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Problem Daughters

An anthology of science fiction & fantasy from the fringes of feminism


Problem Daughters

Problem Daughters

Problem Daughters

Problem Daughters

Problem Daughters

An anthology of science fiction & fantasy from the fringes of feminism

An anthology of science fiction & fantasy from the fringes of feminism

An anthology of science fiction & fantasy from the fringes of feminism

An anthology of science fiction & fantasy from the fringes of feminism

Rivqa Rafael
Rivqa Rafael
Rivqa Rafael
Rivqa Rafael
1 Campaign |
London, United Kingdom
$0 USD 0 backers
0% of $9,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Problem Daughters will amplify the voices of women who are sometimes excluded from mainstream feminism. It will be an anthology of beautiful, thoughtful, unconventional speculative fiction and poetry around the theme of intersectional feminism, focusing on the lives and experiences of marginalized women, such as those who are of color, QUILTBAG, disabled, sex workers, and all intersections of these.

We are raising funds to publish Problem Daughters, an anthology of speculative fiction by and about marginalized women, edited by Nicolette Barischoff, Rivqa Rafael and Djibril al-Ayad, to be published by Publishing.

Our funding goal of $9,000 will allow us to pay our contributors professional rates ($0.06/word for short stories, $100 flat rate for poems and essays). It will also pay for cover art and internal illustrations, publicity and advertising, review copies, rewards for supporters, and other expenses involved in publishing a full-length anthology of challenging, engaging works.

Now that our campaign has reached $4,500 of funding, we’re able to guarantee pro rates for fiction, but if we stop at that level, we'll have to produce a much shorter anthology, without essays or internal art. We feel it’s particularly important to pay professional rates to the authors we’re hoping to publish in this anthology, who will be predominantly marginalized people themselves.

Potential contributors please note: our call for submissions is now open to short stories and poems! We look forward to reading your work.

    Who we are Publishing is the publisher of The Future Fire magazine of social-political speculative fiction, and of several anthologies: Fae Visions of the Mediterranean (2016, co-edited by Valeria Vitale), TFF-X (2015, co-edited by Cécile Matthey and Valeria Vitale), Accessing the Future (2015, co-edited by Kathryn Allan), We See a Different Frontier (2013, co-edited by Fabio Fernandes), and Outlaw Bodies (2012, co-edited by Lori Selke).  Djibril al-Ayad, a French-born historian and futurist, co-edited these anthologies and has edited TFF since 2005.

    Nicolette Barischoff was born with spastic cerebral palsy, which has only made her more awesome. Her fiction has appeared in Long Hidden, Accessing the Future, The Journal of Unlikely Academia, Podcastle, and Angels of the Meanwhile. She regularly writes about disability, feminism, sex- and body-positivity, and how all these fit together. She’s been on the front page of CBS New York, where they called her activism public pornography and suggested her face was a Public Order Crime.

    Rivqa Rafael is a queer Jewish writer and editor based in Sydney. She started writing speculative fiction well before earning degrees in science and writing, although they have probably helped. Her previous gig as subeditor and reviews editor for Cosmos magazine likewise fueled her imagination. Her short stories have appeared in Hear Me Roar (Ticonderoga Publications), The Never Never Land (CSFG Publishing), and Defying Doomsday (Twelfth Planet Press). In 2016, she won the Ditmar Award for Best New Talent.


    Please note: all the components of each reward are listed under each level; unless specifically noted, a reward does not include all the components of the lower levels. The rewards we are offering for supporters of this fundraiser include:

    • All backers will, of course, receive updates on the project. In this case, that will include sneak peeks at the Problem Daughters cover art, by the breathtakingly talented Likhain, as it develops. We can’t wait to see what she comes up with, and hope you feel the same way! If you're not familiar with her work, here's a sample:

    • Problem Daughters in ebook (all DRM-free, and in your choice of PDF, Kindle and EPUB format; we’ll make other formats for you if at all possible) or trade paperback, or bundles including our other anthologies: Outlaw Bodies, We See a Different Frontier, Accessing the Future and Fae Visions of the Mediterranean, and TFF-X.
    • A limited edition jacketed hardcover of Problem Daughters. Print run: up to 50 copies. These will never go on sale, so we’ll only make as many as you order in this fundraiser. An even more limited number of these jacketed hardcovers are available to be signed and personalized by all three editors, with an insert of a personal postcard and a unique, crocheted, custom-designed bookmark and numbered bookplate (max 5).
    • A whole jar of Rachael K. Jones’s homemade, rare-breed grape jam. Continental USA only. This is a Rachael K. Jones special, and with it you not only get Problem Daughters, but also a paperback copy of Accessing the Future, featuring her gorgeous story, “Courting the Silent Sun.” Here's a brief description of this tasty, tasty jam: "An 8-ounce jar of homemade muscadine or scuppernong jam from Rachael K. Jones. Muscadines and scuppernongs are red and green varieties of a sweet, tangy wild grape native to the American South. Delicious on a hot biscuit or slice of toast with a hot cup of tea. This jam makes for a perfect snack while curling up to read on a Saturday morning." UPDATE: This perk is SOLD OUT; however, one jar is still left as part of Rachael's story critique perk.
    • Fabulous artist Pear Nuallak will create a custom digital "cosy room" artwork, featuring a character of your choice. Pear enjoys painting characters in intimate settings and animating them. They'll create a cosy room for one character of your choice, whether it's a feminist historical figure, an original character, or from a beloved fandom. If you specify the dominant colours and features of the interior and provide visual references for the character and room you want, Pear will be able to furnish a detailed interior scene for your character to inhabit, with the option for a simple animated version. 
    • An exclusive, limited edition print of the (undoubtedly) magnificent Problem Daughters cover artwork by illustrator Likhain. A specialist fine art printer will replicate the artwork as Giclee prints on archival-quality paper (A4-size: 210 x 297mm, or 8.3 x 11.7 inches). Each of these very limited edition prints will be signed and numbered, and will feature a short dedication on the back on request. Limited to 10.

    • Short story critiques: one of the Problem Daughters editors (selected for best fit with your story) will read and give you professional critique and feedback on an in-progress story of up to 8,000 words. All of the editors are experienced editors and writers of fiction and/or nonfiction with  several years’ experience critiquing stories. Also on offer is a critique from Ranylt Richildis, general editor of Lackington’s Magazine, home of stylized prose.
    • A signed hardcover copy of The Winged Histories by Sofia Samatar, with a personalized note from the author. With dustjacket art by Kathleen Jennings and a sprawling story told by four very different women, this book is a masterpiece inside and out.

    • Custom crocheted dolls: TFF co-editor Valeria Vitale knits and crochets amusing and adorable dolls (see photos of her knitted undead dolls, below, from the TFF-X fundraiser). For this project, she’ll be crocheting "problem daughter” dolls—in the likeness of Frida Kahlo, Josephine Baker, Mary Wollstonecraft, or Ching Shih—or any historical feminist of your choice, as long as you can provide a visual reference of them.

    • So many critiques to choose from: The aforementioned delightful Rachael K. Jones, former editor of PodCastle, critically-acclaimed short fiction author, and winner of the Writers of the Future contest, will critique and provide detailed feedback on a story up to 7500 words. Continental USA only (because it also includes a jar of scrummy grape jam!).

    • Even more short story critique: Looking for a practiced set of eyes to help firm up your fiction? Matt Wallace, acclaimed author of Envy of Angels and co-host of the terrific #DitchDiggers podcast, will critique and provide detailed feedback on one short story (up to 7,500 words). 

    • Screenplay critique: Ever wanted to have your spec script or pilot critiqued by an honest-to-God industry pro? Christina Lynch, 25-year veteran of TV writing (and NYT bestselling co-author of City of Dark Magic) will critique your half-hour or one-hour spec script or pilot, providing detailed feedback in matters structural, practical, and lyrical.
    • Tuckerization: five-time Bram Stoker winner and NYT bestseller Nancy Holder will name a character after you (or someone else of your choice) in a forthcoming work. In addition to her own lauded canon, Nancy has written novelizations for Ghostbusters, Buffy, Angel, Smallville, Teen Wolf and other popular movies and shows.

    Risks and challenges

    Publishing an anthology has risks, which we have considered and have contingency plans to minimize. If we don’t reach our minimum funding target, we will still go ahead with a semi-pro anthology, and whatever happens all backers will receive a high-quality print publication and other promised perks. If we don’t receive as many quality submissions as we’re hoping for, we will extend our call for submissions and reach out more actively to potential contributors. In the event of unexpected setbacks, we have a strong network of collaborators to fall back on, and extensive experience in solving problems as they arise.

    However, we think these risks are minimal. We believe that this project is important and exciting. Publishing has run three successful crowdfunding campaigns for previous anthologies, and produced two others without crowdfunding. We’re confident that we can deliver the rewards our backers are promised—and produce a beautiful, professional volume of stories from voices that need to be heard.

    Other ways you can help

    Have a minute to spare? We would be grateful for any support and signal boosting for our fundraising campaign. Please tweet, blog, and share links to our campaign for Problem Daughters. We talk about this campaign at the TFF blog, at Djibril, Nicci and Rivqa’s Twitter accounts or the #ProblemDaughters hashtag, and Facebook. You can also use the buttons here on Indiegogo to share this fundraiser with your friends and contacts.


    Header image credit and caption: Illustration of "Dare", The Future Fire no. 26 (© 2013 Eric Asaris). Image shows the silhouette of a long-haired woman in a long dress, her arms outstretched as she looks at the background, a yellow, orange and brown star chart. 

    Overview image credit and caption: Illustration of "Rustsong", The Future Fire no. 32 (© 2015 Cécile Matthey). Image shows a nonbinary youth with dirty, beige skin holding a knife in their left hand, against a background of an underground cave.

    Text images captions, top to bottom:

    (1) Collage of The Future Fire  covers (from left: issues 30, a woman with white skin and hair holds a violin and bow in an auditorium, as music pages, drones and hearts float around her; 29, two young women kiss, one of whom has brown skin and short black curly hair, a gray coat and a satchel, while the other has pale skin, straight black hair and a pink coat; 21, a woman with light brown skin wears a uniform comprising a brown jacket and cornered hat; and 12, a naked woman with a bald head covers her body with her arms while being surrounded by floating cogs).

    (2) Cover of Sofia Samatar's The Winged Histories, which features a young woman with black hair and brown skin. She wears a uniform of a green jacket, red sash and blue pants. She rides a large, mythical creature similar to a vulture.

    (3) A collage of six photos, each featuring one of three crocheted undead dolls made by Valeria Vitale in various settings. The dolls are 20cm tall. One has the likeness of an older person with long gray hair, beige skin, a purple-and-white spotted shirt, and navy pants. The second has long ginger hair, mismatched eyes and beige skin, and wears a pink checked shirt, green cardigan and blue pants. The third has pale skin and short black hair and a black moustache, and wears a teal shirt and navy pants. 

    (4) A collage of Publishing anthologies (from left: Outlaw Bodies, a person, drawn in black and white, leans over with their hands to their head while black cables emanate from their scalp; the background is multicoloured; We See a Different Frontier, a green, red and yellow patchwork spaceship orbits a green and blue planet; Accessing the Future, a brown-skinned woman in a space suit orbits a blue and white planet; TFFX, the title of the book appears as though sculpted on a rocky surface with a dark background; and Fae Visions of the Mediterranean, a white sailboat is attacked by a sea serpent in a turbulent ocean). 

    Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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    Choose your Perk


    It’s My Jam! (Jam+crit+2 PBs)

    $100 USD
    The delightful Rachael K. Jones can also put her masterful editing skills to work for you, by critiquing and offering detailed feedback on a story up 7,500 words. You'll also get a jar of her homemade, rare-breed grape jam, paperback and e-book copies of Problem Daughters and Accessing the Future.
    Included Items
    • Problem Daughters ebook
    • Problem Daughters paperback
    • Grape jam
    • Rachael K. Jones story crit
    • Accessing the Future paperback
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2017
    0 out of 1 of claimed
    Ships to United States of America

    Ebook only

    $5 USD
    Problem Daughters as a DRM-free ebook.
    Included Items
    • Problem Daughters ebook
    Estimated Shipping
    August 2017
    71 claimed

    6-ebook bundle

    $20 USD
    Problem Daughters and our other anthologies (Outlaw Bodies, We See a Different Frontier, Accessing the Future, Fae Visions of the Mediterranean, and TFF-X) as DRM-free ebooks.
    Included Items
    • 6-ebook bundle
    Estimated Shipping
    August 2017
    42 claimed

    Paperback + ebook

    $25 USD
    Problem Daughters in trade paperback and DRM-free ebook editions.
    Included Items
    • Problem Daughters ebook
    • Problem Daughters paperback
    Estimated Shipping
    October 2017
    61 claimed
    Ships worldwide.

    Paperback + 6-ebook bundle

    $40 USD
    Trade paperback edition of Problem Daughters PLUS the 6-ebook bundle (Problem Daughters,Outlaw Bodies, We See a Different Frontier, Accessing the Future, Fae Visions of the Mediterranean, and TFF-X) as DRM-free ebooks..
    Included Items
    • Problem Daughters paperback
    • 6-ebook bundle
    Estimated Shipping
    October 2017
    23 claimed
    Ships worldwide.

    Custom digital art + ebook

    $50 USD
    Fabulous artist Pear Nuallak will create a custom digital "cosy room" artwork, featuring a character of your choice. It can even be animated, if you'd like. You'll also receive Problem Daughters as a DRM-free ebook.
    Included Items
    • Problem Daughters ebook
    • Custom digital art
    Estimated Shipping
    August 2017
    2 out of 5 of claimed

    Limited edition hardcover

    $60 USD
    Problem Daughters limited edition dust-jacketed hardcover, plus a DRM-free ebook edition.
    Included Items
    • Problem Daughters ebook
    • Problem Daughters HB
    Estimated Shipping
    November 2017
    6 out of 50 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.

    PD editor short story crit

    $60 USD
    One of the editors (Djibril, Nicolette or Rivqa) will critique a short story (up to 8,000 words). PLUS, you’ll receive Problem Daughters in trade paperback and DRM-free ebook editions.
    Included Items
    • Problem Daughters ebook
    • Problem Daughters paperback
    • PD editor short story crit
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2017
    0 out of 3 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.

    Lackington's short story crit

    $60 USD
    The editor of Lackington’s Magazine, a home for stylized prose, will critique a short story (up to 8,000 words). PLUS, you’ll receive Problem Daughters in trade paperback and DRM-free ebook editions.
    Included Items
    • Problem Daughters ebook
    • Problem Daughters paperback
    • Lackington's short story crit
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2017
    0 out of 2 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.

    Limited ed. cover art print

    $80 USD
    A print of the Problem Daughters cover artwork by illustrator Likhain. A specialist fine art printer will replicate the artwork as Giclee prints on archival-quality paper (A4-size: 210 x 297mm, or 8.3 x 11.7 inches). Each of these very limited edition prints will be signed and numbered, and will feature a short dedication on the back on request.
    Included Items
    • Problem Daughters ebook
    • Cover art print
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2017
    7 out of 10 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.

    6-paperback + 6-ebook bundle

    $100 USD
    Problem Daughters and our other anthologies (Outlaw Bodies, We See a Different Frontier, Accessing the Future, Fae Visions of the Mediterranean, and TFF-X) in trade paperback and DRM-free ebook editions.
    Included Items
    • 6-ebook bundle
    • 6-paperback bundle
    Estimated Shipping
    September 2017
    4 claimed
    Ships worldwide.

    Crocheted “problem daughter”

    $150 USD
    A crocheted doll (approx. 20cm tall) of a historical “problem daughter” of your choice by TFF editor Valeria Vitale. PLUS, you’ll receive Problem Daughters in trade paperback and DRM-free ebook editions.
    Included Items
    • Problem Daughters ebook
    • Problem Daughters paperback
    • Crocheted "problem daughter"
    Estimated Shipping
    September 2017
    2 out of 3 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.

    Write Like a Unicorn coaching

    $150 USD
    Enjoy a one-hour private mentorship session with experienced author and coach Minal Hajratwala to work through your creative doubts and leap forward on your writing project. You’ll also receive Problem Daughters in trade paperback and DRM-free ebook.
    Included Items
    • Problem Daughters ebook
    • Problem Daughters paperback
    • Writing coaching session
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2017
    0 out of 2 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.

    Christina Lynch TV script crit

    $150 USD
    Christina Lynch, 25-year veteran of TV writing (and NYT bestselling co-author of City of Dark Magic) will critique your half-hour or one-hour spec script or pilot, providing detailed feedback in matters structural, practical, and lyrical. PLUS, you’ll receive Problem Daughters in trade paperback and DRM-free ebook.
    Included Items
    • Problem Daughters ebook
    • Problem Daughters paperback
    • Screenplay critique
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2017
    0 out of 1 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.

    Signed limited edition HB

    $200 USD
    Problem Daughters limited edition dust-jacketed hardcover, personalized to you by all three editors, with custom crocheted bookmark, plus a DRM-free ebook edition.
    Included Items
    • Problem Daughters ebook
    • Signed Problem Daughters HB
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2017
    3 out of 5 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.
    sold out

    Early bird ebook

    $3 USD
    Estimated Shipping
    August 2017
    30 out of 30 of claimed
    sold out

    Homemade Jam(yes really)&books

    $60 USD
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2017
    3 out of 3 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.
    sold out

    Winged Histories + book pack

    $70 USD
    Estimated Shipping
    October 2017
    1 out of 1 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.
    sold out

    Matt Wallace short story crit

    $125 USD
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2017
    2 out of 2 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.
    sold out

    Nancy Holder tuckerization

    $500 USD
    Estimated Shipping
    December 2017
    1 out of 1 of claimed
    Ships worldwide.
    Up Caret