Why we put together the RaspberryPi to use a blockchain
First we must point out that we use the Rimbit network/blockchain for the simple reason that it does not need miners and that is revolutionary as every other blockchain (Bitcoin) is currently tied into the crypto mining problem.
Currently, the RaspberryPi is used as a Hardware Wallet for the Rimbit ecosystem, which has proven itself as a true peoples Blockchain/Currency as it is the people who verify and confirm transactions and not the mining industry.
Did you know that 21 companies run the Bitcoin Network and the top 3 own 51% of the Bitcoin network and are based in China?
Thats why we chose Rimbit as no companies manage their Network!
What is the RimbitPi
The RimbitPi is a hand built unit, based around the RaspberryPi that is simply a Hardware Wallet that you can use in conjunction with a Rimbit Wallet http://igg.me/at/rimbit-com/x/6825374
- Small footprint
- Much cheaper to run than a PC running 24 hours a day
- Built for the home user as a pre-configured system
- Hand built in Canada by a Team of Rimbit Users
- Fully function Rimbit wallet with a webUI interface
Development of the RimbitPi is from within the Rimbit community and we hope to see the RimbitPi continue to develop for commercial purposes and also for less advanced communities that would like to get into and explore the Crypto Currency phenomenon as we have always believed that Rimbit should always be a community involved and run system http://rimbitforum.com/topic/3062-rimbit-pi-project/
The first demo version of the RimbitPi - Newer models will have a 3D Printed custom designed case to house the electronics and LCD requirements
What We Need & What You Get
What we need
- We need to develop the RimbitPi to be feature packed and also have the ability to "add-on" extra parts as required by the user and they include mini printers, mini cameras for QR code scanning, Solar Panels for zero electricity usage and anything else the community wants
- It costs a lot of money to buy "off the shelf" parts and make them work harmoniously and that also means that custom parts are needed to house everything we are throwing at it. It also means that it is easy to get parts, should you need.
- We also offer the Rimbit wallet and webUI as free Open Source products available for free download and funding helps us to continue development
What you get
- You get to become part of a thriving community that all work together for one common goal
- You receive your perk, regardless if we meet our goal or not
- If you choose the Pre-Configured RimbitPi, you will get a hand built masterpiece, built in Canada, that includes a webUI, Rimbit Wallet and Raspbian (wheezy) which will get you up and running in no time
What you dont get
Depending on the Perk, you will get what is listed, but there is one item that nobody will get and that is only because we are hand building all the units and Power Supplies vary from country to country and we cannot source them all.
What you will need to get is a Mobile Charger with mini USB port and being 5v
The main difference between the first batch of RimbitPi's and the ones that will be available on this campaign is that all new RimbitPi's will feature a custom designed and 3D Printed case, which means we can tailor the cases for further options
Why Rimbit and not Bitcoin
Bitcoin is an imploding currency that has drifted away from being the "community currency" as it is now held together by Corporations, mainly based in China.
Rimbit on the other hand has and always will be a "community currency"
- The world needs a Global Currency and Bitcoin failed at that simple idea
- Our current Rimbit campaign has been running for over 12 months and from that our community is very visible and welcoming. We did as promised and keep doing it every day! http://rimbitforum.com
- The RimbitPi was first offered to forum members and they are being delivered early November 2015
- The RimbitPi project was started as an idea on the forum and from that this campaign has been put together as a way to introduce the RimbitPi to a new audience, but more importantly, to remain transparent in the Project
Why do we need a RimbitPi
Rimbit is a Crypto Currency and as such it uses the community to verify and confirm transactions. As a reward for helping the process take place, the Rimbit wallet will return 5% stake (known as Interest) to the user over a 12 month period, but to do so, the wallet needs to be online.
By having a RimbitPi with a pre-configured wallet, a user is able to leave the unit running 24 hours a day with only a small cost in electricity and even that is being worked on with the design of Solar Panels.
- We can see 3rd world countries having the ability to be on a level playing ground as there is no Corporation or Government interference
- We plan to continue development to make a merchant orientated device that can be simple to use at the place of business
- You can follow the project directly at http://rimbitforum.com/topic/3062-rimbit-pi-project/