![About the project About the project]()
The history of our project is rather simple. Back in 2008, several future members of our team - and at that time, old fans of the Command and Conquer games - were very unhappy with the recently released Red Alert 3, which they felt had buried a good game series. Together, these disgruntled fans started developing a mod called "Red Alter" for Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, which they hoped would demonstrate their ideas about the "right" Red Alert. We began with a fairly high level of quality and started to create our own universe for the project. A few years later, during the development of the mod, many members of our team had managed to accumulate a lot of experience and work as freelancers on a variety of small projects (many of which have not yet been announced). We realized that it was time to do something with our modification. The potential of our original universe was worthy of implementation on a separate engine and at an entirely new level.
In June 2012 our team decided to restart the project under a new name and develop a new, high quality indie game. At the same time we were joined by several experienced freelancers. So it was that Red Alter came to an end, but in it's place and with renewed vigour, Red March was born.
We named our team Bayonet Studio, and our motto is - "By gamers - for gamers!". This represents not only our attitude to Red March, but to games in general.
![What is Red March? What is Red March?]()
Red March is at it's heart an RTS, based on the legacy of the old-school strategy games such as Command and Conquer. But this is not just the clone of some old game! Red March intends to reconcile the old-fashioned gameplay with features of newer generation games, for example dynamic infantry cover. Micro-control of units will not be as important as the player's overall strategic plan and making the right decisions. In Red March, you will have to rely on your intelligence to overcome hordes of enemy units.
![Wolverine 2 tank Wolverine 2 tank]()
We feel that RTS developers have been playing around with the multiplayer part of their games too much in recent years at the expense of single-player and the over-all atmosphere of the game. Our team wants to to avoid this this, and focus on a story that will plunge the player into the universe of Red March. This will be achieved by FMV with live actors playing different characters. But we aren't forgetting multiplayer, as we intend to launch with a well constructed multiplayer mode, and following launch, we will closely monitor balance of units and release patches that address any issues with this balance.
![The Red March universe The Red March universe]()
The story of Red March is the the climax of the entirety of human conflicts - The Last World War. It was prepared for throughout the whole Cold War, and now, the war to end humanity has finally come true. Military technology has reached its goal - it has placed into the hands of mankind the most deadly arsenal in history. Weapons of mass destruction are brought on full alert and actively used, taking with them countless lives. Millions of soldiers have been sacrificed on the battlefields in futile attempts to turn the tide of the war. Every kilometer of land is stained with blood and paid for by the lives of soldiers. This monstrous meat-grinder extends across the entire globe. In these dark times, heroism and recklessness are synonymous, and human life is worth nothing, even though war is being waged in the name of people. War rages in the blood of humanity, and after this, the final war, the winners will not be left with a happy ending, only survivors. This is the atmosphere which we will instil into the project.
Communists, Capitalists, and a mysterious third side all vie to kill each other in the quest for world domination. Whose side are you on?
![Soviet Spacemarine Soviet Spacemarine]()
Unlike most RTS games involving the participation of the Soviet Union, we do not want to turn the USSR into the clown-like characters, the classic bad guys. Our style is extremely grim and serious, with no room for satire. In Red March, no side will be the "Good guys".
Of course, while we can not disclose details of the plot and script, we want to assure you that it will fully comply with the spirit of our game. In this universe there is no place to charity, there is only ruthless brutality, survival and endless war. In creating the universe of Red March, we were inspired by the darkest sci-fi settings in order to create a truly living world.
In style and design, Red March will be a mix of many areas, ranging from dieselpunk and atompunk, to the influence of the style of the 60s.
![Feedback Feedback]()
We guarantee to pay heed to and provide a constant medium for feedback from fans and investors after collecting funding. Each month, on our blog and on our website, (which at the time of writing is still being completed) we will post reports (possibly with video) on what work we have done and we'll continue to discuss our plans. Hence we will be constantly talking about the course of our development from the outset, and backers will be able to see what their money is actually going to do.
![Release of the game Release of the game]()
According to our current plans, the game will be released in the form of electronic copies and distributed through Steam (if we are approved by potential buyers in the Steam Greenlight or make an agreement with Valve). But even if for some reason we will not be able to sell the game through Steam, we will be selling Red March through our own website. In addition, our backers will have the opportunity to get a boxed collector's version of the game stored on disk and several additional materials.
We are also considering a freeware-version of the game with a multiplayer game and some removed content. This is our response to piracy, as we realise that our game will most likely be broken and laid on torrent websites, but we look forward to maintaining a good relationship with the players. If a player is interested in our game, they can try the game in the freeware-version, and then purchase the full version of the game if they enjoy it.
Our initial task is to make a russian and english version of the game at first. If we'll be funded succesfully, we'll translate Red March on other languages.
In addition, if a publisher was interested in publishing our game in this format, we will consider proposals. However, we are focused primarily on digital distribution, and on the boxed collectors edition of the game.
Now our key platform is PC, Windows only. Porting on other OS's or platforms depends on success of your funding.
![What will we do with your funding? What will we do with your funding?]()
Most of the money will go, of course, on salaries and the hiring of additional workers, such as programmers since our current team is not yet large enough to develop this project from scratch. The current team consists mainly of residents of post-Soviet space, and there are many reasons why game development in Russia is much cheaper than in Western countries. This fact allows for a great saving on budget, as in the U.S, development of such a game would cost two or three times our asking price (not to mention spending that would go on marketing).
Unlike large publishers and developers, we do not intend to spend a great deal on marketing and advertising of the game, as we hope instead that the support of fans and their enthusiasm will spread the word of our game. As such, we will focus almost the entirety of the budget on the development of the game.
The engine for our game is currently not selected, but we have a short list of candidates. The final decision in choosing the engine will have to depend on the amount of money collected in this campaign.
However, we are prepared that in the event we collect more than the required minimum amount ($ 350,000), then we are ready to do the following:
$ 450,000 - We will be able to Improve the visuals of the game - better graphics and special effects, and therefore a better overall quality of the game. There can also be an expanded game world, and we will add more terrain and theatres of war. We will also be able to add more neutral objects to maps, and so the game world as a whole would become more detailed.
$ 600,000 - We will be able to release an SDK for modding. We respect both fans and developers who are trying to make their games available for modifying and allowing their own fans to create game content. So why can we not just release the SDK and the game? The fact is that since we are not creating our own engine, and are buying the license for it, therefore the tools of the engine will only be available to us under the contract. We therefore would have to create separate tools for our fans to be able to modify the resources of Red March. In addition, an SDK created for fans needs to be much more convenient and simple than the specialised tools used by developers.
Further funding would allow us to consider additional developments such as additional destructible scenery elements and more detailed physics, better in-game cinematics, development for Mac and Linux platforms, further campaigns and faction add-ons, in addition to a host of other improvements.
![How can you help? How can you help?]()
Obviously, giving us even just a couple of dollars will help, and donating more will qualify you for certain rewards (See the rewards section below) In addition to investing money, you can greatly help our project by spreading information about it. Please tell your friends about us and our campaign.
![Why crowd funding and Indiegogo? Why crowd funding and Indiegogo?]()
As you already know, the world is a very difficult economic situation and many publishers of video games have had problems with their finances. To avoid risk, the norm recently has been to create games in a more traditional form for mainstream gamers. Red March is not the same, and is not created for the mass of players; Instead, our target audience is players who enjoy old-school titles. Publishers of video games would not give us much money for our development, and if they did, would most likely interfere with our concept, to simplify the game for mainstream players and customers. Therefore, we chose сrowd funding as the source of funds for our development.
Initially, we thought we would put our project on Kickstarter, but there are many problems associated with the placement of projects from outside the USA. Indiegogo, however, is much more accessible and easier to use for young teams outside the USA, and that was the basis for our decision to place the campaign here.
![Poster Poster]()