Short Summary
My name is Jason Venckus and I am the founder of Momentum Fitness and Health and Momentum Power Foods which produces Regain. Momentum Fitness and Health was created after my own health struggles and after becoming a personal trainer and health coach. In my late 20’s my own health was at risk. I drank, smoked and ate fast food almost daily. By 28 I was already taking 3 daily pills. I decided I was not going to go down that path. I started exercising and changing my nutrition. Processed foods and fast food were almost completely eliminated from my diet. I felt so good that I wanted to run 5k races and that blossomed into marathons and half-iron distance races. I eventually became a Personal Trainer, Health Coach and Fitness Nutrition Specialist.
I needed a natural recovery drink to compliment my new lifestyle. After reading up on coconut water and tart cherry juice I decided to mix the two together in my shaker cup for post race recovery. Someone said to me, “I would buy this!"
That was all I needed to hear, and I began to find the right recipe. I needed to make sure each ingredient was free of additives and contained a complete electrolyte profile. In our video, you will see testimonials from athletes of all ages. See below how we hope to have an impact on the environment as well. Momentum Fitness Companies looks to create a lasting legacy of health for people and the planet.
What We Need & What You Get
Simply put, we need about $15,000 for our first run. We have many people asking for this product and where they can get it. With 1/3-1/2 the sugar of major brands, no chemical preservatives, sweeteners or colors and no added sugar from cane sugar or concentrates many want this for themselves and especially for their kids. We already have $2500+ so we are asking for $12,500. This will help us to get a professional label designed, ingredients and packaging ordered and cover our insurance costs so that we can partner with a contract bottler. We will also need to be non-gmo and/or organic certified. We are already incorporated and trademarked.
Our product is geared mostly towards the athlete, though it does have benefits for the weekend warrior, concert goers, those suffering from hangover and those concerned about their general health. Our perks will reflect that. We want to give you functional things for your daily life, not clutter your home with more stuff you won't use. Of course we'll have stickers, shirts (nice shirts, not bulky cotton) and headbands but also bottle cozies (since we bottle in glass), custom coolers, drawstring bags and a party Ice Tub. There will be special perks for gym owners that will allow them to preorder sellable product at a 25% off discount.
We have already done so much leg work to build up clientele. We have been doing small scale production for our own studio and some other gyms. We have been in talks with semi-professional teams as well. So, if we do not meet our fundraising goal we will pay you your perks and scale up as much as we can and continue to build. This is not something we are giving up on! Read more about the impact we plan on having!
Our Mission To Be a Green Company
We also genuinely care about the environment and sustainability and this is evident in all phases of the production of our product. We plan to bottle in the most sustainable way. We will accomplish this by bottling in glass as it is infinitely recyclable and even easier to reuse. Studies show that only 28% of glass is recycled globally. The main reason is that glass is not put in the recycle bins properly in order to be recycled. We, as a company, will use social media to promote proper recycling procedures for our by-products. In addition we have instituted a bottle return policy. Those returning bottles will receive discounts on future purchases for each bottle returned.
We will source our coconuts from farms that support sustainable farming practices and initiatives. Currently 4.1 billion coconuts are harvested each year. Many of the husks end up in the ocean but there are companies finding many uses for them including: shipping pallets, cat litter, mulch, organic pest repellent (slugs), bedding/litter for reptiles, mushroom growth, mosquito repellent and FUEL! In time we hope to open solar/wind powered bottling plants and use fuel efficient/alternative fuel vehicles.
Regain is not just good for you, it is good for the planet. Our goal is to also create a charity that raises money for the planet, people and animals. 5% of Momentum Power Foods proceeds and 1% from Momentum Fitness and Health will go to this charity. Momentum Fitness Companies looks to create a lasting legacy of health for people and the planet.
Both businesses have green missions and look to use our status to improve the planet. Current successful campaigns include monthly plogging groups (picking up litter while jogging), Styrofoam collection for recycling and gardener's exchanges where local gardeners grow produce, swap with each other and donate 10-50% to local families in need. Because of these programs, the founder of Momentum Fitness Companies, will be given an award this year as a top 30 Entrepreneur Under 40 by the West Suburban Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Chicago).
How We Know We Will Be Successful
Getting seen is always the hardest part of any business. Many people fear getting rejected when they ask to show a new product. This has not been an issue for us. We ask to do tastings and if we get a yes, we do it! If not, we move on to the next opportunity. We have a fan base already and people looking to get involved from gyms themselves to athletes, doctors and nurses! We just need the means to get it in their hands. Our team is very motivated, willing to do the legwork and get out in the public! We sponsor youth athletic teams and events that allow us to be present with our product and gain new customers every week! We have sampled at gyms and semi-professional sports events and have been met with great success! You can find all the testimonials on our website:
Other Ways You Can Help
Though we tried to keep smaller levels of donations available, we understand that not everyone can help in that way. If we have inspired you in any way or if you feel the same way we do about standard sports drinks, the health of people and the planet, then please share our campaign. Indiegogo makes it really simple by providing one click tools.