Detroit Reforesters (DRF) is a non-profit, 501(c)3, organization which currently operates 100% on volunteer hours. DRF was founded by a collection of ecology graduate students and Detroit residents, working together to bring about positive change in Detroit – our goal is two-fold: 1. reduce the blight of abandoned lots through the reintroduction of native plant species and forest establishment and 2. bring back the wilderness to urban residents for education and enjoyment. For more information on our broader goals and the benefits associated with wild green space please visit our website at
Our goal for this campaign is to raise enough money to buy and develop a lot into a permanent home base. This is a crucial step for our organization. A permanent lot can serve as a place to establish a nursery for young trees, develop demonstration gardens, hold educational seminars, and store our ever expanding collection of tools. Currently, we keep tools in our basements, and our back yards are full of potted saplings. To accomplish our goals of planting healthy, native trees/shrubs/perennials throughout the city in a cost effective and sustainable way, it is clear that we need a permanent lot for DRF.
A brief breakdown of the funds
The purchase of the lot represents the lion’s share of the funds. We are required to put a $5000 deposit down in order to take part in the city land auction. The actual cost of the lot could be more or less than this. Based on past auctions we expect the lot we are interested in to go for about $7000.
Water access to the lot will need to be installed ($1000-$2500).
Clean-up and establishment of the lot will utilize any remaining funds. Examples of necessary costs are: materials for a shed, rental of a wood chipper, gas for lawnmowers, starter plants, and food for our volunteers!
This is our first indiegogo (or any crowdfunding) campaign. In the past we have raised all of our funds for planting through events such as Forestival where local bands volunteered performances at the Imagination Station and P.J.’s Lager House in Detroit, and the Loving Touch in Ferndale. We are reaching out to the indiegogo community now because as our group grows, so do our needs and this project in particular requires much more funding then our previous projects. Because we operate strictly on volunteers, 100% of all donations go directly towards our goal.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pass this campaign on! We believe many people around the city, nation, and world share our passion, but we need to reach them! If you can use your indiegogo share tools, tag us on facebook, send out an email, or talk to your friends about this cause. We thank you for your time and generosity!
- Detroit Reforesters