Reach out to someone against Depression.
Divas of colour International women's day is the largest gathering of the World’smost powerful women of colour from around the globe. Each year, we raise awareness and funds against a chosen social issue. This year, we've chosen Depression Alliance. Depression is a silent killer and is rarely talked about in our communities, often seen as an omen. One in Five people are affected by depression. Depression is more common in women than men. 1 in 4 women will require treatment for depression at some time, compared to 1 in 10 men*. We are challenging you to reach out to friend, family member or anyone at all to find out how they are. You never know, they may be in the dark place. Make a phone call, have a date or a meet up and let us know you did and donate to our campaign any amount you can afford. Tweet us with the hash tag #Reachouttosomeone against depression
*(National Institute For Clinical Excellence, 2003)
What We Need & What You Get
All funds raised with this campaign goes to our chosen charity - Depression Alliance, to assist them in doing their work of helping people with depression. If we all begin to talk about depression and reaching out to those in need, together we can combat the loneliness and isolation that comes with depression.
Depression Alliance can help you meet and chat to others in your local area onFriends in Need and find a self help group, and learn more aboutdepression, treatment and recovery. They raise awareness in the communities, educating people on the signs, treatment, recovery and how to help families of people with depression.
Our target is to raise as much as possible because women are the bedrock of every society and we are standing up and together with women with depression. Pregnant women, new mums, elderly and every woman suffering any form of depression is our passion this year and together we will save more lives.
Risks & Challenges
We together with Depression Alliance, want to reach as many women as possible in the UK, raise awareness and secure help for them . With your funding, we will be able to print materials for awareness, mobilise and achieve the desired result for .
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help:
We ask you to join our social media campaign using the tag line #Reachouttosomeone against depression. Send us pictures of you and yourmates hugging and laughing out loud on twitter @mbwmgt with the hash tag. And together we can achieve our goal of making depression a loser not ourwomen .