Our Story
Community Shields/SHLD is a collaborative effort to support our community through innovation and design. Our team is comprised of highly skilled fabricators and machine shop operators with over 50 years of combined experience in crafting technical solutions to complex problems. We've also had 2 successful Kickstarter campaigns. The Air Lever and the Stompump.
We first started making plastic face shields over 3 months ago to address the nation wide PPE shortage. Since then we have fabricated and shipped over 15,000 face shields nationwide free of charge to essential medical workers. We launched this Indiegogo campaign to obtain funding to create designs and die-cut units to quickly and easily produce more needed PPE. As we transition to the next phase of re-opening, we are committed to ensuring that essential workers, schools, businesses, and communities have the protections they need to reopen.
3 Unique Face Shields for any Life Situation
We're offering 3 face shields that can protect you and your community. With the state of the world, it's more important to protect ourselves and stay safe than it ever has been.
3/4 Face Coverage, for adults and kids -
Covers nose, mouth, and eyes. Easy to wear and put on/take off.
Product Development is our Bag -
It takes time and plenty of revisions to get a product right. To get a consumer product ready for release takes time and experience. The key to our Face Shields is their simplicity and ease of use. We've based these products on a low cost and scaleable model. We really want to make sure that essential protection is available to all.
We're Committed to our Communities
We're so committed to our communities that we're willing to donate 1 Face shield for each one sold to a School or Medical facility in need. To us, this is key to keeping our communities safe and connected.
We have stock and are Shipping Now!
We know that protections for our communities are needed now. That's why we've tooled up and made our Shields available and ready for shipping!
Risks and challenges
We've opened tooling and will begin production shortly after the launch of this campaign. Our goal is to begin delivering Face Shields within days of our campaign closing. This requires some creative forecasting by our team and our suppliers. Over the last 10 years, the crew at SHLD/Communityshields.com has been involved in the development of hundreds of products you may use every day. With each product, there are always unforeseen challenges. We have tried to mitigate as many challenges as we could predict. SHLD has spent the last 6 months getting our line of face shields ready for production. This includes engineering, designing, prototyping, testing, and tooling for the product. The Face Shields we've come up with have been universally praised by our testers, early reviewers, and doctors & medical professionals. We have sourced only the best materials for our Shields. We have engaged contract manufacturers with a strong history of hitting timelines and exceptional quality control. Most importantly, We have existing relationships and proven track records with these suppliers. While we are thoroughly confident in our process, each product carries unique risks and challenges. For SHLD, this includes: - Potential for packaging and or tooling modifications - Packaging or shipping delays SHLD Inc. has a sum of 35 years of delivering exceptional products to end-users and clients. We will not sacrifice quality. If we encounter any issues with our product, we will immediately communicate with our backers, providing them all information about the delay and options available. Our experience and history of delivering successful products to market illustrates our ability to deliver to all our backers within the defined timeline while maintaining exceptional service, quality, and support. Our commitment to you, as our backers, is frequent and transparent communication throughout this process, and the assurance you are completely thrilled with the product.
Reusability and recyclability
Our Face Shields easy to clean and maintain. Furthermore, they are made with PET plastic that is highly recyclable and used in many post-consumer products. Check with your local refuse service to understand how best to recycle PET Plastics.