Donnie Tatum was attacked at Genes Lanes on last Thursday. In the process of defending himself , unfortunatley one of his attackers was killed.
We need your help. One of our outstanding citizens is being held in Milwaukee County Jail with a bail set at $75k while the D.A. decides how to proceed. His legal retainer is approximately $10k.
Imagine yourself out on a night in your city enjoying yourself. In an instant words are passed, you're attacked by unknown people who looks just like you, and in an effort to defend yourself fighting for your life, you now find yourself fighting for your freedom as well.
Your donation no matter how big or small, will go directly to the legal defense and bail for Donnie Tatum.
We need you to donate, share the link, and spread the word about our dear brother.
Donnie Tatum is a retired Milwaukee Fire Fighter; he is a respected member of the community. He protected and sacrfificed his life for our community as a firefighter/paramedic for over 30 years. It is now our time to come to his aid.
The campaign is set for 30 days. Your immediate action is needed on this family.
Thank you in advance for your donation and your efforts to spread the word. Let's use social media to free our dear brother and friend!