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RepRap Graphic LCD Controller with Fan Output

Adds graphics LCD, SD-Card, Beeper and Hotend Fan Output to Sanguinololu, Melzi & RAMPS Electronics.

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RepRap Graphic LCD Controller with Fan Output

RepRap Graphic LCD Controller with Fan Output

RepRap Graphic LCD Controller with Fan Output

RepRap Graphic LCD Controller with Fan Output

RepRap Graphic LCD Controller with Fan Output

Adds graphics LCD, SD-Card, Beeper and Hotend Fan Output to Sanguinololu, Melzi & RAMPS Electronics.

Adds graphics LCD, SD-Card, Beeper and Hotend Fan Output to Sanguinololu, Melzi & RAMPS Electronics.

Adds graphics LCD, SD-Card, Beeper and Hotend Fan Output to Sanguinololu, Melzi & RAMPS Electronics.

Adds graphics LCD, SD-Card, Beeper and Hotend Fan Output to Sanguinololu, Melzi & RAMPS Electronics.

Dirk Eichel
Dirk Eichel
Dirk Eichel
Dirk Eichel
2 Campaigns |
Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany
$1,550 USD $1,550 USD 26 backers
142% of $1,091 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

RepRap Graphic LCD Controller with Fan Output

This is an easy to use expansion board for the popular Sanguinololu, Melzi & RAMPS electronics.

It adds the most of the available addons for the Sanguinololu in oner board.

The Controller features

  • Clickwheel for Menu control
  • Hotend fan control (importatant for PLA printing)
  • Stand alone printing from micro-SD card
  • 128x64 dots graphic LCD display
  • Beeper

Plug and Play installation

Simply plug the adapter to the Sanguinololu expansion connector and connect the controller board with the included ribbon cable.

 Available LCD Colors

Menu in different colors

Easy user interface

Menu main

Status screen with animated icons. These icons give a quick overview of the status of the printer. It shows an animated fan icon, when the hotend fan is operating. Heating of the hotends and the heatbed is indicated with small dots inside the icons. Printing progress and the actual extruder position on the bed is displayed via progress bar / coordinates. Communication with the user via a nice graphical user interface which allows to set most of the relevant parameters by turning and clicking the menu-wheel.

Impressions of the User Menu

Submenu 2Submenu 1

Submenu 3

Move menu







Required firmware

To make use of the graphics LCD, Erik Zalm's Marlin and 128k flash are recommendet. This means that the Sanguinololu/Melzi should be equipped with an ATmega1284P device. Marlin can be downloaded from GitHub (, all other functions are compatible with most of the other firmwares for the Sanguinololu/Melzi.

All pictures show the prototype design. The final design comes with a totally black PCB and micro SD-connector. With Melzi the onboard fan switch is disabled because Melzi has its own swich output for the fan.



 Q: What will i get in detail?

 A: All perks except the 1€ perk contain the LCD controller board, equipped with LCD display, fan output, click wheel encoder, beeper and µSD card connector, a ribbon cable with connectors and the adapter for the Sanguinololu expansion header. The perks differentiate by the LCD coulour and backlight.


Q: Is overseas shipping possible?

A: Yes, we ship worldwide. We ship with DHL (online package tracking). Shipping is included in your perk


Q: When will i get my RepRap Graphic LCD Controller?

A: As soon as the goal is reached, we'll start the production. This might happen earlier than the deadline. Lead time is approx. 3 weeks.

Q: What is the size of the board?

A: 100 x 65mm²


Q: Is the fan shown on the pictures incuded?

A: No.


Q: What is the reason for the different prices?

A: The LCD display itself cost for every colour the same, but the backlight prices differ with the colour.


Q: The board looks nice, but i have no Sanguinololu.

A: It might be worth looking at this campaign: RepRap easy electronics



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Currency Conversion $1 USD
€1 EUR
Help us to spread the word about the project. A big thank you from the designers. If we meet sometime in the future i'll pay the first beer ;-)
1 claimed

Graphic LCD Controller basic

Currency Conversion $53 USD
€49 EUR
RepRap Graphic LCD Controller, ribbon cable to connect it to the Sanguinololu board, adapter for Sanguinololu expansion header, reflective graphics LCD without backlight.
8 claimed

Graphic LCD Controller green

Currency Conversion $60 USD
€55 EUR
RepRap Graphic LCD Controller, ribbon cable to connect it to the Sanguinololu board, adapter for Sanguinololu expansion header, LCD with black text on green background.
0 claimed

Graphic LCD Controller amber

Currency Conversion $60 USD
€55 EUR
RepRap Graphic LCD Controller, ribbon cable to connect it to the Sanguinololu board, adapter for Sanguinololu expansion header, LCD with amber text on black background.
3 claimed

Graphic LCD Controller blue

Currency Conversion $64 USD
€59 EUR
RepRap Graphic LCD Controller, ribbon cable to connect it to the Sanguinololu board, adapter for Sanguinololu expansion header, LCD with white text on blue background.
8 claimed

Graphic LCD Controller b/w

Currency Conversion $71 USD
€65 EUR
RepRap Graphic LCD Controller, ribbon cable to connect it to the Sanguinololu board, adapter for Sanguinololu expansion header, LCD with black text on white background.
6 claimed

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