About me.
For the past several years, I've been an avid conspiracy theorist. My adolescent years were filled trying to absorb as much information surrounding conspiracy theories as possible. I started sleeping less. In fact, I started sleeping every other night so that I would be able to stay up for entire nights, researching the government's involvement in various events throughout the world. I'd go up to three nights without sleep, researching stuff. As expected, problems started developing. I started getting blinding head-rushes. I'd lose the ability to see for periods of time, followed by headaches that would leave me on floor. I finally had to leave the conspiracy theory environment.
Nearly a year later, I came back as a different person. I was no longer out to get the government. I believed that there were good people and that not everybody was corrupt. I believed that it was possible that the planes were hijacked as the official stories stated. I didn't reject official stories because they were official. I began discrediting conspiracy theories just as commonly as I would discredit official stories.
I started basing my theories on truth. Truth. I would research an official story or conspiracy theory until i wasn't able to find any more information on the subject. After numerous months of researching and collecting information, I finally started piecing the information together in the form of a book. It's not your average conspiracy theory book; it compares both sides of the story and holds them both in an equally credible light. It's from the perspective on an unbiased individual, and the book reflects that.
Above all, the book is about promoting truth. We, the citizens of the United States, deserve the truth about the events that took place on September 11th, 2001. The families of the 3,000 who died deserve the truth.
We don't let our employees lie to us. The government is a employee of the American people, and we should not allow them to lie to us. And, on that note, we shouldn't be lied to by conspiracy theorists who believe that they have the complete truth.
We need and deserve the truth.
What I Need & What You Get
The book is essentially written. I have nearly 200 pages, however, I'm planning on adding more. But, I want the book edited professionally. I want the book organized by a professional book doctor. Though I believe that I am somewhat capable of editing the book, I want it to be professional. I want it to be far superior to your average blogger who has a post on conspiracy theories. I want it to be as good as a book that you would be able to pick off the shelves in a book store.
• The money required for this project will be going to two different editors that I've already selected and conversed with. It will be going to a professional designer for the artwork. And, it will be going to a professional book doctor who can rearrange my content.
• I don't plan to pocket any money, as anything left over will go towards the perks, which, by the way, seem pretty good. Check them out to the right.
The Book
The book, as of now, is 200 pages long. I wanted it to be somewhat brief. I wanted it to be readable, and not some heavy piece that one would find at the library for a research paper. And, as of now, the book is readable. But, it's not good enough. That's why I need your help.
The book covers every plane and crash in detail, as well as the events that happened directly before and after the events. The book compares official stories, side by side with the conspiracy theories.
And, hopefully it will only get better.
This book is something that is quite meaningful to me. I am a supporter of truth and transparency when it comes government. I believe that the government is a good thing. We need some governing authority. However, I'm an avid believer in a smaller, more transparent government. I encourage everyone to voice their opinions and thoughts on subjects regarding truth.
We need truth
Other Ways You Can Help
I understand that some people are going through hardships and rough patches in life, so I totally understand if you aren't able to contribute, financially. However, if you can share this page or write a blog post about national truth, I would be very appreciative.
Truth is something that needs collective support and cooperation. This is a movement.