Project Milo
Milo is a young Haitian boy who lives with and works for a family in Port-au-Prince. As a servant herself, Milo's mother could not care for him and therefore left him with a wealthier family who requires him to work full time.
We think that Milo is thirteen years old, but cannot be sure as he has no birth certificate and does now know his own birthday.
As a child servant (or "restavek") Milo faces overwhelming challenges, and as a result both his health and education suffer.
Thanks to the generosity of one international donor, Milo attended school for the first time ever last year. He entered the third grade (at age twelve) completely illiterate, but is already excelling at reading and writing today.
When asked what the biggest problem is in his life he replies, "I just want to go to school." His school begins again in October and costs $350 per year.
Sadly, Milo was never taught about dental hygiene and he now suffers with a lot of cavities, infections, and pain. Last year, we were forced to have two of his teeth pulled during an emergency procedure brought on by a horrible infection.
After consulting with a trustworthy dentist, we learned that Milo's teeth are in such bad shape that he will require dentures in one year if nothing is done to help him. For the low cost of $1,000 we are able to have his fifteen cavities filled and have veneers put on his front teeth.
So, we are calling on Milo's international friends to pitch in and help us improve his quality of life!!!
We are raising for:
$1,000 for dental care
$350 for education
$50 to secure a birth certificate for Milo
($100 IndieGoGo fees)
Please consider giving and please tell your friends!