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Ricardo Guerreiro's Stolen Photo Equipment

Ricardo is a published natural history photographer who had all his gear stolen in the field. His friends put up this campaign to help him rebuild his kit.

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Ricardo Guerreiro's Stolen Photo Equipment

Ricardo Guerreiro's Stolen Photo Equipment

Ricardo Guerreiro's Stolen Photo Equipment

Ricardo Guerreiro's Stolen Photo Equipment

Ricardo Guerreiro's Stolen Photo Equipment

Ricardo is a published natural history photographer who had all his gear stolen in the field. His friends put up this campaign to help him rebuild his kit.

Ricardo is a published natural history photographer who had all his gear stolen in the field. His friends put up this campaign to help him rebuild his kit.

Ricardo is a published natural history photographer who had all his gear stolen in the field. His friends put up this campaign to help him rebuild his kit.

Ricardo is a published natural history photographer who had all his gear stolen in the field. His friends put up this campaign to help him rebuild his kit.

Ricardo Guerreiro
Ricardo Guerreiro
Ricardo Guerreiro
Ricardo Guerreiro
1 Campaign |
Almada, Portugal
$5,878 USD $5,878 USD 143 backers
71% of $8,209 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


Ricardo Guerreiro ama o mundo natural. Partilhá-lo através de histórias que acha não só interessantes como importantes dado o seu valor ecológico ou cultural, é uma paixão.

Tendo trabalhado na ornitologia e observação de cetáceos de 2002 a 2009, a fotografia era um hobby que o acompanhava na actividade profissional. Sentindo que queria chegar a mais pessoas com as histórias que ia retratando, decidiu dedicar-se profissionalmente à fotografia em 2010.

Desde então, realizou a sua primeira exposição a solo, publicou em livros e revistas, foi autor de um livro infantil e de um livro fotográfico. Foi ainda co-autor de um filme de história natural sobre a serra da Arrábida.

ACIMA: Algum do trabalho publicado pelo Ricardo

Por Que Precisamos de Si

Ricardo encontra-se a rodar o seu segundo filme de história natural e iniciou um projecto fotográfico sobre bovinos autóctones do Alentejo. Contudo, em Maio último, praticamente todo o seu equipamento fotográfico foi roubado durante trabalho de campo.

Ao contribuir para esta campanha, está a ajudar directamente o Ricardo a terminar o trabalho que tem pendente e a iniciar novos projectos naquilo que acreditamos ser uma bonita e relevante contribuição para que a população conheça o seu património natural e cultural através da fotografia.

O Que Precisamos de Si

A presente campanha é uma tentativa de angariar fundos para a substituição de tanto material roubado quanto possível e a sua contribuição irá directamente para as necessidades mais imediatas de trabalho do Ricardo:

- uma câmara SLR; uma lente grande-angular; uma câmara de vídeo profissional; cartões de memória; baterias extra; mochila para equipamento fotográfico; uma câmara GoPro; outros acessórios de uso diário

O valor total de equipamento roubado ao Ricardo é cerca de 7.500€ e esta campanha é de Valor Flexível pelo que todas as contribuições contam.

O Que Temos Para Si

Somos um grupo de 57 fotógrafos amadores e profissionais que doou várias imagens e tempo para realização de oficinas a favor desta campanha. O Ricardo tem também alguns dos seus trabalhos publicados, disponíveis para oferecer pela sua contribuição.

Deixamos o convite para ver os presentes que preparámos para si (coluna à direita) e escolher os que melhor se adaptam às suas possibilidades e interesses. (Veja também a secção Descrição de Alguns Presentes, mais a baixo).

Outras Formas de Ajudar

Se deseja ajudar o Ricardo mas não o pode fazer directamente pela contribuição monetária, há pelo menos mais uma forma: espalhe a palavra. Divulgue a campanha pelos seus contactos e partilhe a sua opinião sobre porque acha importante contribuir.

Não hesite em contactar-nos ( se tiver questões e/ou sugestões sobre outras formas de ajudar o Ricardo.


Descrição de Alguns Presentes

Livro Infantil Para Colorir - Numa página, uma fotografia de um dos projectos do Ricardo, sobre vida selvagem em meio urbano. Na página seguinte, um desenho da mesma imagem para os mais novos colorirem ao mesmo tempo que observam a fotografia. 24 págs; 9 fotografias/desenhos.


Almada Natureza Revelada (livro fotográfico) - capa dura 222 págs; bilingue (Português e Inglês). Autor: Ricardo Guerreiro


Impressões Fine Art - Temos um total de 120 fotografias de 57 fotógrafos amadores e profissionais. Por favor escolha do link em baixo e envie um e-mail com a sua escolha para


Master Class - sete horas de formação com cinco destacados fotógrafos de natureza/viagem portugueses. Auditório da Colorfoto, Lisboa, 28-Set-2013 (programa sujeito a ligeiras alterações).


Alexandre Vaz - Fotos Individuais versus Narrativas Visuais: quando o todo tem de ser mais que a soma das partes

Rúben Vicente - Em Viagem: preparar e tirar o melhor da expedição

Ricardo Lourenço - Sobre a Água: técnicas de construção e utilização do esconderijo flutuante

Miguel Claro - Entre Crepúsculos: capturando os sujeitos nocturnos

Luís Quinta - Composição de Imagem


In Short

Ricardo Guerreiro loves the natural world. Sharing it through stories he finds not only beautiful but ultimately important due to their ecological or cultural value is his passion.

Having worked in ornithology and whale-watching from 2002 to 2009, photography was a long time hobby. He made the leap to professional photography in 2010 feeling he had to reach more people with the stories he came across while at work.

Since then he had his first solo exhibition, published in magazines and books, a children's book and a coffee table photobook. He also co-authored a film about the Arrábida mountain range, a rich wildlife area south of Lisbon, Portugal.

ABOVE: Some of Ricardo's published work

Why We Need You

Ricardo was now working on his second film and on photographic project about native cattle from southern Portugal but had virtually all his equipment stolen while on field work.

By helping, you are ultimately helping Ricardo finish his work at hands and beginning his future projects on what we believe is a relevant and beautiful contribution for the people's knowledge of both their natural and cultural heritages through photography.

What We Need From You

We are trying to fund as much as possible of Ricardo's replacement equipment. Your contribution will go directly to Ricardo's most immediate needs of gear to work:

- one SLR camera; one wide angle lens; one professional video camera; memory cards; extra batteries; photo equipment backpack; one GoPro camera; other daily use accessories

The total amount of equipment stolen from Ricardo was around 7.500€ and this is a Flexible Value Campaign so every contribution counts.

What You Get

We also have something to offer in return of your contribution. We're a group of 57 professional and amateur photographers who donated many photos and time for workshops in favour of the campaign. Ricardo also has some published work that he wants to offer to those who contribute to the campaign.

We invite you to check the perks we have prepared and choose the ones that best fit your possibilities and interests. (See the Description of Some Perk Items section below).

Other Ways You Can Help

If you cannot help us directly, but still want to help Ricardo, there's at least a way: get the word around. Spread this campaign through your contacts and share your opinion of why you'd like to help.

Feel free to contact ( us with questions or suggestions on other possibilities to help Ricardo.


Description of Some Perk Items

Children's Book - One page has one of Ricardo's photographs from an urban wildlife project he did, the following page has the picture drawn so children can paint it while looking at the image. 24 pages; 9 pictures/drawings.


Almada Nature Uncovered photobook - hardcover 222 pages; billingual (Portuguese and English) by Ricardo Guerreiro


Fine Art prints - We have a total of 120 pictures from 57 amateur and professional photographers. Please choose from the link below and e-mail your choice to


Master Class - seven hours with five prominent Portuguese nature/travel photographers at Colorfoto, Lisbon, 28-Sep-2013. (Subject to minor changes in the program).

Speakers and themes:

Alexandre Vaz - Individual Images versus Visual Narratives: when the whole has to be greater than the sum of the parts

Rúben Vicente - Travelling: preparing and making the best of the expedition

Ricardo Lourenço - On the Water: building and usage techniques of hydrohides

Miguel Claro - From Dusk Till Dawn: capturing the night subjects

Luís Quinta - Notes on Image Composition


Campanha com o apoio de | This campaign has the support of:

Naturlink - a ligação à natureza (

Traduvárius (

Colorfoto (

9th Muse - Tailor-made Musical Solutions (

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Five Stars

Currency Conversion $5 USD
€5 EUR
Every contribution counts so you'll get a personalised thank you via email and facebook with a digital card of one of Ricardo's photographs.
21 claimed

Signed "postcard"

Currency Conversion $16 USD
€15 EUR
You'll get the above plus a signed 10x15cm print of one of Ricardo's photographs.
12 claimed

Chilldren's Book

Currency Conversion $27 USD
€25 EUR
You'll get all the above plus a signed children's book by Ricardo Guerreiro. (see a sample on the Description of Perk Items section)
18 claimed

Arrábida film DVD

Currency Conversion $44 USD
€40 EUR
You'll get all the above plus a signed DVD copy of the film "Arrábida - From the Mountain to the Sea" co-authored by Ricardo and friend/colleague photographer Luís Quinta. (watch teaser:
27 claimed

Almada Nature Uncovered - book

Currency Conversion $77 USD
€70 EUR
You'll get all the above plus a signed copy of Ricardo's photography book resulting from his project on urban wildlife. (see a sample on the Description of Perk Items section)
21 claimed

Fine Art 20x30cm

Currency Conversion $131 USD
€120 EUR
You'll get a 20x30cm fine art print from one of the 120 photographs donated by Ricardo's friends and colleagues. Choose by visiting the gallery (link on the Description of Perk Items section) and e-mail us your choice.
1 claimed

Fine Art 40x60

Currency Conversion $186 USD
€170 EUR
You'll get a 40x60cm fine art print from one of the 120 photographs donated by Ricardo's friends and colleagues. Choose by visiting the gallery (link on the Description of Perk Items section) and e-mail us your choice.
2 claimed

Master Class

Currency Conversion $274 USD
€250 EUR
You'll get the "Almada Nature Uncovered - book" perk plus a seven hour Master Class by five of the most prominent nature and travel photographers from Portugal. (see details on the Description of Perk Items section)
0 out of 20 of claimed

I Want It All

Currency Conversion $547 USD
€500 EUR
You'll get all the above.
2 out of 10 of claimed

I Want More

Currency Conversion $1,095 USD
€1,000 EUR
You'll get all the above plus two days of guided photo tour on one of Ricardo's ongoing projects. (contact for details:
0 out of 4 of claimed

Master Class Group

Currency Conversion $1,095 USD
€1,000 EUR
Gather with four friends (five people total) and attend the Master Class by the same value as four individual contributions for the Master Class Perk plus all the aditional presents (books, DVDs, etc)
0 out of 4 of claimed

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