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Rediscovering Ancient Identities in Kotayk,Armenia

Kotayk Survey Project team asks for your help for 2015 campaign

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Rediscovering Ancient Identities in Kotayk,Armenia

Rediscovering Ancient Identities in Kotayk,Armenia

Rediscovering Ancient Identities in Kotayk,Armenia

Rediscovering Ancient Identities in Kotayk,Armenia

Rediscovering Ancient Identities in Kotayk,Armenia

Kotayk Survey Project team asks for your help for 2015 campaign

Kotayk Survey Project team asks for your help for 2015 campaign

Kotayk Survey Project team asks for your help for 2015 campaign

Kotayk Survey Project team asks for your help for 2015 campaign

Riccardo La Farina
Riccardo La Farina
Riccardo La Farina
Riccardo La Farina
2 Campaigns |
Hrazdan, Armenia
$1,555 USD 30 backers
25% of $6,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

From summer 2013 a joint Armenian- Italian expedition (Kotayk Survey Project - KSP) registers and studies all the archaeological sites along the upper Hrazdan river basin, in the Armenian province of Kotayk. The project is organized by the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, the International Association of Mediterranean and Oriental Studies (ISMEO) and the Italian Foreign Affairs Minister.

Up to now the expedition registered 56 historical/archaeological sites, dating back from Palaeolithic to Middle Age. For each site KSP archaeologists register its position and each features there detected. All the collected materials are registered, photographed and studied, in order to better understand the chronology of the site.

Moreover the expedition started excavation of one well preserved Iron Age fortress near the village of Solak. Fortress has been destroyed by fire, and during excavation burned beams together with many sherds and stone tools crashed on the floor has been found.

Aim of the third season is continuing the survey of the northern part of Kotayk and finishing the excavation of Room I of the fortress near Solak. During 2016 the monograph about first three seasons will be published.

Up to now we cannot cover the overall cost of next campaign (summer 2015). Duration of excavation and possibility to continue survey will depend on the amount of fund raised. Your donations, no matter how small, will be very much appreciated.

You can also help us on the ground, on the excavation. Contact us for more information

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Choose your Perk

Donor's name

$10 USD
With any donation your name will be added in the list of donors in the publication of our excavation results. You will also get a thank you message from our Facebook page
2 claimed

Armenian beauties

$30 USD
The virtual album of natural and historical beauties of Armenia
1 claimed

KSP publications

$40 USD
All KSP publications (article, poster, monograph) about 2013-2015 campaigns, in PDF version
0 claimed

KSP Album + Publications

$50 USD
All KSP publications (article, poster, monograph) about 2013-2015 campaigns, in PDF version. Plus the virtual album of the first three campaigns
0 claimed

T-shirt of the excavation

$200 USD
The KSP T-shirt with the mission logo (tell us name, color and size).
0 claimed

1 week of excavation

$600 USD
You really will partecipate to one week of excavation!!! In the morning (7 am - 2 pm) you will excavate in the Iron Age fortress (1st Mill. BC), in the afternoon KSP archaeologist will give you theoretical and practical lesson about archaeological research and documentation. Note : Mission will cover food and accomodation costs. Fly tickets and international insurance are on your charge. Before your arrive you have to send via mail to KSP team a valid health certificate.
0 out of 4 of claimed
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