Short Summary
RAZE is a new webseries, written and created by Mykell and directed by Justin Patten. The show takes place in RAZE, a charming little dive bar in a dark corner of the city. It follows Frankie Deveaux, the bar's owner, as he tries to navigate his way through the perils of running a business and dealing with the dramatic characters that frequent his establishment. To top it all off, Frankie is acutely in-tune with the feelings and emotions of the people around him and he is not happy about that.
The show stars a diverse ensemble of characters, each with their own back story and baggage. Despite their differences they are truly friends to the end.
This show is the first official endeavor of A Great Adventure Productions, a new production company we've formed in order to present a professional face in the creative market. We moved to Los Angeles to create good things, entertaining shows, beautiful movies, things that leave a lasting impression on the audience. Your donations will allow us to take this show and bring it to levels of quality we could never achieve on our own resources. Together we can make a show that excites and intrigues its audience, and launches a new creative force into the marketplace.
What We Need & What You Get
We are trying to raise $20,000.00. That's a lot of money, but it will provide a lot of goods. This money will allow us to shoot the entirety of season 1. It will get us access to a standing set, so that we can spend more time on shooting and less on set up and break down. It will cover the cost for our cast and crew. And it will help us market the show once we are ready to release it to the public.
We have some fun perks for you guys as well! Beer coozies and T-shirts with the official RAZE logo on them. Digital downloads of the songs used on the show, all of which are original works by talented up-and-coming musicians. Walk-on roles (for those who can make it to set, sorry we
are on a budget!). And for the big spenders we will gladly bestow upon you the title of Executive Producer.
If we don't make our desired goal we will still move forward with the show, making some incredible episodes and moving forward from there.
The Impact
RAZE will be the first official outing for our new production company, A Great Adventure. Our goal is to make a great show that gains fans who want more. From there we will move forward with more seasons of RAZE as well as other shows and films. We want to make A Great Adventure a company that stands out above the multitudes, using our track record of quality to bring in more writers, actors, and talent.
Our first campaign was for the short film "Land of Smiles". We reached our funding goal and produced the short film, which you can see here: Check it out to see what we are capable of on a small budget. "Land of Smiles" was Justin Patten's first outing as a writer and director. Since then he has learned and experienced a lot on set and will bring that knowledge to RAZE.
Risks & Challenges
The biggest challenge is time. It takes time to make something good, and that is why we are raising the money. Even if we hit our goal, we will still have a very limited window to actually shoot the show. Shooting multiple episodes in a short span is always risky but it can be done. We have experience on several low budget shows for channels like Discovery and Lifetime, where multiple episodes are shot each week. From working on these types of shows for the last year we have learned what works and what doesn't. One thing we DO have in our corner is locked scripts for each episode. This way we can start scheduling the shoot to move as smoothly and efficiently as possible. At A Great Adventure we believe movies and television are made in preproduction and we will make sure we go into filming with plans and schedules. We know plans always change, but having one allows us to tackle obstacles much more efficiently than going in blind.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't donate financially right now, that's fine! What you can do is share and inform others about our project! If you're a fan of ours, or you like the premise OR you just like new production companies then come on board and let's ride this thing!
Thank you for checking us out!