What We Need
We already created a rough concept of mockups to demonstrate some of the features that the app will have.
The response has been tremendous. Now we need the funds to enhance the user experience and the design, and then bring it to life.
- The $100K we are raising will go towards creating a beautifully designed prototype of the app, ample user surveys, legal fees, along with sample versions of educational videos.
A well designed prototype will allow us to test the concept and get real world feedback from teenagers so that we can build the most powerful and effective platform possible. With that feedback, we can then raise additional funds.
- Additional funding would go towards developing a minimal viable product (MVP) of the app to have a robust product for beta testing, as well as additional consultant and legal fees, outreach, content creation and partnerships.
The Team
psych.E is a product of Psych Media, and is the brainchild of three people impassioned to improve the lives of young people struggling with mental health issues. We each have a deep personal and/or professional connection to the cause of improving child and adolescent mental health care.
Strategic Consultant:
Julian Keuzenkamp, MSc Developmental Neuroscience and Psychopathology.
Advisors include: the Director of Mount Sinai Hospital's Child and Behavioral Health Center, a prominent tech investor, Facebook's first Director of Public Policy, a former senior official from HHS, an Emmy-Award winning producer, a healthcare consultant, privacy experts, psychiatrists, and a technology consultant.
Truly the most important thing we can directly offer is our deep and unending gratitude for any support you can offer. The knowledge that your money is going to help address a critical need for America's teenagers is pretty cool, too. But there are also some fun perks. Who couldn't use a brain to squeeze, right? And you know you are just dying to have a limited edition psych.E T-shirt! And there's more! Check them out on the upper right side of this page.
What are the risks and challenges of the psych.E project?
This is tough stuff. When building an app for young people, especially young people with mental health concerns, it’s so important that we test and test and test to make sure that not only is the experience engaging and useful, but also one that is as safe as technically possible.
During the past year and a half we at Psych Media have researched and interviewed mental health experts, teenagers, and agencies, companies, and organizations that focus on adolescent mental health. We've had meetings with top government agencies and politicians. We've spoken to numerous app developers and user experiences experts. We've met with privacy attorneys and cyber security activists.
From the concept to the mock ups and video we have created, we have gotten enthusiastic and positive feedback from all of them.
In order to get buy-in from the insurance companies that will ultimately fund the bulk of the subscriptions, we need to be able to show them a deeply tested and proven product, with irrefutable evidence that when teenagers use psych.E regularly, their outcomes will improve.
With the funds we raise with this Indiegogo Campaign, we can work with an impressive team of developers, privacy experts, and mental health specialists to bring this dream to reality.
Other Ways You Can Help
Your support also includes sharing this campaign everywhere and with everyone you know. Even if you can't contribute a dime (and we totally get that!), simply helping to get the word out is enormously helpful.
Tweet all about it! Make some noise!
- It's super easy to spread the word. Just look on the upper left side of the page for all the share tools Indiegogo provides.
- If you know of any teenagers who might be interested in joining our Teen Advisory Board or participating in feedback surveys, please let us know.
And that's all there is to it.