The Mongolian Khulan / Mongolian wild donkey
The Mongolian
Khulan - also known as Mongolian Wild Donkey (Equus hemionus hemionus) – is
an endangered Asiatic wild Equid
which is still less known that the Przewalski's horse.
The Mongolian Khulan is one the 5 recognized sub-species of the Asiatic Wild Donkey and represents the largest population of
this species in the world (80% of the species). Its
population is now mainly concentrated in south of Mongolia (Gobi Desert) with
small populations in north of China (Xinjiang province and Inner Mongolia).
Mongolia represents a very important place for the
conservation of the whole species.
The Mongolian Khulan is listed as Endangered in the IUCN Red List and in the Mongolian red list of Mammals.
And is listed in Appendix
I of the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of
Wild Fauna and Flora) and in Appendix II of the CMS (Convention on Migratory Species).
The Gobi Desert
The ecosystem of the Gobi is very specific
and also vulnerable but very few actions have been conducted until now to
conserve it, especially in the south-eastern part of the Gobi Desert of
Why is the Mongolian Khulan endangered ?
Main threats
affecting the survival of the Mongolian Khulan are:
a) Habitat diminution and fragmentation,
b) Illegal hunting
and trade for its meat and skin (some organs seem to be also used in traditional medicine),
c) Competition
with domestic livestock to access to natural resources (water and pastures)
that are limited in the Gobi Desert,
d) Lack of knowledge by herders about this species ecology,
e) possible impact of climate change.
About the organizations
The Association GOVIIN KHULAN, which is a French nonprofit organization, has been established in 2007 with the aim to enhance protection of the endangered Mongolian Khulan and its habitat in partnership with local rangers and communities. This organization has been created in response of the lack of actions conducted to protect the endangered Mongolian Khulan, and this particularly in the southeast Gobi (Mongolia), where there were fewer actions towards this species protection before. Goviin Khulan has built a multidisciplinary approach that will help ensure this species protection on a long term, with respect for local culture and traditions. We have secured support since the beginning from some local rangers, local governments, schools, two Buddhist monasteries and the local community of our study area.
To know more about the Association Goviin khulan and its activities:
Nomadic Nature Conservation Mongolia
Nomadic Nature Conservation Mongolia is a non-profit organization established in March 2010 in Mongolia. It follows on the successful launch, in 2007, of the Nomadic Nature Trunk program conducted in 3 eastern provinces of Mongolia (this program has been funded by Wildlife Conservation Society in partnership with Conservation Ink and Denver Zoo). This program is aimed to bring much-needed ecological education to Mongolia's rural schools and communities.
To know more about the Nomadic Nature Conservation Mongolia:
About the team
Anne-Camille, is graduated from the University Pierre et Marie CURIE (Paris, France) with a Master research in Natural sciences, specialized in "animal ethology applied to species conservation in-situ". She is studying the Mongolian khulan since 2004. She is also Chairwoman and and research director of the Association Goviin Khulan.
Tunga, is graduated from National University of Mongolia with Master's degree in Biological Sciences. She has been studying many different species in Mongolia and started studying grey wolf ecology in 1994. She is now Chairwoman and program director of the Nomadic Nature Conservation Mongolia.
Why we need your support?
We would like to conduct a field trip for about 2 weeks in the southeast Gobi within the coming months.
This mission is of great importance for our project because it will allows
us to conduct activities like:
1- Research activities
-Species ecology
We will continue our research work on behavioral ecology of the Mongolian Khulan and start research work on the grey wolf, and on the relationships predator-prey.
We will also settle some of our trail cameras/camera traps to get further information about these species ecology, nature of interactions with other species (wild and domestic) and human activities, and about biodiversity of our study area (
Mongolian khulan (female) walking to a temporary water point. Summer 2012
Mongolian khulan increasing a watering hole at night at a dry river bed. This watering hole has been previously dug by another khulan to access to water located underground.
Illegal hunting and activitiesWe will collect further information and record any indication of illegal hunting and activities in our study area that could affect these species survival.
Carcass of a Mongolian khulan illegally hunted we found in 2009 in our study area.
-Mining activities
Our team will also check around some mining sites for which we previously determined locations and for new ones, presence or absence of khulans, density of khulans, behavior and any information related to impact of mining activities on population of khulans.
2- Nomadic conservation training and education - Community conservation based program
-Conservation activities
We will continue to work with local park and volunteer rangers, citizen conservationists, schools and Buddhist monasteries involved in the Goviin Khulan project and with new people as part of our "community conservation based program".
-Conservation education - Nomadic Nature Conservation Trunk
We will start using the Nomadic Nature Conservation Trunk created by the Nomadic Nature Conservation Mongolia in our study area. This conservation trunk contains various items (books, guide books, educational materials, puppets, items to help identify species' tracks...), and some games for activities that could help people understand environmental issues and interactions between species.
We will also collect some samples that could be used to create items specific to the Mongolian Khulan to create a Conservation trunk specific to our study area in the near future.
Conservation professional training We will also provide to park rangers working in the protected area located in our study area, with additional training to use technical equipment we provided them (GPS and camera trap), as well as to provide them with training to conduct some research on ecology of Mongolian khulan and grey wolf.
3- Local awareness about environment protection We will also
conduct some
actions to raise local awareness to protect the Mongolian khulan, other Gobi wild species and their habitat.
During this field trip, as well as during the whole project, local park rangers and volunteer rangers, families involved in the project as "citizen conservationists", buddhist monasteries of our study area, schools of the southeast Gobi, local governments and communities, and other actors of biodiversity conservation will again actively participate to the project.
What we need and what you will get in return of
your support
We need exactly 4,600 USD.
This amount includes all expenses related to the field trip we would like to conduct in our study area (vehicle renting and driver, gas, per diem expenses, training costs, travel in protected areas, and assistance of park rangers), and indiegogo's fees.
In return of your
donation you will receive very unique contributions, and will also regularly
receive updates about our project.
Gifts include:
-free subscription to our newsletter,
-free wall paper (photo of the Gobi landscape or of Mongolian khulans in their habitat),
-postcard from the field,
-small Mongolian calligraphy,
-photograph of Mongolian khulans signed by our team (number limited),
-handmade gift from Mongolia,
-your logo/name mentioned as official partner of the project,
-Mongolian art creation,
-one week in the field
with our team during one of our “conservation travel expedition”.
For people
who donate from Mongolia, we could change your gift with one of similar value.
If we don’t reach our goal, funding will be
used for other activities of our organizations or will be saved for a next research
trip in the Gobi Desert.
If we reach more that our goal (it is something
we of course sincerely hope since we really need funding to continue to develop
our project!), funding will be used to fund other needs for our project:
-provide gas to local families, rangers and monks involved in our
project to check some of our camera traps during the year,
-provide further technical equipment to park and volunteer rangers involved in our project,
-print further educational materials,
-conduct further educational and
training activities in our study area,
-and much more !
Other ways you can help if you cannot donate
If you can't
contribute to this campaign, you can speak about our project around you and share the link of this campaign on Facebook, Twitter, by e-mail ... with your friends, contacts, family, colleagues … and help us reach our goal!
You can also
follow the link bellow to have more ideas on how you could help our project and
then contribute to conservation of the Mongolian Khulan, and share it with your family, friends, and colleagues:
1% for the Planet
Goviin Khulan is partner and recipient of the 1% for the Planet, which is an alliance of companies all over the world that donate at least 1% of their sales to environmental organization like ours.
If you have a company and wish to support our actions, you can also support us through the 1% for the Planet!
Feel free to contact us for any more information.
To follow the project
Nomadic Nature Conservation Mongolia's website
You can also follow us on Twitter
And you can also contact us at if you have any
question about the campaign and the project.
We thank you very much in advance for your support!
Anne-Camille, Tunga and the Goviin Khulan and NNC' teams!