Pure engineering excellence, secured with world-class triple-barrier security and built around a strong, lightweight core with a sleek stealth black finish.
Comes fully-equipped with a powerful electric drivetrain and superb safety features to make every ride safe and exceptional.
The most striking bike ever built is also the most secure bike ever built! It’s virtually theft proof, featuring a one-touch fingerprint sensor, and integrated, automatic lock and GPS tracking.
Shred the streets in style that rides as good as it looks.
Heavy on features, high on value
Reevo’s slick looks and smart security features flip the script on what to expect from an e-bike.
This premium ride cuts a unique silhouette, night or day.
An ambient light sensor detects darkness and automatically turns on and off the ultra bright headlamps and tail light. So you can stay safe no matter when you ride.
Put those arms down! Reevo’s built-in turn signals prove that safety can be cool.
Reevo's hubless wheels are meticulously impact tested in our lab to be safe up to 265lbs. The wheels are triple-sealed from the elements for superb long term reliability.
One can never be too cautious! Reevo’s redundant fail-safe measures, like a removable main battery with internal security system backup battery keep your bike just that—yours.
...and that’s just in North America! Reevo is intelligently designed to withstand today’s most cunning thieves. It’s time to ride freely on the most high-tech, secure, bike ever conceived!
Accessories available for purchase upon checkout.
Reevo is now available in 3 new color options in addition to Stealth Black! Introducing Satin Blue, Saddle Brown, and Wine Red. Here's how to get yours:
Existing backers
You will be given the option to upgrade via a BackerKit survey (check your emails!). You can also enter in your shipping details and select your bike variant.
New backers
You can select the new colors as an add-on during the checkout process.
Beno is short for Be Innovative, which has been our compass since Beno was established in 2016. We are a team of engineers with a passion to build amazing things that contribute towards a smarter, more connected future. We focus on solving modern mobility challenges through technological advancement. Building wonderful things that make people happy makes us happy; and that is our goal – which we’ve summed up in The Beno Promise.
Our corporate offices and manufacturing hub are based in Malaysia, with Design, Research and Development based in the United States.
Reevo will turn heads, without turning your wallet inside-out.
The Wheel Bag has to be purchased as an Add-On at checkout.
We are able to ship worldwide. VAT and GST not included. Shipping charges may vary depending on the country it is shipped to. Covid-19 and ocean freight availability may affect shipping charges.
Bikes ordered now are expected to be shipped out in December 2021. We will keep you up to date on our progress and the expected delivery date of your order. *Actual ship dates may vary. We will keep you notified of your product ship date. Please confirm your shipping address on the order survey we send to you after the campaign ends.
By backing now, you’ll get to own one of the very first products off of the line, plus exclusive access to provide valuable feedback that will shape future generations of the product.
Like what you're seeing? Want to help? Just 30 seconds of your time could make the difference in growing the community. Hit one of the buttons below and tag a friend or coworker who needs this!
The more people who know about us, the larger our community will become! And the larger the community, the better we'll be able to make the product!
We can't do this without you.
Beware of illegitimate websites selling Reevo
It has recently come to our attention that there are a few parties running illegitimate ads using our brand assets and passing it off as their own. We've received multiple emails from people who have lost money. Rest assured that we will be taking the appropriate course of action against these websites. We also ask for your help to report the ads on Facebook or Google when they appear on your feed.
Reevo is only available for order exclusively here on Indiegogo. Our official websites are www.reevobikes.com and www.beno.io. All other websites featuring Reevo are not affiliated with us in any way.
Invest in Beno
We're pioneering the future of electric mobility. Interested to invest in Beno? Click on the banner below to check out our equity crowdfunding campaign on Wefunder.