Dancing Panda Studios, LLC.
Radar Command!
Radar Command is a RTS (Real Time Strategy) game, where the player deploys scouts or drones to determine and reveal unknown threats, and respond to those threats with appropriate force, and within a budget.
You will, through a simplified interface, be challenged by restraint and the ability to conserve resources.
Game Play:
With budget provided, you will prepare for the first wave by purchasing the weapons of war. (Drones, scouts, or whatever your budget allows you to complete your mission)
Enemies appear on the radar as red dots, representing a radar signature. Their actual designation can be revealed by deploying drones or scouts where you can engage them or retreat for reinforcements (if you have them.)
As more units arrive, you must defend your base.
At the conclusion of each match, the budget for the next match will be determined by the outcome and the resources you have left at the end of that round.
- Your errors, mistakes, and sacrifices will be cumulative. So, the outcome of later encounters will cost you in the end.
Dancing Panda Studios, LLC will continue to upgrade and develop the game through its final release.
We will be seeking a place on Valve Software’s Steam platform, through the Steam Greenlight launch platform, and will be available for prerelease through crowd funding sites such as IndieGoGo and Kickstarter.
We will be seeking additional funds throughout the development process to get us to our release goals.
With your help we can make a game that’s challenging and fun to play!
The Shirt!
Funding Goals:
1. 500: Greenlight fee and Vegas pro art software
2. 2500: Purchase Unity 5 pro
3. 5000: Adobe Pro subscription
Below is a bit of progression from design to some working assets, you can see more in the Gallery
Initial Game Design:
Pulling it all together.
For the Love of the Game,
Michael (Twichy) Thompson
Marketing Manager
Dancing Panda Studio, LLC.