All right, here's the plan:
You've seen Oceans Eleven... Now You See Me... Leverage...
We're joining their crew.
It's the heist of the ages: Steal a long-lost set of jewels from a casino - one of the world's only six-star hotels.
We have a highly-skilled team that's hand-picked and passionate about pulling off this movie.
We've all worked together on a dozen shorts. I've made over 50 short films. Combined, our filmmaking experience would fill a book.
We're all here for the the love of the genre, the high from the heist, and that thrill we get when we call "action!"
The catch?
Utah's banned gambling for almost a hundred years. No casinos, no sports betting, not even a poker game.
We'll need to rent sets from different places and put them together to create a fake hotel.
And that requires precision timing: When the room says "May 25th, from 7 to 10", well, we only need 5, maybe 10, people on set. But we need the right people at the right place at the right time.
Fortunately, I have a lot of experience in that field. Let's just say, 50 short films doesn't teach you nothing.
Now... I can borrow props, costumes, even sets sometimes. But not everything.
And no matter how many people offer to help for free, there are some crew members you just gotta pay: Stunt coordinator, intimacy coordinator, dance choreographer, and a small team of artists who wanna make the subtitles pop.
Sometimes, you gotta make money to take money.
And that's where you come in.
A thousand bucks? That will let us rent out sets and buy whatever we can't borrow.
But make it 10 grand and we can pay the cast & crew.
With another 10 grand? We can buy ad-space, trailer-space, and news-space -- and host a full-on red carpet premiere.
How? Here's your debrief on the budget. Full transparency. Everything from dollars to hours.
What's in it for you?
[perks: Be in the movie in some capacity. Get exclusive behind-the-scenes stuff. Get your name in the credits. Watch the movie early. Get an invite to the red carpet premiere. Get some level of creative control over the movie.]
And we've got options if you can't put in cash:
1) Tell other people about the movie. This could be the least-secret heist ever.
2) Send this site to someone with a little extra cash in their pocket.
3) Follow @RedAndBlackMovie [create a linktree to put here] so we can show investors and brands that we have an audience.
So... are you in?