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There Are Some Things The System Can't Fix

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There Are Some Things The System Can't Fix

There Are Some Things The System Can't Fix

There Are Some Things The System Can't Fix

There Are Some Things The System Can't Fix

Damele Collier
Damele Collier
Damele Collier
Damele Collier
2 Campaigns |
Brooklyn, United States
$260 USD 5 backers
5% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

We are at it again! Our last short film entitled Hidden has touched many young people’s lives and the journey isn’t over yet! We won second place in the KingdomWood Christian Film Festival and the film is still being shown in schools, churches and community centers. Now it is time to make another impact! Our current project is about a young man who is released from prison and who has to make the choice between going back to the streets or stepping up to his responsibilities and becoming the father he never had. We believe that this film will touch a lot of young people’s lives.

This is the first phase of our fundraising. We have unique goals this time. We are hoping to be able to film inside of a prison cell, or at the very least outside the gates of one. So any of you that have connections in that area, we need your help! We also want to be able to pay our actors something this time. Many times actors are not paid for Indie films, but we want to be a blessing to those that will work hard on this film. I will write and direct the film, and I am looking forward to making connections with some amazing people that want to make life changing film – they will fill the other roles. Please contact me if you would like to be a part of this film in any way at

As this will be my first feature film, we have an ultimate goal of $30,000.00 Our goal for this campaign will be $5,000.00. That will get us started with preproduction, and build a solid foundation for a phenomonal film!


In this film we address the issue of the growing epidemic of our young men of color being incarcerated.  The title of the film is a question: Rehabilitated? We have to ask ourselves: Does the incarceration system really seek to rehabilitate, or does it release our young men in the same condition or worse than when they went in, offering them no hope and no options? This film will be able to be used in schools, churches, community centers, during workshops and in many other venues to spark discussion and bring about positive change among young men and others.


Richie Sanchez is a young man on the edge. Recently released from prison, he is faced with the reality of a pregnant girlfriend, and a society that sees him as a criminal.  While his girlfriend, Sherry Taylor, wants him to prove his manhood by getting a job and preparing to be a father, his friend, David “Butter” Jones, has other plans for him.  Butter offers him a place by his side making quick money by selling drugs on the streets.  Richie has two choices: he can either step up and become the father he never had, or he can turn back to a life of crime and possibly his own destruction.


100% of funds raised are allocated to production, marketing, and promotions which is not limited to: casting talent, hiring crew, hair/make-up, wardrobe, lighting, camera, sound, transportation, set design/operations/dressing, props, FX (visual and optical), securing locations, media, editorial, music, insurance, etc.


1. Make a contribution: Go ahead and peruse the VIP PERKS in the green pane to your right, choose a contribution level, click FUND PROJECT to make your contribution, and receive great perks* in return!

2. Spread the word: Check out the SHARE WITH FRIENDS banner. By all means, copy this project link to share with your family and friends. You can also click an icon to post this project on your Facebook page, Tweet your Followers, add it to your IndieGoGo Favorites, send email invitations, leave a comment, help us get the word out there!


Genre: Drama
Duration: (Feature) Approx. 70 minutes
Location: New York


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$20 USD
For every donation of $20.00, you will receive a copy of our award winning film Hidden.
0 claimed

DVD's and Poster

$50 USD
For every donation of $50.00 or more, you will receive two copies of our award winning film Hidden and a poster of our upcoming film.
1 claimed

DVD's, Poster and "Thank You"

$100 USD
For every donation of $100.00, you will receive all of the above and your name mentioned in the "Thank You" portion of our film.
0 claimed

Associate Producer

$1,000 USD
For every donation of $1000.00, you will receive all of the above, be listed as an Assosiate Producer on the film and be invited to the actual filming of this project!
0 claimed
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