RemnantLink - Unstoppable Free Speech & Free Trade
A groundbreaking long-range communications device that pairs with smartphones, enabling the formation of an extensive self-assembled mesh network. RemnantLink also features a built-in crypto payments system, allowing for secure offline payments even if the entire grid and internet is down.
When a text message is sent in the Remnant-Link App, the RemnantLink device broadcasts the message, and any in-range devices receive the message, and rebroadcast it until it reaches the recipient.
Remnant-Link is a toolkit for building a community-wide self-assembling communications system that is easy to set up and manage. This video discusses the range of products and services available.
RemanatLink takes Bitcoin off-grid, buy and sell even in a grid-down scenario. Create a local community mesh hosted layer-3 sidechain that runs on your smartphones for unstoppable freedom.