Hello Everyone..
We are Rae and we are recording a new album. We released our debut album 'Era' with Dawn Chorus Recording company in 2011 and are now preparing to record our second.
We're a Bristol based band who met at Dartington College of Arts, Totnes in 2009 and originate from London, Devon, Cornwall and Italy.
We've all been busy busy since our last album, touring and recording with long list of other projects such as Honeyfeet, Count Bobo, Bert Miller & the Animal folk, The Jester, Owl Dolls, Good Biscuits, Adam Beattie & the Consultants and Brooke Sharkey to name but a few! Now that we have a new album's worth of material it's time to take Rae back in to the studio.
This time round we're recording with our favourite sound man/producer in Bristol, Ben Capp, at The Woodshed.
We have a tour planned for April/May 2014 and we'd really like to get the album finished before then to have a limited batch that will be available at our gigs across the UK before the official release.
It's always been a dream of ours to get a record printed onto vinyl and now's our chance. A limited batch will be available to pre order here.
A friend of ours, Craig Keenan is going to create the artwork and we're going to screen print them.
Here's a breakdown just so you know exactly what we'll be using the money for..
7 days Recording/mixing at £150 per day = £1050
Mastering = £162
Printing CDs = £400
Printing Vinyls = £570
PR (To help launch it) = £350
All of that adds to = £2532
With your help we can revitalise a project which means a lot to us and we have a good list of choices for your rewards.
If you are on the other hand just plain skint and cant afford to donate anything (which we completely understand) the most valuable thing you can do is share this with as many people as you can and encourage them to help us keep doing what we love.
Lets make 2014 a good'n!
Much love
Leonie, Dan, Leon & Lorenzo