean they can't help my project. I will also already be VERY happy if you help me by:
- Ask folks to get the word out and make some noise about your campaign;
- Use the Indiegogo share tools on this page to share my project with as many people as possible :)
Thank you SO MUCH for your help in ANY way and I hope you be thanking you in person at one of my workshops or maybe even as your personal exclusive success coach for the next year :)
Warm hugs and lots of love,
Coach Remmie