Who We Are
(director/producer) is a musician and graphic designer living in
Jackson, MS. His songs have appeared on TV (Grey's
Anatomy, Suits, Revenge, Vampire Diaries) and film (Love And Honor, Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close). He has also
scored and contributed original music to several independent films. He is
co-creative director at Land Vs Ocean, a design firm located in Jackson, MS.
(director/producer) works as an adjunct professor of English in New York City. His play Last Call was
selected for publication in The Best
American Short Plays 2013-2014. He's been at work on the RICOCHET script for over a year.
The Film
After an unsettling phone
call from his childhood friend Travis, Wynn expects a bad situation—but not
this bad. Travis has kidnapped a girl and needs help getting out of trouble.
Wynn can’t risk exposure—not in election season—and he’ll do anything to bury
Travis’s mistake.
RICOCHET will be an intense, thrilling, and at times darkly comic story of desperation and the lengths two men will go to protect themselves.
Cast and Crew
We couldn't be more excited about our cast and crew so far!
ROBBY PIANTANIDA (Director of Photography)
Your Contribution
Making movies isn't cheap, but we're doing everything we can to keep costs low. That said, there are some basic categories we'll have to cover. All funds will go straight into the project itself-- flying in our actors, hiring sound and lighting personnel, feeding the crew, renting equipment, etc.
With $7,000, we'll be able to make a beautiful film with a production value that does this script and these actors justice. If we're able to raise more, we will continue to push it into the project in post-production (editing/sound mixing/ festival submission fees/etc.).
Our Goals
We aim to make an
engaging film that will entertain audiences while maintaining an artful and
compelling aesthetic. We hope to emulate filmmakers like Paul Thomas Anderson,
David Fincher, and Nicolas Winding Refn by creating a beautifully composed film that counterpoints the chaos and desperation of the characters’ situations.
Through regional and national festival submission we hope to gain the
attention of audiences and filmmakers alike, and we ultimately aspire to take this
momentum and work toward a feature film.