The idea behind RAIN|FALL?
To write a great, dark story with multiple interesting characters and plots and make it as much interactive as possible.
RAINFALL takes story driven games to a new level. It's not just telling the story by scrolling through walls of text. You are in the game, you make decisions, you talk to whoever you want and you go wherever you want.
Instead of just talking to the people you meet, you can also get to know the world around you by reading letters, newspapers, notes, as well as simply looking at the scene and investigating it.
Reading letters, newspapers, notes is essential if you want to know more about what happened in the scene.
A third operation of the current team of the Agency of Unnatural Cases turned out to be the most difficult and the most dangerous of them all. It's been raining for almost a week in that place. You are Alan Reed - one third of The Agency of Unnatural Cases and it's your job to find out why is this happening and how to stop it... or else, bad things are going to happen.
Solve the mystery of the village where it always rains. Find the suspects, find out why they did it and stop the rain... Sounds easy? It shouldn't. People you are going to meet may not be as harmless and nice as you might have thought. And time is running out before the place is completely flooded. Possibility of a flood is not the only thing that should motivate you to do your job properly and make the right choices - a dangerous group of bandits have also settled in the village and no one knows why they are there.
Discover what happens to people when their usual colorful, sunny days become gritty and sad, and... rainy. Who are they going to blame for what ensued? See for yourself.
You will visit many locations in the demo and even more in the full game!
- choices and consequences (your decisions (either in dialogues or environmental ones) will change the story, characters, their attitude to you and many other aspects of the game).
- original, dark, cliché-free story.
- different environmental puzzles.
- minigames.
- collectibles.
- different endings based on your choices.
- comparing your choices and collectibles to other people's (internet connection required).
- "speech ability" - the higher it is, the more chance you have to convince someone to your point of view.
- relations with different characters - depending on either they are bad or good, there will be different outcomes.
- changing your character's appearance.
- more puzzles in dream world (in addition, things you do in the dream world will leave marks in the real world and the other way around).
I prepared some cool rewards for you, some even give an opportunity to be involved in the creative process of the game. Check it out!
5$ - digital download of the game and a big internet hug from me.
10$ - (^) + YOUR name in credits.... twice. At the begging AND the end. You should be sold right now.
FEATURED: (EARLY BACKERS) $25 - (^) + Soundtrack and high quality posters. Ready to listen, ready to print. (Limited offer)
$35 - Again, soundtrack and posters. For those who were too late for 'early backer's offer' or who want to support RAINFALL more. Thanks!
$50 - (^) + Wallpapers - High quality wallpapers from the game. Illustrations or screenshots. Though, you shouldn't cover your wall with these... posters are for that!
$70 - (^) + Making of/Behind the scenes videos of RAINFALL and concept art as well as concept writing (with comments) from the game.
$95 - (^) + A lore book - What is a lore book? Well, it describes the whole lore (universe, world) of the game [pictures included]. Because the world in RAINFALL is original, there are many interesting things can not only enhance the experience but also make you the most powerful user on RAINFALL wiki (if it will ever... like... exist).
$125 - (^) + Write an inscription on one of the grave stones in the game. - There is actually a thing I did in my last game, where I put a funny quote/last words on every grave stone... but that was a comedy game. Please don't put anything funny or stupid on t... eh, whatever, you can do what you want.
$155 - (^) + Your character in the game! - RAINFALL is a game about characters. There's no denying to that. They play mayor roles in the plot. With this perk you can design your own character. I promise to not kill him/her... at least until the ending!
$190 - (^) + Add a plot/character/scene to the game! Now, let me be clear, RAINFALL has a story that is in one way or another shaped by the player. But how cool is it to change the story before anyone else!
Thanks for every contribution!
(^) means (everything above)
The last several months I've been contacting artists, pixel artists and indie composers to help me with the game and set a budget. Fund splitting looks like this:
40% will go for creating original graphics for the game, to make the game much more unique (and better) looking. It will also enable me create the world exactly how I want it to be.
10% will go to the super talented artist who drew the artwork you see up there and will also help me with some other artworks for the game (posters, bulletins, newspapers etc.)
30% is for an original "soundtrack" for the game.
20% is for fees and other unforeseen expenses.
Why Indiegogo?
The idea of an adventure game in which it rains for most of the game and an investigator trying to solve the mystery has been in my head for a really long time now. And, after finishing The Time Traveler, a comedy RPG, I started working on this game. Why a crowdfunding campaign? I feel like I can make a good game with a great story but I don't have much money to spend on game development, that's why I've used free assets for my last game and Rainfall demo.
I need your help to make my game unique not only because of the story but also because of the graphics and the music. With my skill for game development and your finacial help we can achieve great things! But for now, let's just make a game :) It will be like you've created this game with me (you will be credited in the game after all). And you have a chance to get cool rewards, so go for it!
With your support RAINFALL will be even more unique.
My work you can check out:
Mentioned earlier demo of RAINFALL: [DEMO]
As well as my last game - The Time Traveler (4.5 / 5). Keep in mind that TTT is a comedy and RAINFALL is much more of a drama, so it's on the other end of the spectrum. But the overall writing and good ratings the game got should give you an idea of how I make games.
Risks and challenges
Most of the problems I had with the engine I use were resolved when I was creating my last game - The Time Traveler. Keep in mind, that game was an RPG and it required a lot more time and technicalities to make it work well. RAINFALL is not that complicated but it's a much, MUCH longer game and the choices and consequences in TTT are only a taste of what I'm doing in RAINFALL.
Speaking of, the choices and consequences aspect of the game takes a lot of development time and is sometimes really challenging to pull off. I've tested it in my last game and it worked quite well (exept the ending which will be way more complex in RAINFALL).
In the end it's worth it, but it also means that the release date maybe pushed a couple of times.
How can you help other than backing us?
Advertising games is most times even more challenging than making them. Want to help RAIN|FALL become one of the best indie adventure games of 2017? Help me spread the word around your friends! Use INDIEGOGO's share features! In other words, click one some of the buttons you see on the page. A friendly tweet mentioning #RAINIFALL or @comezgone would help a lot too.