Our Story
Today's young people are coming of age at one of the most critical moments in history, facing complex and interconnected challenges like no generation before. They also hold a profound opportunity to remake our world.
We are an inspired group of educators, social change leaders, entrepreneurs, designers, teachers, youth workers, techies, and everyday global citizens committed to transforming education, empowering students, and creating a world that works for all.
Education today is largely an outdated product of the past century. A fundamental paradigm shift is underway, and a central part of it is providing today's students with 21st century knowledge, skills, and capacities so they can thrive in their lives, careers, and as global citizens. We are creating an innovative curriculum for broad-based change: one that inspires teachers, ignites student leadership, and transforms schools and local communities.
We need your help to make it happen!!
Generation Waking Up (GenUp) is a nonprofit organization based in Oakland, California whose purpose is to ignite a generation of young people to bring forth a thriving, just, and sustainable world. Through our core programs - WakeUp, Thrive, and Synergize - we are helping the Millennial Generation realize its fullest potential and impact.
We awaken young people to a clear sense of who we are as a generation, an understanding of the global challenges and opportunities we face, and a calling to take action. We empower young people with the skills and tools they need to thrive as global citizens, leaders, and changemakers in the 21st century. We mobilize young people across lines of difference and connect them with a broad and diverse movement of social change.
Over the past four years, we have reached thousands of students with our transformational workshops across North America and around the world. We have trained hundreds of young leaders who have created local action projects on their campuses and in their communities. As our programs have spread, there has been a growing request from teachers to create a high school curriculum so that they can take the power of our work into classrooms themselves. We're ready to make this happen and to take our work to scale.
The Curriculum
The ReGeneration curriculum will provide high school students with a big picture understanding of today’s global challenges and opportunities. They will learn to see the interrelatedness of issues through a multidisciplinary framework that connects science, social studies, and humanities with taking action in the world. It will give students tools and resources to identify solutions and to find their role in transforming their schools, community, and our global society.
Learning Outcomes
Through participating in the curriculum, students will:
See the big picture of how the world works economically, politically, socially, culturally, and environmentally
Develop skills & capacities for the 21st century: critical thinking, creativity, innovation, systems awareness, communication, collaboration, entrepreneurship, and multicultural understanding
Strengthen their understanding of social justice, environmental sustainability, and human thriving
Explore their role as a global citizen and how to create positive change
- Implement projects at their schools and in their communities to learn by doing
Discover ways to better align their lifestyles with their values
Explore their purpose, vision, and create an action plan for taking next steps in their leadership
- Participate in and contribute to the community at a range of levels from local to global
Target Audience
This curriculum is being designed for public, charter, and independent high school students in the United States of America and for english-speaking schools around the world. Non-traditional students, schools, and youth programs will also find the curriculum a useful resource.
Content & Skills
Global Citizenship * Social Justice * Environmental Sustainability * Human Thriving * New Economy * Systems Thinking * Ecological Awareness * The Power of Story to Inspire Social Change * Healthy Living Practices * Emotional Intelligence * Communication * Community Building * Conflict Transformation * Collaboration & Shared Leadership * Theories of Change * Creative Problem-Solving * Goal-Setting and Project Implementation * Collective Impact * Social Innovation
Research and Design
We have surveyed over 50 curriculum projects to date and conducted interviews with teachers, administrators, and students from over 20 high schools. Going forward, we will continue to interview educators and students in the field. When a beta-version of the curriculum is ready, will will be piloting the curriculum in part and full.
The curriculum will be developed over the course 2015 through extensive research, focus conversations, piloting, and the support of an intergenerational advisory council of educators, teachers, and students. It will be composed of classroom modules and lesson plans, a teacher guide, a student workbook, and an online learning community. Its pedagogy will include a blend of participatory group process, personal inquiry, small group dialogue, interactive exercises, action learning, and multimedia elements.
As a multidisciplinary curriculum pulling from
many fields of learning, the ReGeneration curriculum will align with the Common Core, 21st Century Skills, and
Social Emotional Learning standards. Educators will be able to integrate lessons from the curriculum into a variety of classes - history, english, sociology, global studies, and science. It will also be available as a stand-alone course, or as an after-school study program for student leaders.
Phase One - Winter 2014 to Spring 2015
Our first phase will include a through process of research and design, interviews, focus groups, and our first wave of rapid-prototyping pilot lessons.
Phase Two - Summer 2015 to Fall 2015
Our second phase will include a completion of our design process, teacher workshops and training, and beginning to pilot the curriculum at select schools.
Phase Three - Winter 2015 to Spring 2016
Our third phase will include a broader roll-out of piloting the curriculum, evolving its content and design from feedback, and beginning to market the curriculum.
The funds raised by this crowdfunding campaign will allow our team to make this project a reality.
Research & Design - $20,000
Web & Online - $5,000
Graphic Design & Publication - $10,000
Piloting & Training - $15,000
TOTAL = $50,000
The Larger Vision
The initial funding we raise will support us in accomplishing the first phases of the project, but we are holding a much larger vision that we are planning on and seeking funding for.
Stretch Goal 1: $75,000
We'll be able to create a Student Action Guide and Online Action Portal that students can use to create local projects.
Stretch Goal 2: $100,000
We'll design and host a Teacher Summer Institute and a series of professional development workshops preparing teachers to facilitate the ReGeneration curriculum.
Stretch Goal 3: $150,000
We'll adapt our initial curriculum and design an eCourse for lifelong learners that can be accessed by anyone, anywhere, at anytime.
How You Can Help
Beyond making a generous contribution to our campaign, there are many ways you can help make this campaign a success:
- Share this campaign with your network by email, phone, and social media
- Like our page on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter
- Connect us with schools, teachers, and partners that you know by filling out this online interest form
- Join our Crowdfunding Champions team by emailing us directly
Contact Us
To support our work and explore further collaboration, contact us directly at team@generationwakingup.org.
Generation Waking Up
2323 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94612
Our Team
Joshua Gorman studied ‘Global Youth & Social Change’ at George Mason University and supports youth-led action around the world. He is the Founder and Coordinator of Generation Waking Up, and is a leading voice around the paradigm-shifting role of the Millennial generation. Joshua is a lifelong student of human development and transformational education with a focus on providing young people the experiences, knowledge, and skills they need to thrive in the twenty-first century. He is currently working on a book about Millennials entitled
Generation Waking Up: How A New Generation Is Remaking Our World.
Cherine Badawi received her Bachelor's degree in Cultural
Studies from UNC, Chapel Hill and her Master's degree in Peace and
Conflict Studies from ICU in Tokyo, Japan. She is the Curriculum & Training Coordinator for Generation Waking Up, and has served as a Senior
Leader for Challenge Day and as the Curriculum and Training Director of
The Mosaic Project. Cherine also works as an independent consultant
offering instructional design and facilitation to a broad client base
specializing in diversity and intercultural capacity building,
leadership development, team building, and facilitating transformational
experiences that bring diverse individuals and communities together in
authentic, purposeful exchange.
Emily Zionts earned a MA in Peace Education in 2009 at The United Nations University for Peace and spent the next four years teaching international social justice issues and activism to teens at the Woolman Semester School in northern California. Through her international travel, service work, and time spent as a teacher and student; Emily has found a calling in education at the intersection of ecology, economics, and social justice. Her current pursuit of a PhD in Sustainability Education from Prescott College will be immediately applicable in designing this curriculum.
Will Grant has
worked at the intersection of social change and education for 20 years, from
high school classrooms to government policy. As a high school classroom
teacher, Will taught students to collaborate on the creation of school wide
programs that combined environmental regeneration, multiculturalism, and
participatory democracy. For 10 years, he was the co-founder and Executive
Director of Voz, a multicultural, state-wide organization that developed
networks of student leaders from marginalized communities to democratize education
systems in New Mexico. Voz’s curriculum became a national model and Will became
the National Trainer for VALUE, training educators and community leaders how to
create their own student leadership systems in 10 states, including California,
Washington DC and Massachusetts. He currently works as an education system
designer, helping schools and education programs to integrate organizational
decision-making, transformative curriculum, and professional development.
Thank you for making the creation of this curriculum possible and helping to unleash a generation that is here to reboot, renew, and regenerate our world!
Generation Waking Up (GenUp) is igniting a generation of young people to bring forth a thriving, just, and sustainable world. We awaken young people to challenges and opportunities of our time; empower them will skills and tools to take action; and mobilize them to engage in movements of social change. Learn more about our work at www.generationwakingup.org.
(GenUp is a fiscally-sponsored project of the Earth Island Institute. All contributions are tax-deductible.)