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ProView G3 Wearable Gimbal & Cable Cam for GoPro

Cinematic, 3-Axis, Most Affordable

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ProView G3 Wearable Gimbal & Cable Cam for GoPro

ProView G3 Wearable Gimbal & Cable Cam for GoPro

ProView G3 Wearable Gimbal & Cable Cam for GoPro

ProView G3 Wearable Gimbal & Cable Cam for GoPro

ProView G3 Wearable Gimbal & Cable Cam for GoPro

Cinematic, 3-Axis, Most Affordable

Cinematic, 3-Axis, Most Affordable

Cinematic, 3-Axis, Most Affordable

Cinematic, 3-Axis, Most Affordable

Rick Hwang
Rick Hwang
Rick Hwang
Rick Hwang
2 Campaigns |
Hsinchu, Taiwan
$20,171 USD 64 backers
61% of $33,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal
The project team has a working demo, not the final product. Their ability to begin production may be affected by product development or financial challenges.
Check Wrench Warehouse Truck
Concept Prototype Production Shipping
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects
ProView G3 3-axis gimbal and cable cam is the ultimate tool to capture stabilized GoPro video. The gimbal by itself is wearable, can be mounted anywhere a GoPro is used to provide stabilized cinematic video. The cable cam gliding a camera on a rope opens up a new dimension of possibility for video-making. Used with the wearable gimbal, motion video result is cinematic and professional quality.

台灣朋友可往下拉, 看後半部的中文解說.  2nd part has the same English content in Chinese.


ProView G3 is a wearable gimbal for GoPro camera. It provides 3-axis stabilization when the camera is locked to the gimbal, delivering professional cinematic video for any kind of activity.




ProView G3 is specially designed for sports applications. With standard ¼ “ holes at the bottom and in the rear, it can be mounted anywhere a GoPro can be mounted.


ProView G3 enables everyone to shoot like a pro with ease!




3-Axis Stabilization

State-of-art brushless motor 3-axis stabilization technology as used by the filming industry 


Covers Major Action Cameras

GoPro Hero 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / YI CAM / SJCAM / AEE / Garmin VIRB Ultra 30


Operating Time 4.5 Hour

Removable Rechargeable Battery

Replaceable rechargeable battery. Charge through USB port directly.


3 Stabilization Modes

Pan Follow: tilt and roll axis locked, pan axis follow
All Follow: roll axis locked, pan and tilt axis follow
All Lock: all 3-axis locked




6 Mounting Orientations

Provides maximum usage flexibility




Two 1/4 " Holes

Enables flexible mounting from bottom side for typical use, or from rear side with long extension pole for special occasions.

Auto Rotation Mode

User settable to rotate from position A to position B in configurable interval. Useful for timelapse photography.







If we exceed 3X funding goal when the crowdfunding ends (surpassing $100,000) we'll upgrade ProView G3 to have pan axis able to rotate 360 degrees ! 

360 + 360, Two Axis Move Without Limits, Providing Even Greater Usage Flexibility !



Turn the Wearable Gimbal into a Handheld Gimbal

A single button for ON/OFF control and mode selection.

A joystick for camera shooting angle adjustment.

Replaceable rechargeable battery. Charge through USB port directly.



Glide camera over crowds at live events & sporting venues, point to point filming in difficult terrains. Create videos  not possible before!

Works for smartphone too!


Small and Light Weight

Take this ultra portable cable cam design anywhere and capture smooth motion footage. 


Easy Setup

Take just minutes to setup and send camera gliding on the rope.



Can be used in some occasions requiring dolly, drone, or crane.


Autonomous and Intelligent

Can be set to "ping-pong" moving back and forth continuously between two programmable points or at a fixed distance. It decelerates to a smooth stop at the end point and reverse direction.


New Perspective

Providing a new way to operate the camera. Glide it through challenging narrow space or a few centimeters off the ground to capture new exciting perspectives. Glide it close to the action or over crowds where drones are difficult to use or not allowed. Ideal for capturing great moments in all kinds of events.


Extended Motion Time Lapse

Can go much further than other motion time lapse camera products, making your footage standout from the rest.  

Removable Rechargeable Battery

Replaceable rechargeable battery. Charge through USB port directly.


App Controlled

App controlled left/right direction, movement speed, A/B end points, movement distance.

Feature Comparison



Yes, we're adding a small Bluetooth/2.4GHzRadio data-link to extend Bluetooth's 10m range to 100m range. This makes adding new capability/feature very easy to do by using App interface. 


Stretch Goal

If we exceed 3X funding goal when the crowdfunding ends (surpassing $100,000) we'll upgrade Cabal Cam to have 200m control range ! 



We went through several generation of prototypes, now ready for mass production. Your support is needed to help bring it to the world! 


Production version made with proper tooling will look much better than these 3D printed prototypes !




ProView G3 Early Bird ($99)

For the backers that pledge early. It includes ProView G3 Kit.


Best Deal Full Set Early Bird ($224)

For the backers that pledge early. It includes ProView G3 Kit + Handle Option + Cable Cam Option.


ProView G3 Kit ($129)

Includes ProView G3 wearable 3-axis gimbal, 2 rechargeable batteries, and an USB cable.


Handle Option ($39)

Includes the handle accessory, 1 rechargeable battery, and an USB cable.


Cable Cam Option ($149)

 Includes the Cable Cam  accessory, 25m rope, 2 end stop clip, 2 rechargeable batteries, USB cable.


Best Deal Full Set ($249)

Includes ProView G3 Kit + Handle Option + Cable Cam Option. 




We at NAVIN have previously brought crowdfunded ProView S3 smartphone stabilizer to the hands of our backers and successfully launched to the market. We have working prototype of ProView G3, so there should be little chance for surprises later on. That being said, no manufacturing could be guaranteed without hiccups or delay beforehand. It could due to other sudden large order shortening originally planned capacity, or delay in receiving ordered materials, and so on. We have sufficient experience to reduce such risk to minimum. If there is a delay that will shift our shipping timeline, we will update you. We'll bend over backwards to get ProView G3 to you.


Thanks you!

The NAVIN Team


Media kit available here:


Email Contact:



Below is in above contents in Chinese. 


ProView G3 穿載式雲台為 GoPro 動相機提供三軸穩定, 讓您在極限運動中拍出的影片能有專業攝影般的流暢.


如同 GoPro 相機是以穿戴應用為主, ProView G3 設計也一樣是以穿戴應用為考量. 其底部與後方的 1/4 英吋螺孔讓您可以把它栓在您平常栓 GoPro 相機處來提供三軸穩定效果.



ProView G3 讓您輕鬆拍出專業般的流暢穩定畫質.








GoPro Hero 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / YI CAM / SJCAM / AEE / Garmin VIRB Ultra 30





充電電池續電力弱時可自行更換. 由 USB 接口充電.



航向跟隨模式: 俯仰軸與橫滾軸鎖定,航向軸跟隨.

全跟隨模式: 橫滾軸鎖定, 俯仰軸與航向軸跟隨.

全鎖定模式: 俯仰軸, 橫滾軸, 航向軸皆鎖定.



兩個 1/4 英吋螺孔

可彈性應用底部的 1/4 英吋螺孔因應大多數穿載應用, 或用後方的 1/4 英吋螺孔掛於長桿上做特殊拍攝應用.



可設定讓鏡頭經歷 A 時間由 B 方向轉至 C 方向.







若集資能超過目標三倍 (十萬美元) 我們就將 ProView G3 航向軸與俯仰軸升級為能做 360 度無限位轉動, 增加更多拍攝的可能性!






充電電池續電力弱時可自行更換. 由 USB 接口充電.


Cable Cam 選配件

Cable Cam 讓 GoPro 相機能穿越狹隘空間、貼近拍攝物、或在室內環境人潮聚集無人機不適場合吊掛安靜滑動拍錄.




針對 GoPro 應用設計, 體積小重量輕方便攜帶



僅需幾分鐘即能將繩子綁好、完成運作設定、讓您的 GoPro 懸空滑行.



可設定在繩上 A 點與 B 點兩點之間反覆以定速來回, 到末端 A 點或 B 點時會自動減速、停止、再反向運行.



能讓鏡頭穿越狹隘空間、貼近拍攝物、或貼近地面滑動拍錄. 在各種室內人潮聚集無人機不適的場合也能吊掛安靜滑動拍錄精彩的場面. 為 GoPro 相機提供前所未有的新玩法!



比其它移動滑軌裝置能提供更長距離的縮時攝影拍攝, 讓您的作品更為突出顯目.



充電電池續電力弱時可自行更換. 由 USB 接口充電.


App 控制

可由手機 App 做向左或向右跑方向設定、移動速度與距離設定, 繩上 A, B 兩 點位置設定, 單次單向滑動或自動來回往返運作.



我們將有個藍芽轉 2.4G 傳輸的小盒子把藍芽 10 公尺距離延長為 100 公尺. 這讓未來透過 App 介面擴充功能非常容易.



我們經過數次的雛型開發, 目前達可以準備進到量產階段. 需要您的支持, 我們才有機會將它量產實現, 與大家分享這產品.

開模後量產品會比目前用 3D 印列的雛型機漂亮!




ProView G3 早鳥版 ($99 美元)

給最早的支柱者, 含 ProView G3 Kit 一套.


超值套組早鳥版 ($224 美元)

給最早的支柱者, 含 ProView G3 Kit 一套 + 手把配件一套 + Cable Cam 配件一套


ProView G3 Kit ($129 美元)

含 ProView G3 穿載雲台, 兩顆充電電池與 USB 充電線.


手把配件 ($39美元)

含手把, 一顆充電電池與 USB 充電線.


Cable Cam 配件 ($149美元)

含 Cable Cam 主機, 25公尺繩子, 兩個限位器, 兩顆充電電池與 USB 充電線.


超值套組 ($249 美元)

含 ProView G3 Kit一套 + 手把配件一套 + Cable Cam 配件一套.





我們先前成功地把眾籌的 ProView S3 帶給每位支助者且在市場上推出. 我們有能運作的雛型機, 之後出意外的機率將低很多. 儘管如此, 之後量產仍難百分之百確定不會有延誤情況發生, 因為量產工廠若臨時接了大單排擠其他單子, 或某物料交期稍有延誤都會造成出貨的延遲…等等. 我們有足夠量產經驗能將延遲風險減至最低. 若有狀況發生, 我們將會及早通知, 並竭盡所能盡早將 ProView G3 與 Cable Cam 交到各位手上.





媒體包 :




Q1: 為什麼不用無人機拍就好, 還用 Cable Cam?

A1: 從這個非常專業昂貴的 Cable Cam 宣傳片即能清楚了解哪些應用場合無人機不適用: . 移動縮時攝影也是 Cable Cam 的強項: . ProView G3 + Cable Cam 以較頻易近人價位讓有 GoPro 相機的朋友也能入門玩 Cable Cam 的拍攝.

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Choose your Perk


ProView G3 Early Bird

$99 USD $199 USD (50% off)
For the early bird backers. Get ProView G3 Wearable Gimbal. Save $100 off planned retail price
Included Items
  • ProView G3 Kit
Estimated Shipping
April 2018
0 out of 200 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Handle Option

$39 USD $49 USD (20% off)
Turn ProView G3 wearable gimbal into a handheld gimbal. Free shipping when ProView G3 is pledged.
Included Items
  • USB Cable
  • Handle for ProView G3
  • Rechargeable Battery
Estimated Shipping
April 2018
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

ProView G3 Kit

$129 USD $199 USD (35% off)
Get your ProView G3 Wearable GoPro 3-Axis Gimbal. Save $70 off planned retail price.
Included Items
  • ProView G3 Wearable Gimbal
  • USB Cable
  • Rechargeable Battery (2)
Estimated Shipping
April 2018
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Cable Cam Option

$149 USD $249 USD (40% off)
Get Cable Cam for your GoPro camera or smartphone. Save $100 off planned retail price.
Included Items
  • USB Cable
  • Rechargeable Battery (2)
  • Cable Cam unit
  • 25m Cable
  • End Stop Clip (2)
Estimated Shipping
April 2018
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Best Deal Full Set Early Bird

$224 USD $499 USD (55% off)
For the early bird backers. Get ProView G3 Wearable Gimbal + Handle Option + Cable Cam Option. Save $275 off planned retail price.
Included Items
  • ProView G3 Kit
  • Cable Cam Option
  • Handle Option
Estimated Shipping
April 2018
0 out of 200 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Best Deal Full Set

$249 USD $499 USD (50% off)
Get ProView G3 Wearable Gimbal + Handle Option + Cable Cam Option. Save $250 off planned retail price.
Included Items
  • ProView G3 Kit
  • Cable Cam Option
  • Handle Option
Estimated Shipping
April 2018
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Reseller 10X Pack

$2,150 USD $4,990 USD (56% off)
Get 10X Best Deal Full Set. Save $2840 off planned retail price.
Included Items
  • ProView G3 Kit 10X Pack
  • Cable Cam Option 10X Pack
  • Handle Option 10X Pack
Estimated Shipping
April 2018
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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