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RECORD STORES - The photobook about record stores

A photobook about the culture of record stores and about the passionate people who keep them alive

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RECORD STORES - The photobook about record stores

RECORD STORES - The photobook about record stores

RECORD STORES - The photobook about record stores

RECORD STORES - The photobook about record stores

RECORD STORES - The photobook about record stores

A photobook about the culture of record stores and about the passionate people who keep them alive

A photobook about the culture of record stores and about the passionate people who keep them alive

A photobook about the culture of record stores and about the passionate people who keep them alive

A photobook about the culture of record stores and about the passionate people who keep them alive

Bernd Jonkmanns
Bernd Jonkmanns
Bernd Jonkmanns
Bernd Jonkmanns
1 Campaign |
Hamburg, Germany
$15,487 USD by 191 backers
$12,901 USD by 156 backers on Jul 17, 2015

The Story behind RECORD STORES

Since 2009, I have been working on a photo documentary series about the culture of record stores. When I started the project six years ago, I assumed that there wouldn’t be many record stores left within a few years. Over the past few decades, many record stores have vanished, but a positive trend is now the new retro idea of  "Back to Vinyl" by music lovers all over the world. Several new stores have opened up in big cities like Berlin, Brussels, Paris, and Los Angeles, preserving the “record store phenomenon” as an expression of youth culture.

Over the past six years, I traveled around the world to 35 cities on five continents to photograph over 160 record stores - the store owners, the customers, and the people who work there. My photos show their love and passion for vinyl, CDs, and purchasing music in a store. This is what they all share and what really sets the tone for such stores around the globe.

I found great stores on all continents in cities like Cambridge, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York, San Francisco, Amsterdam, Berlin, Brighton, Brussels, Glasgow, Hamburg, London, Newcastle, Oslo, Paris, Reykjavik, Stockholm, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Tokyo, Sydney and even in Hobart, Tasmania. 

The Book

The vinyl record has been on the market for over 65 years now, but there has not yet been a photo documentation series published about record stores.

The book "Record Stores" has nearly 400 pages with more than 500 Colorphotographs - with a size similar to a 10” vinyl, this 27x27cm hardcover will be of high quality, printed by the best German photo book printing companies. Later when the book is published in September 2015, it will cost €49 or $59 plus worldwide delivery costs. All texts in the book are in english language.

Why do i need your support?

It is now June 2015, the photographic work is done, the layout looks great, and I now find myself in the final stages of the process for this project. I now need your support to help finish the book without having to make any compromises. We will in fact have to finance the high-quality printing costs in advance.

I have already paid in advance for the high travel costs for this amazing photo-project and the costs for the great book design. And i found a great publisher seltmann+söhne in Berlin. He will help me to distribute my publication to book and record stores. The only step left is to print the book. If we can have a guarantee for a quarter of the high printing costs ($ 30.000) through your support, we will be able to release the book "Record Stores" in the summer of 2015 to the market (or put it on your coffee table next to your vinyl collection).

If you are interested in the book, this would be a great opportunity to support this unique photo project by ordering a book in advance – this will ensure that the publisher will be able to release the first edition of the book in the summer of 2015.

There are six different way to support this individual photo project.  We would be greatly honored to accept whichever option you prefer – we are certain that you will be very happy with the book or with one of the other deluxe editions that include an original photographic print from the book "Record Stores". 

Please talk to your friends, family, and colleagues about this campaign and feel free to forward this on all social media platforms to all music lovers out there. It would be great to make use of Indiegogo’s services.

Thank you so much for your support!!!

Bernd Jonkmanns

Die Geschichte hinter RECORD STORES

Seit 2009 arbeite ich an einer Dokumentation über die Kultur der Record Stores.
Zu Beginn meines Projekts sah es noch so aus, als wenn es innerhalb weniger Jahre kaum noch Plattenläden geben würde und in der Tat sind viele Läden über die Jahre verschwunden. Doch gleichzeitig erlebt Vinyl seit einiger Zeit ein rasantes Comeback unter Liebhabern. In der Folge eröffneten viele neue kleine und grössere Läden in Großstädten wie Berlin, Brüssel, Paris und Los Angeles, die die Bedeutung des Phänomens „Record Store“ als Ausdruck der Jugendkultur bewahren.

In den letzten 6 Jahren führte mich meine Suche nach den schönsten Record Stores durch fünf Kontinente und 35 verschiedene Städte wie Los Angeles, New York, Boston, San Francisco, Paris, London, Brighton, Stockholm, Rio de Janeiro, Oslo, Amsterdam, Sydney und sogar bis nach Hobart in Tasmanien. 

Das Buch

Die in dem 10" (27x27 cm) grossen und 384 Seiten starken Buch vorgestellten 160 Record Stores zeigen auf über 500 Fotos bis unter die Decke mit Vinyls und CDs gefüllte Stores, bunte Fassaden und natürlich all die Menschen, die in den Record Stores arbeiten und die, die dort wieder oder immer noch ihre Musik kaufen. Sie alle verbindet die Liebe zur Musik – und das ist es, was die einzigartige Atmosphäre der Record Stores ausmacht. 

Warum ich Eure Hilfe brauche?

Nach über 6 Jahren ist meine lange und selbstfinanzierte Reise nun zu Ende.
Die fotografische Arbeit ist abgeschlossen und das Layout des Buches steht soweit. Jetzt brauche ich nur noch Eure Unterstützung, um das schöne Buch zu drucken. 
Denn die Kosten für ein aufwendig produziertes und grossformatiges 384 Seiten Hardcover Fotobuch im Offset-Druck sind enorm. 

Ohne Eure Hilfe ist das nicht zu schaffen! 

Bitte teilt unser Projekt mit eurer Familie und Freunden und in euren sozialen Netzwerken wie Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter,... je mehr Menschen davon erfahren desto größer sind unsere Chancen, dass unser Projekt Erfolg hat. 

Danke für Eure Unterstützung!

Bernd Jonkmanns

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Choose your Perk

Classic Book Edition

$59 USD
Hardcover, 384 pages Over 500 colour photographs 27 × 27 cm / 10.6 × 10.6 inches
14 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

deluxe book print editon

$195 USD
signed book with one original c-print 30 x 30cm / 12 " LP Format signed on photographic paper Hardcover, 384 pages Over 500 colour photographs 27 × 27 cm / 10.6 × 10.6 inches
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
2 out of 66 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Big fine Art Print

$555 USD
big fine art print editon book with one original fine art print of your favorite picture from the book 70 x 90cm / 27" x 35 ", Fine art print signed and numbered of 25 Hardcover, 384 pages Over 500 colour photographs 27 × 27 cm / 10.6 × 10.6 inches
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
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